Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 262

"Forgive me, master. I know I'm wrong. I swear I won't dare to do it again."

Hearing this, Li Chen struggles to kneel down and kowtows to Ye Tian. At the same time, he raises his hand, bows left and right, and blows madly on his cheek.

Ye Tian looks at Li Chen's appearance, sneers repeatedly, turns to look at Jiang Ming, light way: "how do you plan to deal with him?"

Ye Tian has seen too many people like Li Chen. This kind of person, in order to cultivate himself and live by all means, seems to be repenting now, but in fact, it's just for survival.

Once today is over, he will continue to do harm to others as he should.

However, this matter, he is not the victim, so he is too lazy to pay attention to how to deal with Li Chen. Instead, he gives Jiang Ming the decision-making power.

"Brother Jiang, I just made that kind of mistake because I was blinded by lard. Please let me go! As long as you will spare me, I will be grateful to you for being a cow and a horse If I disobey these words, I'll have to die. "

Hearing this, Li Chen turns around in a hurry and looks at Jiang Ming. He kowtows, slaps himself in the face and swears.

"Li Chen, do you think I've been cheated by you once, and I can be cheated by you again?"

It's a pity that Jiang Ming doesn't believe Li Chen's lies now. After a sneer, he turns to look at Ye Tian, bows to the ground and says in a deep voice, "master, please abolish his cultivation."

On hearing this, Li Chen shuddered, grabbed a handful of dust on the ground with both hands, threw it to Ye Tian and Jiang Ming, and then turned around and ran to the side of the valley.

"Do you think you can escape in front of me?"

When ye Tian sees this, he smiles indifferently and shakes his feet slightly. Then he appears beside Li Chen. Then he takes a slap lightly and falls on Li Chen's elixir field, abandoning his cultivation.

"You have ruined my cultivation! Even if I were a ghost, I would not let you go! "

Li Chen feels that his whole body's cultivation is disappearing quickly like flowing water. He looks at Ye Tian with a ferocious expression and curses him.

"I'm sorry, I'm never afraid of ghosts, and I'm not afraid of a mid-term ghost at the prefecture level!"

With a faint smile, ye Tian changed what Li Chen had just said and gave it back to him.

"Li Chen, you always say that I'm suspicious, but now it seems that my suspicion is nothing compared with your viciousness!"

At the same time, Jiang Ming walked up to Li Chen, looked at him with a cold smile, and then said, "don't you want me to die in the mouth of Jin maoyao? Today, I'll give it back to you as it is! "



When the words fall, Jiang Ming coldly breaks Li Chen's hands and feet. Then he throws the goods, which are howling and screaming because of the pain, to the place where he has already struggled to stand up from the ground, but because he is afraid of Ye Tian's power, he only dares to hold his tail and hide in front of Jin maoyao in the distance.

"Jiang Ming, you have to die..."

Li Chen looked at Jin maoyao's golden eyes full of wild hope. His heart was cold and he cried out in horror.

"Woo Woof

But before he can say a word, Jin Maozhen looks at Ye Tian and sees that ye Tian doesn't seem to want to save this guy. He jumps out of his body and bites Li Chen's neck. Then he twists his head and tears his neck.

Ye Tian looked at the bloody scene, frowned slightly, turned and walked out of the valley.

Jiang Ming sees this and follows Ye Tian in a hurry.

"Thank you for saving my life. I'll never forget it!"

After walking out of the valley, Jiang Ming kneels down behind Ye Tian and kowtows a few times to him.

"It's just a little effort..." Ye Tian casually waved his hand, then looked at Jiang Ming, with some curiosity in his eyes, and said: "just on the way here, how did you find me? "

" it's just you! " Jiang Ming hears the news and looks at Ye Tian in amazement. After being stunned, he answers respectfully: "elder, you don't know something about it. My secret cultivation method is quite special. I'm involved in divinity, so my ability of induction is better than others."

So it is!

Ye Tian nodded slightly. As soon as he was on the road, he guessed that Jiang Ming should be involved in the divine thoughts. Otherwise, with his cultivation level, he could not detect his tracking.

"You have a good perception, but it's a pity that you are not good at meeting people. If you want to improve your cultivation and find some reliable partners, you can go home and explain to them. Then you can go to the Qin family in Jiangnan and find Li Dazhuang and Fang Zhong. It's Ye Tian who arranged you to help me protect a person with them. As long as you do well, I won't treat you badly..."

Ye Tian doesn't have the intention to explore Jiang Ming's secret method. After looking at him, he stretches out an olive branch.

Although the strength of Li Dazhuang and Fang Zhong is OK, their mind is too weak and their ability to detect danger is relatively weak.Jiang Ming can fill the gap between them.

In this way, with the protection of three people, even if he was not in Jiangnan, Qin Luoshen would not encounter any danger.

"The elder gave me my life, but I was sent by him!"

Jiang Ming smell speech, quickly toward Ye Tian respectfully kowtow a few ring head, and face is full of joy.

To be able to help a strong man who can fly with his sword is not an opportunity for all mountain people.

He believes that as long as ye Tianzhan shows his skill, there are some people on the mountain who are higher than his own cultivation.

"And this purple stone gall, I want to use. I can't give it to you. "

Ye Tian nodded at will, and then said to Jiang Ming faintly.

"You can use it. Don't worry about me..."

Jiang Ming quickly waved his hand and said respectfully.

Today, if there is no Ye Tian, he can't even survive. How can he use purple stone gall.

Ye Tian chuckled and shook the fist sized purple stone gall in his palm. Then he made a crack in the corner of it with five fingers.

In a flash, a purple liquid with strong medicine fragrance slowly trickled out.

This liquid, fragrant, fragrant, very attractive, let a person want to drink.

Jiang Ming can't help swallowing his saliva, but he doesn't dare to act rashly for fear that ye Tian mistakenly thinks that he still has a wrong idea about purple stone gall.

Ye Tian raises the purple stone gall, shakes it hard, and drops it on his eyes.

Soon, he felt that his eyes were cool, followed by a little tingling. Immediately, when he looked inside, he found that there were mysterious veins in the depths of his pupils, slowly emerging, such as some mysterious transformation of these eyes.

Without thinking, ye Tian sits on the ground with his knees crossed and begins to digest the strange effect of Shi Dan Ye.

More than ten minutes later, ye Tian suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, along his eyes, there seemed to be a flash of lightning, and a pair of pupils became very bright.

For a moment, ye Tian felt that the world in front of him seemed more vivid than before, and the whole world was much brighter and clearer.

That kind of feeling is like a person who has been short-sighted for a long time, but has not worn glasses, suddenly put on a pair of glasses that just fit with the degree.

In this world, every plant, every stone, every flower, every mountain and everything has become different, vivid and full of spirituality. It seems that we can even see the scene of spirituality wandering around them.

When he looked far away, he found that his eyesight was more than ten times as far away as before.

The eagle Falcon hovering in the far sky, and the snake, insect, mouse and ant scurrying in the grass, seem to move more slowly and have a clear track to catch.

This is the source of heaven's eye. After biochemistry, there are various miracles.

In this way, the speed of the movements of the creatures becomes slower, and the ability to capture the movement trajectory is equivalent to that you can predict the opponent's movements a few steps in advance, which can play an unimaginable huge role.

Of course, the most important change lies in the perception of mountains and rivers, terrain and aura fluctuations.

When the mana is infused into his eyes, ye Tian can see that along the surrounding mountains, there are light cyan lines formed by the circulation of aura, interwoven with each other, forming a huge and harmonious cycle , the fastest update of the webnovel!