Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 155

"Students, I'd like to introduce Mr. Leng, the manager of Nanhai hotel!"

When Li Feiyang reached out his hand, he was even more proud of his classmates. Then he nodded to Leng Ruyu and said with a smile, "Mr. Leng, I'm so lucky to see you again."

The appearance of Leng Ruyu really surprised Li Feiyang.

However, what he can't understand is that Leng Ruyu's character is famous for her coolness. Even if her land is sold to her to open a branch, it seems that she can't come to see her in person?

But although Li Feiyang doesn't understand why Leng Ruyu appears, he can be sure that Leng Ruyu's appearance must have something to do with him. Besides him, which of these students in the box can be related to Leng Ruyu.

"Have we met before?"

Leng Ruyu looks at Li Feiyang, frowns at him and says coldly.

"Mr. Leng, it's like this. Before, our family..."

Hearing this, Li Feiyang's bright smile froze immediately. After he was stunned, he wanted to explain in a hurry.

However, what puzzled him was that ting Leng Ruyu didn't seem to know him.

But if it's not for him, what's Leng Ruyu doing here?

It can't be said that she's coming for other people, right?!

"Forget it. I'm not interested."

But before Li Feiyang finished, Leng Ruyu suddenly raised her hand and interrupted him. Then she went to Ye Tian and bowed to him. She said respectfully, "Mr. Ye, I just saw you enter the box outside. I didn't dare to recognize you, so I called to confirm. Last time you left in a hurry, today I'd like to propose a toast to you. "


Leng Ruyu's voice fell, and the box immediately became boiling. Almost all the students looked unbelievable.

Who can imagine that Leng Ruyu is coming to Ye Tian.

What's more, she was so low in front of Ye Tian.

At this time, Leng Ruyu turns back and takes up a glass of wine, holding it in two hands and carefully passing it to Ye Tian.

"Miss Leng, you're welcome. Our classmates are gathering. I didn't expect that this is your industry. Is Yueyue much better recently? "

Ye Tian chuckled, took the wine, looked up and drank it, politely.

"Thank you, Mr. Toye. Yueyue is in good condition now. She has never been ill again."

Leng Ruyu's face was full of gratitude and said sincerely.

She has a cool personality. She treats people and things lightly and coldly. The reason why she chose to come here in person to offer Ye Tian wine today is that, as she said, since Ye Tian's last diagnosis and treatment, Yueyue's condition has been getting better and better day by day. Recently, she has been able to jump and talk and laugh with other children.

All this made her sincerely appreciate Ye Tian. When she saw Ye Tian in her hotel today, she naturally came to offer a toast to Ye Tian to express her gratitude and apologize for the unfriendly attitude when she first met him.

This scene, see those students in the private room one by one with a look of consternation.

This kind of picture was completely unexpected to them before.

Leng Ruyu came for ye Tianlai!

Moreover, she came to propose a toast to Ye Tian and thank him!

Li Feiyang looked at the picture in front of him, almost unable to believe his eyes.

Although Ye Tian has opened Land Rover, he thinks that it is just the only tool Ye Tian has left to decorate his appearance.

But he didn't expect that ye Tian had an intersection with such a big man as Leng Ruyu.

Not only that, Leng Ruyu's attitude towards Ye Tian is still so respectful and grateful.

And that expression is not disguised.

"Since you are all Mr. Ye's classmates, I'll take care of all the consumption today." At this time, Leng Ruyu looked into the box, looked at the waiter outside, and said, "let the kitchen add some dishes here, and then take some bottles of the best red wine from the bar. All accounts, all go to me personally. "

"Yes, Mr. Leng."

When the waiter heard this, he nodded in a hurry and ran to inform the kitchen and the bar.

When the students heard this, they looked at Ye Tian with more blazing eyes, and their hearts were full of curiosity.

They want to know how ye Tian got Leng Ruyu's respect with his own ability after his parents died and his family company went bankrupt.

Although they do not know the answer, but only from Leng Ruyu's attitude, they can still see that now in their class, the best person is still not others, or Ye Tian!

As for Li Feiyang, he is nothing in front of Ye Tian.

"Mr. Leng, did you recognize the wrong person?"

Li Feiyang looked at the look of the students, a panic in the heart, forced out a smile, cold as jade road."The wrong person?" Leng Ruyu hears the sound, glances at Li Feiyang and says, "who are you?"

"Mr. Leng, you are too expensive to forget. Maybe you don't remember. Last year, our family sold a piece of land in the newly planned business district to you to open a branch. When you went to sign the contract, I saw you from a distance..."

Li Feiyang now where still dare to trust big, accompany careful, compliment way.

"Oh, I don't remember. "

cold as jade.

A language falls, Li Feiyang a face immediately bulges red, wish can't find a ground crack to drill in.

However, he also knew that when he was standing eight Zhang away from the rostrum, how could Leng Ruyu remember him.

"I don't have a good memory, so I don't care about trivial matters. But if it's an important thing, then I won't remember or admit it."

At this time, Leng Ruyu calmly added a sentence.

This sentence made Li Feiyang feel as if he had been slapped in the face by someone's pocket. His cheeks were red and hot.

Although Leng Ruyu didn't say it clearly, it's not difficult to figure out the meaning of Leng Ruyu by combining the words before and after. Leng Ruyu means that the land sale of Li Feiyang's family is an unimportant matter. It's an unimportant person, so you can forget it at will.

As for ye Tian, she is a very important person to her, so I will never forget it wrong!

"Mr. Ye, since this is a party for you and your classmates, I won't disturb you. If there's anything that's not well received, just ask the waiter I have guests over there, so I won't accompany you. Let's go first. "

Leng Ruyu ignores Li Feiyang's gaffe and smiles at Ye Tian genially.

Ye Tian nodded at will, indicating that she was as cold as jade.

"Ye Tian, what's going on? How does this cold always look like it respects you? "

"How do you always know this Leng? Listen to her, you seem to have helped her? "

"Ye Tian is Ye Tian. I know that you can't solve any problem. You will make a comeback. It's not surprising that you are still the best one among our classmates!"

As soon as Leng Ruyu leaves, the students immediately stare at Ye Tian. They are curious about it, but there are also many people who compliment Ye Tian.

In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere inside the box suddenly changed. Ye Tian, who was originally sitting in the guest seat, suddenly sat in the master seat.

As for Li Feiyang, who is really sitting on the throne, no one cares now.

"Damn it! damn! This guy, why are you shaking again? "

Li Feiyang looked at the crowd, like all the stars arched the moon, and arched Ye Tian in the middle. You said a word, I said a word, and his face was full of smiles and compliments. His face was livid, and his five fingers were holding the wine cup tightly. He just felt that his chest was stabbed like a knife.

He was supposed to be the protagonist, but now he has become a supporting actor!

In other words, become a foil to the main character of the clown!

This kind of gap, let holding a proud attitude from him, it is unbearable!

"Li Feiyang, ye Tian has such a good relationship with Mr. Leng just now. If I want to say it, I don't know why Mr. Leng bought your land because ye Tian said good things for you in front of Mr. Leng. Why don't you give Mr. Leng a few glasses of wine and thank him for taking care of you now? "

when Li Feiyang is angry, Zhao Quan, who is sitting beside him, looks at Ye Tian and Li Feiyang and grits his teeth. If he makes any decision, he looks at Li Feiyang and says in a loud voice.

Zhao Quan, the grandson, even rebelled!

Hearing this, Li Feiyang looks at Zhao Quan, who has just been helping him.

At this moment, he finally understood that Fengshui really took turns. However, he turned it first and then back. Once it came back, it was equal to never moving! , the fastest update of the webnovel!