Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 1718


The four celestial beings, including lingmingshi monkey, could smell the speech, and their thoughts covered the whole magic capital. They observed it carefully.

Ye Tian pointed to the magic capital in the distance and continued: "you see, the magic capital is square, short on all sides, but high in the middle. It is in a gradually rising shape, and the highest part in the middle is the palace of the black mountain demon emperor."

"Yes, the tall buildings in mordu City occupy a mysterious position. It seems that some smaller buildings just form runes." Liao Zhongkai began to ponder after observing.

"Brother, that\'s true! If the palace leader hadn\'t reminded me, who could have made such a big effort to arrange the whole magic capital into an altar in the world of evil? It seems that the plan is not small. Was it a conspiracy of the world of evil to kill countless monsters in the city of evil inflammation, sacrifice the blood of monsters and detonate the whole altar with magic light ? "at this time, Yan Yuniang suddenly said if she realized something.

Ye Tian nodded slightly: "I also have this guess, but whether it is or not still needs to be verified in the future. There is no smell of the devil emperor in this city, but there are many low-level demons. Let\'s go outside the city and attack remotely!"


They promised, and with Ye Tian flying towards the enchanted capital, they stopped ten miles away from the city.

"Let\'s start!" Ye Tian nodded slightly and said. Many half immortal soldiers\' flying swords flew out of him quickly, flew directly over countless buildings in the periphery of the city, and flew towards the palace in the center of the magic capital.




A deafening sound came out, and many sword lights shone and shone. They bombarded the huge palace, and buildings burst into pieces. The momentum was very terrible.

The others also started at this time.

When Lingming was the first to make a gesture, the divine stick in his hand turned into a shadow of a stick and directly hit a tall hall. With the terrorist power coerced by the divine stick, the hall collapsed, and many demons flew out and fled elsewhere.

But in the sky, sword lights flashed, and the escaped demon Xiu was cut in pieces by the terrible sword light before he went far.

However, with such a degree of attack, there are still countless Mingxiu flying from all over the city and running crazy.

If you deal with the general existence of the devil emperor with long-range attack, it is basically impossible to kill the other party, because the long-range attack power is much weaker than that at close range after all.

However, it is more than enough to deal with the demons below some demons.

In particular, the weakest of these Tiangong realm powers have entered the middle of Tiangong realm, which is not comparable to ordinary early monks in Tiangong realm.

Every attack has a terrible smell of destruction, and a small flying sword also erupts into a power that makes people tremble.

The buildings in the city collapsed in large areas, and the first to fall were the key buildings suspected of forming altars.

And the devil who tried to escape, under such a degree of attack, it is difficult to get a way to survive.

The destruction of the magic capital continued.

The killing of demon cultivation in the city is also going on.

A magnificent magic capital has become a ruin in less than half an hour.

Countless demons failed to escape from the city, so they were ruthlessly killed.

Until the end, ye Tian and others stopped and called their magic weapons back. They didn\'t see any demon emperor.

At this time, ye Tian could not feel the existence of a living demon cultivation in the magic capital city.


Ye Tian spoke again, said a few words, and disappeared from his place out of thin air.

The next moment, the party came to another big city.

This city is called magic gold city, which is also the location of the black mountain demon emperor\'s palace.

"Sure enough, the buildings here are the same as the magic city and the magic capital city, but there is no such layout without the magic city of the black mountain demon emperor\'s palace!" Yan Yuniang looked at it and said.

Ye Tian nodded slightly: "according to the situation observed now, the magic city where the black mountain magic emperor\'s palace is located should have such a layout. In other words, the black mountain magic emperor arranges the palace in the magic city with the whole city as the altar. According to my guess, the Black Mountain magic emperor\'s layout should be not only to prevent our human friars, but also to prevent the magic emperor in the demon world."

"Why do you say that? What can we guard against?" asked Lingming stone monkey.

"Hehe, it\'s very simple. The black mountain demon emperor is worried about being robbed of power. After all, there are not a few demons who have reached the level of the demon emperor in the demon world, and there are dozens of people. Moreover, the shadowless demon emperor and the purple dove demon emperor are Taoist couples, and there are many good friends. Both of these two demons have stealth powers. You can make the black mountain demon emperor have peace of mind and don\'t do some defense Are you ready? "Ye Tian said with an eyebrow.

"Sure enough, there are some reasons. The demon family is inhumane. It may be able to do anything for resources and rights. Especially those demon emperors, who pursue the improvement of their own realm and the immortal demon life, can drive countless demons to die, sit back and watch the local demons be killed, and don\'t want to take a risk. There will be many who can control the whole demon world Inexhaustible resources, this should be the position that every demon emperor duying should be willing to sit on! "Lingming stone monkey nodded and said.

Ye Tian continued to analyze: "Lingming is right. The devil cultivation has no human nature. Moreover, the devil cultivation may not know in advance that we will go to the devil inflammation City stealthily, and we arranged means as early as how many years ago. But we just entered the palace of the devil inflammation City, and we exposed our whereabouts. This is enough to show that the black mountain devil emperor has long made arrangements and precautions to prevent stealth from sneaking into the devil palace. There is great potential here It can be aimed at the shadowless devil emperor and the purple dove devil emperor. "

Yan Yuniang said thoughtfully, "but by searching the souls of the shadowless devil emperor and the purple dove devil emperor, they have no bad intention of the black mountain devil emperor?"

Ye Tian touched his chin and said: "This situation is caused by the temperament of the black mountain demon emperor. It can be seen from the fact that he has arranged so many palaces and his whereabouts are always kept secret. He is always cautious, suspicious and ruthless. It is impossible to lead him out by killing demons. Moreover, those demons at the demon emperor level should cultivate hidden gods Tong, it will take a lot of trouble to find them by virtue of God. "

"Whether it\'s easy or not, you can find it sooner or later in the demon world. Master, destroy the magic golden city first!" said the lingmingshi monkey with a sneer.

"Of course, if you come, do it. Otherwise, keep the wine?"

As he spoke, ye Tian had driven dozens of flying swords, and the cold light flashed into the city.

The holy stick of lingmingshi monkey followed the sword and crashed into the city.

The rest of them were unwilling to fall behind. Like a replica of the magic capital, they launched the destruction of the magic golden city with a strong and terrible momentum.

The demons in the city are naturally willing to be destroyed and still try their best to escape.

However, how can these demons escape the joint encirclement and killing of many powerful people in the heavenly palace? The roar is heard all the time, and a large number of demons\' bodies in the sky fall into the city.

In less than an hour, the magic gold city, which was good before, became a ruin again.

Next, ye Tian and his party rushed to different cities one after another. Naturally, he chose the magic cities with palaces built by the black mountain demon emperor, and destroyed them one by one.

Wantonly killing the demons in the city.

However, he regretted that there was still no magic emperor in these cities, and no magic emperor was found along the way, even after careful exploration.

Including Hua Xu and Yu Yan, there was no trace.

At this time, the magic earth city in front of Ye Tian and others has completely turned into ruins.

"Grandmaster, go to the next city?" Lingming stone monkey motioned and called back his magic stick.

"It doesn\'t make much sense to continue to destroy the magic city. The most important thing is to find the whereabouts of Hua Xu and Yu Yan. I have a hunch that they may be trapped in a dreamland, just like the dreamland we were trapped in before." Ye Tian said thoughtfully.

"But how can we find it? We were looking all the way before, but there was no trace." Lingming stone monkey scratched his ear and asked helplessly.

"I think of a way to have a try," Ye Tian said immediately., the fastest update of the webnovel!