After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 6: take care of toffee

When Lin Ruoyun woke up, she found herself lying on a hospital bed with an IV drip on the back of her hand.

She slowly opened her eyes, her vision changed from blurry to clear, and Guan Yinghan\'s pure and harmless face was reflected in her pupils.

Isn\'t this the Alpha who hid in the corridor of her house two days ago?

Didn\'t she go to the Alpha shelter, why is she here?

Alpha stared at the infusion bottle motionlessly like a statue, for fear that the needle would not be pulled out in time after the medicine was dripped, and the blood would flow back.

Lin Ruoyun blinked in confusion: "Why am I here?"

Before leaving the laboratory, Dean He injected Lin Ruoyun with medicine while ensuring her safety.

Therefore, Lin Ruoyun will not remember what happened tonight.

"Sister..." Guan Yinghan\'s slack eyes narrowed slightly, and then changed into silly and innocent eyes in an instant: " sleep in the grass, your body is so hot...I\'ll call...fat grandma to come here..."

Fat Granny?

From her confused description, Lin Ruoyun understood the general idea.

She had a fever and passed out on the grass. It should be the fat aunt who was called by the Alpha in front of her to clean the property, and she was sent to the hospital.

Lin Ruoyun reached out to rub Alpha\'s hair: "Thank you for taking care of me."

Guan Yinghan was startled, and raised her eyes joyfully, a faint crimson spread across her cheeks.

Ten minutes later, after Lin Ruoyun finished her drip, the nurse came over to remove her needle.

She paid all the fees and was about to leave the hospital, but within a few steps she found Alpha closely following her.

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help turning her head, Alpha stopped immediately, and looked at her in fear from a distance of ten feet.

Lin Ruoyun was disturbed by her pitiful eyes like an abandoned dog, so she simply turned around and said, "Stay here and don\'t leave, I\'ll contact the rescue station for you."

Moisture quickly gathered in Guan Yinghan\'s pupils, and his eyelashes drooped gray: "Sister... I don\'t want to go to the aid station."

After finishing speaking, she spread out her curled palms, and put the red palms in front of Lin Ruoyun\'s eyes.

Lin Ruoyun took a look at her hand, and anger secretly surged up: "Someone beat you at the rescue station? Tell my sister, who bullied you? I\'m going to tell the station master."

"I don\'t remember." Guan Yinghan slowly lowered her head, clenched her fingers tightly, and pursed her lips nervously: "Sister, can you take me home?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s breathing stopped suddenly, and she stared blankly at her bluish-white head spinning.


If it\'s just a child with dementia, it\'s fine, but it happens to be a differentiated Alpha, who looks like...

Extremely glamorous!

There is also a unique sense of aloofness in the gorgeousness.

Alpha and Omega are scarce in this world, not to mention that she is fair and beautiful, and she has lost her mind, so it is easy for people to have evil thoughts. left?

The inexplicable reluctance in Lin Ruoyun\'s heart surged again. She rubbed Guan Yinghan\'s red palm and asked softly, "What\'s your name?"


Guan Yinghan almost blurted out the word checkpoint, Academician He\'s words flashed in her mind, Ruoyun now has her own complete memory chain, and she will not believe anything others say.

And it\'s not good for her to track down the truth.

Guan Yinghan pretended to be stupid and shook her head: "I don\'t remember."

Lin Ruoyun didn\'t ask any more questions, she turned her eyes around a little, and inadvertently glanced at the bench in the inpatient department.

A mother and daughter sat on the bench. The girl with pigtails was carefully tearing off the wrapping paper and feeding a milky white candy into her mother\'s mouth.

The girl\'s mother chewed, with a satisfied smile on her face.

Lin Ruoyun\'s brain was hit by some broken pictures, and she felt a dull pain.

How could this scene be so familiar?

It seems that someone once... fed her toffee like this.

Lin Ruoyun rubbed her forehead, and waited until the pain subsided a little before turning her head to meet Guan Yinghan\'s expectant eyes: "Then... can my sister call you Toffee?"


The corner of Guan Yinghan\'s mouth couldn\'t help twitching, her Omega was still the same as when she was a child, she always liked to give some weird names to small animals.

"Well, I have a name." Guan Yinghan rolled her eyes, smiled sweetly, and announced excitedly (without) excitement: "From now on, I will be called Toffee."

Lin Ruoyun saw the little jump of joy in her eyes, and couldn\'t help but soften her heart.

It\'s really amazing, she always has affection for the Alpha in front of her, as if engraved in her bones, an irresistible feeling.

"Then Toffee, would you like to go home with your sister?"

Guan Yinghan was stunned for a moment, then nodded impatiently: "I am willing."

"Then you stand here and don\'t move, my sister is going to take a taxi."

"it is good!"

The corners of Guan Yinghan\'s originally straight mouth curved up in an instant. However, the moment Lin Ruoyun turned her head, she returned to her obedient appearance.

The community Lin Ruoyun rents is a demolition and resettlement house, with a total of six floors. In the early years, before unified planning, the owner of the sixth floor added a small attic on the top floor.

The loft area is small, can only accommodate a bed and a sofa, even the kitchen and bathroom are outside.

Stepping into the hut of less than twenty square meters, Guan Yinghan frowned slightly.

She remembered that Ruoyun was afraid of the dark and was very timid. In the past in Dawan Village, she would stick to herself like a little tail when it got dark.

Guan Yinghan couldn\'t imagine how Ruoyun walked through the dark corridor every time she came home alone.

And this simple house, how is it suitable for a delicate Omega to live in?

Since Ruoyun was brought back to Tianhai City by her mother, why didn\'t they live together?

Could it be that her mother still regards her as a burden and doesn\'t want to see her?

Guan Yinghan suppressed the doubts in her heart and followed Lin Ruoyun into the hut.

When Lin Ruoyun turned her head, Guan Yinghan had already put on an obedient and obedient appearance, tilting her head and looking at her cutely.

Lin Ruoyun\'s little heart skipped a beat, inexplicably feeling a little—


"Toffee, come here!"

Guan Yinghan walked over obediently.

Lin Ruoyun grabbed her hand to familiarize herself with the environment in the house: "Toffee, I don\'t care if you understand it or not, but I have to say that the environment here is not very good, maybe even worse than the shelter. So, you Do you really want to live with my sister?"

Guan Yinghan nodded heavily without thinking.

"Okay." Lin Ruoyun pointed in the direction of the bathroom: "Then go wash your hands first, and I\'ll call you after dinner."

After Lin Ruoyun gave simple instructions, she turned into the kitchen with a drain basket.

Guan Yinghan walked towards the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and rubbed her hands perfunctorily under the water jet.

"Toffee!" Lin Ruoyun stood beside her at some point, her voice was gentle and patient: "That\'s not how you wash your hands, come on, sister will teach you."

Lin Ruoyun squeezed some hand sanitizer into her palm, rubbed it left and right to create a white and fragrant foam, wrapped Guan Yinghan\'s fingers with her slender and soft fingers, and scrubbed back and forth from top to bottom.

Guan Yinghan\'s whole body froze, half of his body could not move, only the soft touch of his hands stimulated every nerve on the contact surface.

She slowly raised her head and raised her eyelids to peek at Ruoyun.

Lin Ruoyun lowered her eyelashes, and her long and curly eyelashes fluttered slightly on her almond eyes like butterfly wings. Her cherry lips opened and closed, showing a beautiful lip color under the warm yellow light.

It\'s so beautiful that I have no friends!

"Understood?" Lin Ruoyun finished explaining the essentials of washing her hands, and looked up at Guan Yinghan: "Next time, wash your hands like this."

Guan Yinghan nodded obediently, and the tips of her ears, hidden behind her black hair, quietly turned red.

Lin Ruoyun turned and went into the kitchen again, dried her hands, gathered her shawl curly hair gracefully, and made a fluffy ball around her head twice.

A few strands of hair fell down the side of her face with the movement, making her whiter than snow, gentle and tranquil.

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes followed her involuntarily. Lin Ruoyun filled the dumplings and raised her head. The moment her eyes met, her head felt a sharp pain for no reason, as if something was about to jump out of her head.

Lin Ruoyun rubbed her forehead helplessly, the pain gradually dissipated, she beckoned: "Toffee, come and eat dumplings."

Guan Yinghan took a closer look, and found that the dumplings were made in strange shapes and sizes.

She pursed her lips, and couldn\'t help but want to laugh. As soon as the corners of her mouth were raised, she forced her to suppress it, and applauded: "It smells so good."

From Guan Yinghan\'s memory, Lin Ruoyun was not very good at cooking.

Ruoyun originally had a good life, and her ten fingers were not in the sun. But after her father died of illness, the family lost their financial income, and my mother couldn\'t bear the hardship, and ran away with the rich less than a month after her father passed away.

Ruoyun was only thirteen years old at that time.

From then on, Ruoyun and grandma depended on each other, and their life was very hard. There were either potatoes or cabbage on the dinner table, and it was rare to eat pork once, let alone expensive dishes like fish and shrimp, and some dishes had never been seen before. Can\'t even pronounce the name.

So the only dish she can cook is stewed cabbage with potatoes.

However, although the dumplings filled with pork and mushrooms are not good in appearance, they taste good.

Guan Yinghan was really hungry and ate a dozen in one go.

Seeing her eating well, Lin Ruoyun felt a sense of accomplishment: "Are the dumplings made by sister delicious?"


Guan Yinghan pulled the last dumpling into her mouth, chewed it twice, then raised her head, showing Lin Ruoyun a satisfied and undefended smile.

Lin Ruoyun was shaken into a daze, she looked away from her whole body.

The silk shirt on Guan Yinghan\'s body was crumpled up and could no longer be worn.

Lin Ruoyun rummaged through the closet, took out a few T-shirts and gestured on her body.

She is a head shorter than Guan Yinghan, but fortunately she likes to buy loose-fitting clothes when she usually buys them, so they fit well on Guan Yinghan. about taking a shower?

"Toffee?" Lin Ruoyun said stiffly, "You...will you take a bath by yourself?"

Guan Yinghan\'s curled long eyelashes trembled.

Can you wash it?

Must not!

There are so many, how can Ruoyun help her?

What\'s more, her current character set is a demented Alpha, and she is only five or six years old in her heart.

Thinking of this, Guan Yinghan turned her head and looked at Lin Ruoyun blankly and innocently, pretending to be at a loss: "Sister, I don\'t know."