Ah Chun: Ascending The Heavens

42 Mystic Realm Part One

Night past and morning came and Ah Chun stopped her cultivation when she heard Mei Liling say it was time to meet for the second round of the admissions test. All the recruits in each courtyard were lead by an outer sect disciple to the meeting point, which was a large teleportation array. This array was laid out on top of a large stone platform near the middle of the Destiny Peak. There was a set of wide stairs that lead to the top of the platform. The array could only transport fifty recruits at a time including the outer sect disciple who was leading them. With over one thousand new recruits passing the first test this whole process took afew hours.

By the time Ah Chun passed through the array, she was met with a bunch of stalls selling things from weapons to talismans and other cultivation resources. It seemed that the second round of the admissions test was a good place for sect disciples to sell their goods in order to earn some spirit stones. But for Ah Chun, these things meant nothing to her. So she just walked past all the stalls without even looking at them. She walked down to a large open area with a massive space distortion in the middle of it. In front of this space distortion was astage made out of wood with a bunch of elders sitting in chairs.

Since Ah Chun's group was the last to make it through the transportation array. She did not have to wait long before the elder that was sitting in the middle to get up. This elder had long grey hair that reached to his waist. His face was covered in a thick grey bread that extended down to his chest. The black robes he wore seemed to have been inlaid with golden thread. Despite the fact that he looked well over a thousand years old he still stood stock straight like bamboo and gave off a very imposing aura. This man was Shi Quan the Sect Master of The Heavenly Sword Sect.

"Good morning everyone. First, let me start by saying congratulations on passing the first round of my Heavenly Sword Sect's admission test. You might have guessed it but i am the Sect Master here at the Heavenly Sword Sect. Our first test tested recruits aptitude. Whether it is your spiritual root, spirit power, or your strength we here at the Heavenly Sword Sect look for the best recruits out there. How far any of you can reach depends on your dedication to your cultivation. Remember luck is also part of one's strength. Whether or not you are able to overcome all obstacles in your way is up to your determination and willingness to always advance and never retreat!

As of now all of you who are here have been determined to be above the rest and are now allowed to participate in taking the second admissions test. The test for the second round of the admissions test for the Heavenly Sword Sect is to be taken within a small mystic realm. In this place, you will be tested on how you will handle situations that deal with life and death. That's right, your life will be on the line in this test. You will have ten days in our sects Mystic Realm. You will need to collect an insignia that looks like this. " Shi Quan the Sect Master raised his hand which held amedallion that had a faint glow to it. There was a sword with a dragon wrapped around it etched into the medallion.

"The first one hundred recruits that have the most medallions will be allowed to move to the third round of testing. The rest will be accepted as outer sect disciples. You may be confused about why we do things in such a way, so I will explain. First and foremost all recruits who passed the first test are considered outer sect disciples. The last two tests are to weed out the best of the group and give them a chance to become an inner sect disciple. The top one hundred people who pass the second round will then compete in one on one battles. Where the winner of the competition will be made an inner sect disciple."Shi Quan the sect master paused his speech and scanned the recruits in front of him. His sight paused on a small figure who was standing at the back of the crowd.

'So that's Elder Mei's new disciple or should I say, daughter. So young yet so talented.' Shi Quan thought to himself. He then remembered what Mei Liling said to him. "If you mistreat my daughter in any which way. I willlevel this whole Heavenly Sword Sect!" He couldn't help but shiver. He knew that Mei Liling would really do it! But just as Shi Quan was about to open his mouth and give Ah Chun a grand welcome he felt a murderous gaze on him. He peeked to the back of him and sure enough, Mei Liling was giving him a death glare that said: "If you say anything I will kill you." At this moment and time, Shi Quan was very glad he did not say anything.

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"With all that being said we will now proceed with opening the mystic realm. You each will be given a recovery crystal. Just break it when your life is in danger and it will teleport you back to the entrance where an elder will come and get you. Remember you only have ten days. The Heavenly Sword Sect's mystic realm is about the size of a small continent. So make good use of your time. When the ten days are up, the crystal you are carrying will automatically break sending you to the entrance. One last thing to remember this is a competition so anything goes. Your life is on the line so each and every one of you are now enemies. I do not want to see any of you die. So if your opponent is too strong and you have no way of winning then break your crystals right away. The elders and myself will be watching by sight stones." After finishing what he wanted to say Shi Quan motioned the elders to open the mystic realm.