Ah Chun

Chapter 31 - Six Months And Return Part Three

"Ah you see… Oooo... my, my back hasn't been feeling all that well the past few days. Ahhh… Last week I had landed wrong when I was flying up to one of the mountain peaks and slipped on a rock and twisted my back. Ouch… So my back has been out of shape since then. Oooo... " The Cloud Lion fake m.o.a.ned and groaned as it patted its back with one of its paws.

"Who cares! Fight me!" Ah Chun turned her stubborn mode on as her face became redder as her anger started to rise. Ah Chun's only thought at this time was she had to fight this damn demonic beast! He ran last time she would not let him run away again.

On the side, Yu Yan who had been watching this show was holding in her laughter for so long her insides were about to explode. The scene of a huge rank nine demonic beast making up excuses not to fight a small little girl was just too funny and with Ah Chun's stubborn display that made her look her age made it even funnier. She could not help but praise this little sister of hers. She was just too cute!

"Wait! Little human girl. Let's not do this, you see, I'm not very good at fighting… It would not be very fun for you. " Seeing that Ah Chun was about to attack the Cloud Lion panicked and started to try to reason with Ah Chun.

"Hmm…. Then give me something good otherwise fight me!" Ah Chun had thought for a second and reached her hand out with her palm facing up doing a give me motion.

The Cloud Lion was ecstatic when he heard that she would leave him alone if he gave her something. The cloud lion thought for a moment taking in the fact that the little devil in front of him was of high cultivation. The only thing that he could think of to give the little devil was its precious treasure that he had kept hidden to help him breakthrough to become a saint beast. The Cloud Lion shook its head and sighed. This was to get rid of this little devil otherwise he might not even be alive to use it.

As the Cloud Lion was lost in thought a certain little devil seemed to be getting impatient. "Hey, hey! You going to give me something or are you going to fight me? I don't got all day, I need to go collect more cores for mother. I don't mind collecting your core right now if you don't got anything to give me!" Hearing Ah Chun's words the Cloud Lion snapped back to its senses.

"I have an item you will like it's just its not here it's over at the mountain t..." Before it could even finish its words Ah Chun had already jumped on its back.

"Big Sister Yan hurry up and get up here!" Ah Chun waved at Yu Yan excitedly. Before turning her head to the Cloud Lion and with a stern face she said. "If you hurt my big sister I will cut you open and take your core." While poking the Cloud Lion on the back of the head with the hilt of her sword.

"Perish the thought! Perish the thought! Miss, please climb aboard I will take you to the mountaintop." The Cloud Lion almost wet himself when the little devil started poking it with the sword.

After the two girls were securely on its back the Cloud Lion slowly flapped its wings and lifted off the ground. They rose into the sky and headed toward the mountain peak nearby. There was a large cave on an overhang that had a sheer drop off the mountain peak side. The Cloud Lion slowly lowered into the cave it was being as careful as possible since it had a little devil on its back that might kill it out of rage at any time. Upon entering the cave the two girls jumped off the Cloud Lion's back and followed it into its depths. The cave was actually not that big it only went in about one hundred meters or so. But at the end was a big nest where the Cloud Lion stayed. In the nest was a huge rock.

When Ah Chun saw the rock her excitement dwindled. She stared at the rock then looked at the Cloud Lion with an expression that said 'you brought me here to look at a rock?'. The Cloud Lion seeing the displeasure on Ah Chun's face, he started to sweat and quickly started to explain.

"This is no ordinary rock it's a spirit stone. It has absorbed the Spiritual Qi in the air for thousands of years. A spirit stone this size should help your cultivation progress extremely quickly." Just thinking about how it was going to give away its precious treasure to this little demon made the Cloud Lion want to cry.

"Little Chun this is really good stuff even at the sect we only get fist-sized spirit stones for cultivation and as an outer sect disciple, I only get one a month. With something this big it would last a year or more!" Yu Yan eyes almost fell out of her head when she saw the spirit stone. She had never seen one this size before.

"Hmmmm..." Ah Chun walked up to the rock that was taller than her and started to inspect it.