After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 27: The nun from the chapel of light

Robb said: "Ah, hello! It\'s an honor to see you."

Robb is polite when others are polite.

Baron Parses said seriously: "We received a letter from you, saying that there is a necromancer stealing bones here, trying to form an army of the undead, and doing some frenzied conspiracy. The Grand Duke attaches great importance to..."

When he said this, Robb felt embarrassed. A few days ago, he dumped a pot for laziness and deliberately portrayed the matter very seriously, so that the mayor should not come to see him. He didn’t expect the trouble to be so big that it would shock the empire. Duke of, is this a bit too much trouble?

In case it was really just a thief mage who stole a few skeletons and made some sly things, the Grand Duke would surely cry out in grievance after he mobilized the public to find out.

I won\'t use candy to coax you when you cry.

He was thinking of this when he saw Baron Parses solemnly bowed a big gift with one hand on his chest, bowed his upper body forward and bent 90 degrees, because he was wearing heavy armor. Easy, the armor on his body rubbed, making a rattling sound.

Just listen to him earnestly: "Thank you for providing such important information. After receiving your report, the Grand Duke sent a scout to investigate in several nearby villages and was surprised to find that the town is close to the Black Pine Mountains. Most of the bones were stolen. In some towns, only a few bones were stolen, while others were as many as hundreds. In all towns without priests, the theft was very serious. Counting all the stolen bones, more than Seven hundred."

Having said that, he paused, let Robb digest what he had just heard, and then continued: "Before you reported this matter, no one paid attention to it. The mayors of several towns even thought It was the beast who turned the bones out, and didn\'t even think about it, so it didn\'t report it at all. It was your report that made the Grand Duke send someone to detect it, which finally made the matter clear."

When Robb heard this, he couldn\'t help but hesitated slightly, thinking: What a fuck, is there really the rhythm of a big conspiracy? Isn\'t this my mouth opener? Sure enough, flagging indiscriminately is undesirable.

Baron Parses said with a heavy face: "Obviously, your worry is correct. There is an extremely evil Necromancer who is forming a Legion of the Dead. I am afraid that the size of this Legion is already quite terrifying. If you leave it alone, God knows what it will be like. This year happens to be the year of the black dragon dancing. All the main forces of the Royal Knights are guarding the capital of the saints. I am worried that the black dragon will not know when it will come. I dare not relax for a moment. The main force of the White Lion Knights is also guarding the road to light. If the black dragon appears, it will fight it to the death. Now the main force is afraid to run around. It just gives the Xiao Xiaoxiao a chance to move. The Necromancer must be sure to spot it. With this in mind, take the opportunity to assemble the Legion of the Dead and start a big conspiracy."

Robb cursed inwardly: Wipe! I smelled troublesome.

The baron said: "The main army can\'t move aimlessly now. The Grand Duke said that he must find the exact lair of the necromancer and determine his movement before dispatching the White Lion Knights and defeating him with lightning speed. The army of the dead, and then quickly withdrew to the Path of Light, continuing to guard the city to prevent the black dragon from coming. So... I can only lead a small team to investigate, and try to find the clues of the necromancer first, and decide on the attack of the main army. Good direction."

Robb said: "Oh, that\'s it, that\'s really hard work."

He wanted to change the subject quickly, otherwise, the baron invited himself to join the team to help track down the whereabouts of the necromancer. Isn\'t that annoying?

Although I can refuse, and even kick all these people away when I am unhappy, doing so is undoubtedly an act of sabotaging my lazy life.

Refusing the order of the Holy See or kicking the group of people in front of him, his identity as a fake priest will definitely be exposed.

The armies of the Gran Kingdom and the Holy See of Light will come in wave after wave like a tide, and I will beat them back wave after wave. Isn\'t this what he\'s doing is a tower defense mission?

Tower defense has long been tired of playing!

If you don’t want to make trouble for yourself, try not to look for it, and quickly change the subject...

Robb turned to the nun who was standing next to him. Now he was standing closer, and he could see more clearly. The nun was tall, with the front convex and backward, and the nun skirt on her body could not hide her graceful figure, plus the height. Leng Fan\'er\'s facial features and expressions are really pleasing to the eye. He said, "What is this nun?"

The baron was successfully distracted, and quickly came to introduce the characters: "This is the nun of the Holy Light Chapel on the Bright Road, Ish Carmel! Because this incident involves tracking a necromancer, and the sacred magic is Necromancer’s nemesis, so the Grand Duke asked the Holy See of Light for assistance, and the Holy See sent this nun to assist us in our investigation."

Wow! Robb is overjoyed, it turns out that you already have a nun to help you, so you won\'t be able to add me to the team, safe, safe, haha, this wave is safe.

However, new questions followed. Since this nun came from the Holy See of Light, would she be able to see that she was a fake priest at a glance? Give it a try first.

Robb smiled at Ish Carmel: "It\'s nice to meet you, buy Sester."

There was no expression on Ishgamel\'s face, Gao Bing on his face, and no emotion in his voice, he replied stiffly: "Hello, buy Farren."

Robb secretly rejoiced in his heart: Very good, it made me feel good. It seems that she didn\'t know that I was a fake pastor.

Think about it, this is normal. In this Middle Ages, information and communication are extremely underdeveloped. The Holy Light Chapel where this nun is located is only a small branch of the Holy See of Guangming. How can she figure out the whole continent? Are the priests in all the churches real or fake?

Not to mention her, even if the pope comes, you don’t necessarily know whether you’re true or false, unless the pope reads the "list of pastors" in all churches across the continent before coming here, from mary To sunny and ivory, but there is still no my name...

Ishgamel said in a cold voice: "Faren, we came here to find the necromancer as soon as possible. Please take us to see the curtain garden, there may still be left by the necromancer. clue."

"Oh! Well, come with me."

Robb thought to himself: As long as you don\'t ask me to help, you can toss and play as you like.

He led the way to the church in front, followed by the baron and nun, and then a large group of soldiers, the mayor and the wealthy families of the town were driven away, and they were not allowed to follow.

Lilian had already cleaned up the church at this time, and even the ground in the yard was cleaned. Seeing so many people and the army, she was a little scared, hiding behind a tree, only showing Half of his face was lost.

Rob was worried that the "noble lord" around him would be violent to her, and he would inevitably cause some trouble to protect her from the "noble", so he waved at her, Lilian understood. He returned to the servant\'s room, and couldn\'t come out anymore.