After Being Marked By the Picked Milk A

Chapter 56: sorry please forgive me

Miss Guan Er?

Lin Ruoyun tightly clenched her palms, her eyes gleaming with water.

Guan Yinghan\'s voice came from the other end of the phone, with a flat ending, as if suppressing anger: "Master Fu, why didn\'t you invite me to invite my girlfriend to drink tea so late?"

"Your girlfriend?"

Master Fu turned his scarred face to Lin Ruoyun, as if he was watching another love drama at eight o\'clock, his face was full of shock: "Aren\'t you Miss Qin\'s fiancée?"

Lin Ruoyun shook her head vigorously.

Master Fu turned his face back again, with a slightly distorted expression: "Second Miss, I also do things for others."

Lin Ruoyun watched from a distance, and didn\'t know what Guan Yinghan and him were talking about, but she could only see Fu Ye\'s face changed a few times, and his voice suddenly changed: "Second Miss, you are so powerful, you can It was me who was found in such a short period of time, so don\'t be surprised, I have to guard against you."

"Not only did I find out it was you, but I also knew who you were acting for."

Guan Yinghan stood downstairs at the Zhiyuan Tea House, only seeing the warm flickering lights: "However, I don\'t care about these, as long as my girlfriend is safe, I am willing to pay ten times as much to treat your brothers to tea." , and promise not to pursue it, I wonder if Master Fu is interested in making me a friend?"

Lin Ruoyun held her breath subconsciously, wanting to get more information from Master Fu\'s words, but he stood up abruptly, rushed to the window sill, opened the curtains and looked down.

Three seconds later, he put the phone back to his ear again: "Second Miss, you are really brave enough to come to my place without any bodyguards, okay! I\'ll make you my friend, since everyone is here, please Come up and have a cup of tea."

Master Fu hung up the phone, and looked at Lin Ruoyun with a half-smile: "It seems that you are really Miss Guan\'s Omega, otherwise she wouldn\'t be so nervous about you, and you dare to come to my Acyl Star Hall alone, you are courageous, I kind of admire her."

Lin Ruoyun only listened to half a sentence, and tears burst out uncontrollably.

She reached out to wipe it off, bit her lower lip, and heard the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the tip of her heart from the corridor, making her heart tighten unconsciously.

Lin Ruoyun sat motionless on the sofa, when she suddenly heard the door of the private room being opened, someone whispered in Fu Ye\'s ear, and Fu Ye stood up to greet her in person.

The dark coffee-colored wooden door opened, and Guan Yinghan stepped into the door first, her footsteps were a little anxious, her red peach eyes eagerly scanned the box, the moment her eyes met Lin Ruoyun, Guan Yinghan felt her eyes The heart that was lifted fell back into the chest cavity again, beating violently.

She wasn\'t sure if Ruoyun\'s anger had subsided, she didn\'t dare to go up to hug her, but stood at the door helplessly, and asked in a low voice, "Did they make things difficult for you?"

Lin Ruoyun\'s nose was sore, and the wings of her nose fluttered twice, and she replied softly, "No."

Guan Yinghan nodded, and suddenly burst into a bright smile: "Don\'t be afraid, the toffee is here!"

In just a few words, the heart seems to be kneaded repeatedly, squeezing out mixed flavors.

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t hold back anymore, tears overflowed from her eyes.

Fear, helplessness, fear, all of a sudden vanished the moment I saw her...

There is only a sense of security that makes people feel extremely warm.

Seeing that Lin Ruoyun was safe with her own eyes, Guan Yinghan turned back, walked up to Master Fu, raised her cuffs, and stretched out her arms in front of him.

Master Fu raised his eyebrows slightly, and gave the male Alpha behind him a wink. The male Alpha received the message and took out a tube of injection from the medicine box.

When Lin Ruoyun saw the slender needle ready to pierce Guan Yinghan\'s arm, her heart almost stopped suddenly, her mind went blank, and she didn\'t know what she was doing. When she regained consciousness, she had already rushed in front of Guan Yinghan, her arms Open it and protect her behind you.

"You, what do you want to do? Don\'t hurt her!"

Guan Yinghan was stunned for a moment, her eyes became hot from her sudden concern, she pinched Ruoyun\'s shoulder comfortingly, and motioned her to back away: "It\'s okay, don\'t worry."

Master Fu glanced at Lin Ruoyun, who was baring her teeth and claws, and chuckled lightly: "Miss Lin, so you are anxious... Don\'t worry, it\'s just an ordinary glandular anesthetic, which temporarily suppresses the pheromones of Second Miss.

You also know that your Alpha pheromone level is high, if you attack her, I\'m afraid all of my subordinates will be unable to suppress her, so..."

As he spoke, he slowly turned his face to Guan Yinghan: "So...Second Miss Guan, I offended you."

Guan Yinghan raised her hand cooperatively: "Master Fu is serious, I understand the rules."

After the injection of the anesthetic, Master Fu seemed to let go of his guard, and took the initiative to clarify his position: "Miss Guan, I\'m sorry, I offended you so much. I really didn\'t know that Miss Lin was your Omega. I blamed me for listening to Qin Yeli\'s one-sided words. She Said that Ms. Lin was her fiancée, and she had a mental problem during this period, and she refused to see her, and refused to cooperate with her treatment, so she asked me for help..."

Guan Yinghan didn\'t answer, but just took the tea handed over by Master Fu, took a sip, and looked at him deeply: "Master Fu, have you heard the story of the fox pretending to be the tiger?"

Master Fu was taken aback: "Second Miss, what do you mean?"

Guan Yinghan blew away the tea in the cup, and said slowly: "The land of Yangsheng Villa, and the international orders that Jiahang lost, were all snatched by Qin Yeli secretly under your banner. Of... if you continue to indulge, I\'m afraid the police will find you."

Master Fu clenched his fists suddenly, his scarred face became extremely hideous because of the twist: "What, she dares to use my name to do things wrong."

Guan Yinghan put down her teacup, leaned back lazily, her rose-colored red lips slightly curled up: "Master Fu, I know you have put a lot of effort into bringing Acyl Xingtang to the right path in the past few years. I have received a lot of help from the Qin family, but have you ever thought that the spoon can only be used to scoop up dumplings, if you use it to drink soup, there will be no drop left."

"Second Miss, what do you say?"

Guan Yinghan carefully observed Master Fu\'s facial expressions, and instead of rushing to explain, he asked a question: "Master Fu, what do you think of our Runhai Group\'s security system?"

Master Fu raised his eyebrows proudly: "I don\'t know if the system is good or not, but the security guards in your group... tsk tsk! They\'re as weak as chickens."

After hearing this, Guan Yinghan was not angry, and nodded in agreement: "That\'s right, that\'s why you invited my girlfriend away so easily."

Master Fu\'s face changed slightly: "Second Miss, you..."

"Master Fu, as I said, as long as my girlfriend is safe, I will never pursue it."

Guan Yinghan stood up slowly, walked around the box, and finally stood in front of Lin Ruoyun.

"Master Fu, your environment here... really should be improved, it will freeze my girlfriend."

While talking, Guan Yinghan took out a small thing from the pocket of the windbreaker and stuffed it into Lin Ruoyun\'s palm.

Ruoyun looked down.

Warm and hot, it is a hand warmer in the shape of a bear\'s paw.

There are four small black paws, and on the largest paw in the middle, the word "sorry" is written with a highlighter.

The beautiful and slender font, horizontal and vertical strokes are straight and straight, elegant but not messy, different from the chaotic brushwork of toffee, it perfectly matches the four characters of "person".

Lin Ruoyun\'s eye sockets swelled with warmth, she raised her eyes suddenly, and fell into her watery peach blossom eyes.

Guan Yinghan\'s eyes were filled with the words I\'m sorry and please forgive me, rolling before her eyes like a bullet screen.

Lin Ruoyun\'s breathing suddenly became chaotic, she quickly lowered her head, and unconsciously picked the bear\'s paw with her fingertips.

Guan Yinghan watched her earlobe quietly creep up with a tinge of red, resisted the urge to touch her, turned back, and fixed her gaze on the faces of the two male alphas behind Master Fu: "Master Fu, as I said just now, grab the spoon It is not suitable for drinking soup. Your subordinates know nothing about tea ceremony and have not done formal pre-job training. In addition, the decoration of the teahouse is old-fashioned and there is no innovation. have worked hard to manage the teahouse, but the teahouse still has no improvement."

"Or you should consider trying to transform. Instead of being coerced by Qin Yeli, you might as well support yourself."

Master Fu listened thoughtfully, secretly admiring Guan Yinghan\'s insight.

Indeed, from outsiders\' eyes, Ye Xingtang Fu Ye is so beautiful, but they don\'t know that he doesn\'t know how to run a business at all. These years, Xixingtang can\'t make ends meet, and he is reluctant to treat his brothers who were born and died in the past. He always takes his own account. I can\'t hold on anymore.

Guan Yinghan leaned closer to Master Fu: "So, why not do what you are good at? You can start a security company, and I can support you unconditionally with both the early capital and the later operation.

In addition, you don\'t need to worry about the business, I will help you develop it. Moreover, you are responsible for the security of all the companies under Runhai. As for the profit part... we will split 28, you 8 and I 2, what do you think? "

Master Fu\'s eyes widened in disbelief: "Second Miss, help me so much because you want to..."

Guan Yinghan took a deep look at Lin Ruoyun, then turned back: "Master Fu, I really want to be your friend. From now on, I will entrust your girlfriend\'s safety to you."

This was the first time Lin Ruoyun saw Guan Yinghan\'s face when he was negotiating business with others.

She is wise and calm, her eyes are calm, and there is always an indescribable aura between her eyebrows. Even when her freedom is restricted by others, she does not show any fear or tension. Even her sitting posture is very casual and lazy. fear.

Where is the soft and waxy little milk A like toffee, she is completely the queen who is too sassy.

How to do?

Seems to like her a little bit.

Lost toffee, she likes it!

She also likes the radiant Second Miss Guan!

but she...

He actually pretended to be a fool to lie to her.

big liar!

There were tooth marks on Lin Ruoyun\'s lips.

...Don\'t forgive her so quickly!

After Guan Yinghan finished speaking, Master Fu was stunned for a second, and then he laughed loudly: "Second Miss, it\'s easy to say, easy to say!"

Master Fu seemed to admire Guan Yinghan very much, and insisted on hosting a banquet for her, and by the way, discussed with her in detail the plan to set up a security company.

Guan Yinghan didn\'t refuse. Without ensuring safety, any change would endanger Ruoyun\'s life. She didn\'t dare to act rashly and could only accept Master Fu\'s arrangement.

Guan Yinghan expected that when it was close to midnight, Master Fu would probably find a restaurant nearby, but he never expected that he would bring her to a place of sound/color like the Crystal Palace.

As soon as Guan Yinghan stepped into the gate of the Crystal Palace, she was grabbed by a group of coolly dressed Omegas. She was a little displeased and tried to scare off the Omega hanging on her body with an indifferent expression and an aura that was thousands of miles away from others.

But as soon as they pushed it away, they stuck it up again persistently, like octopuses, hooking Guan Yinghan\'s left and right arms.

Lin Ruoyun followed behind, taking a panoramic view of the scene, her slender eyebrows slightly raised.


The little brat who seduces people everywhere.

Guan Yinghan pulled out her arm again, and warned in a low voice: "Let go! My Omega is right behind, she will bite when she is fierce."

The group of Omegas looked back at the same time, and saw Lin Ruoyun supporting the wall with her hands, the bottom of her eyes was full of dark colors, the Omegas stuck out their tongues, and finally dispersed.

Guan Yinghan was very familiar with Lin Ruoyun\'s expression. Whenever she is about to turn around and kill someone, the corners of her mouth will be pulled first, and then her eyes will gradually narrow.

At the first sign of danger, Guan Yinghan, who had quick eyes and quick hands, had already moved to her side, and obediently offered her arm for her to hold.

Lin Ruoyun stared at her angrily with water-colored eyes: "I\'m still angry!"

"I\'m sorry!" Guan Yinghan apologized honestly, lowered her body a little more, with a humble and sincere attitude: "Ruoyun, you should help me, otherwise I won\'t be able to get away."

Lin Ruoyun lowered her head and said nothing, Guan Yinghan took her hand and put it on his arm, and walked towards the box arm in arm.

Lin Ruoyun\'s long eyelashes trembled.

It\'s actually very simple to let go of your hand, but Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t make up her mind over and over again, so she could only let her lead her away in a daze.

Stepping into the private room, the two Omegas twisted their waists to meet Mr. Fu. Mr. Fu hugged each other and kissed each other. Then he turned around and saw Guan Yinghan standing at the door without moving. He turned back and forcibly dragged her to the card Seat C: "Oh, Miss Second, you are an Alpha, just relax when you come out to play."

After speaking, he hugged the Omega beside her and grabbed her chest, then pushed another Omega into Guan Yinghan\'s arms. Guan Yinghan couldn\'t dodge in time, and was hugged by the Omega.


She turned her head subconsciously, and happened to meet Lin Ruoyun\'s sullen gaze, she looked like a cat snatching food when she was angry, her round cheeks were really cute.

Guan Yinghan quickly pushed away the Omega that was stuck to her body, ran to the door in three steps and took Lin Ruoyun\'s hand: "Ruoyun, you must be hungry, come here, sit down and eat first."

Lin Ruoyun smelled the aura of other Omega on her body, so she threw her hands away angrily, and shouted in a voice that only two people could hear: "Are you a log? If she rushes over, just stand obediently and let her hug you. If you don\'t know how to hide, then what?" ?”

Guan Yinghan hooked Lin Ruoyun\'s finger tentatively with her little finger. Ruoyun struggled a little, but was soon inserted into the gap between her fingers by Guan Yinghan\'s outstretched five fingers, and became locked.

Guan Yinghan locked her hands tightly and squeezed her hands flatteringly, her voice was low and weak, with a bit of cautious grievance: "This is too sudden, I don\'t have eyes behind my back, I was observing the surrounding area when she rushed over. There is no danger, really, Ruoyun, you believe me, I did hide, but I didn\'t dodge.

"I believe you ghost, you have always been a liar, you..."

Before Lin Ruoyun could finish speaking, Master Fu tore the hands of the two of them away. He dragged Guan Yinghan to the booth and pressed her firmly: "I said, Miss Er, you are good anywhere, I Fu Jiasheng has never been convinced by anyone in his life, you are the first one. But why are you so afraid of your wife, it\'s a disgrace to us Alpha, come here, come and drink..."

In order not to spoil Master Fu\'s interest, Guan Yinghan was forced to take the wine he handed and drank it down in one gulp. She peeked tremblingly at Ruoyun in the corner from the corner of her eye.

This Lord Fu, even though he is back to serious business now, he has not lost all the ways of having fun in the rivers and lakes in the past. He took Guan Yinghan to drink and guess punches, and then threw dice at the sea bowl to compare points. The loser Just drink the whole bottle.

After drinking a whole bottle of foreign wine, Master Fu took out another pack of betel nuts from his pocket, rolled the shredded tobacco and handed it to Guan Yinghan: "This is refreshing, second miss, please try it."

Guan Yinghan instinctively refused: "Master Fu, no need, I probably can\'t get used to it."

Master Fu had already achieved the ultimate in wine table culture, as if Guan Yinghan would not give him face if he didn\'t eat.

"It\'s just chewing gum. The more you chew, the better it gets. Second Miss, try it?"

Guan Yinghan had no choice but to take it and put it in her mouth. Suddenly, a coolness hit her nostrils. After the coolness, there was a faint bitter taste.

It was bitter and astringent, Guan Yinghan couldn\'t help but frowned.

Lin Ruoyun looked at her from afar, her eyelashes drooping, covering the distressed eyes.


It\'s so unpalatable, spit it out!

Guan Yinghan resisted the discomfort deep in her throat, and smiled slightly at Master Fu: "It\'s really refreshing."

"Know the goods!" Master Fu seemed very satisfied with her flattery, and completely let go of his guard: "Second Miss, your temper is too much for my liking."

After drinking for three rounds, Guan Yinghan has completely gained Master Fu\'s trust, and Master Fu has a high opinion of her, including the reputation of sincerity that cannot be equipped on a businessman.

After playing to his heart\'s content, Master Fu called a group of Omega over and stuffed two hot Omega into Guan Yinghan\'s arms.

At this time, Guan Yinghan was so drunk that he was exhausted, and he couldn\'t push it away several times. He wanted to use his mental power, but found that the anesthetic hadn\'t worn off, so he couldn\'t push it away at all.

Just when she didn\'t know what to do, she suddenly felt the weight on her body loosen, she raised her misty eyes to look up, and suddenly curled the corners of her lips.

I saw Lin Ruoyun stretching her arms, pushing away the nephrite jade nestled in Guan Yinghan\'s arms, and the red lips that kept kissing her, like an eagle spreading its wings to protect its food.

"Why are you so shameless, didn\'t you see that she has an Omega?"

An Omega wearing a backpack and hip skirt rolled her eyes at Lin Ruoyun: "Sister, are you new here? We have never had such a beautiful female Alpha in the Crystal Palace. Why, do you want to eat alone? Then you have to ask the other sisters to agree." ?”


Who is sister to you!

Lin Ruoyun was so angry that she stared at those shameless coquettish **** with hatred.

No one is allowed to covet the little cub she raised.

Why are you angry!

The most important thing is to keep your own Alpha!

Lin Ruoyun twisted her waist and walked to Guan Yinghan\'s side, she fell down on her lap as if she had no bones, she fell limply into her arms, wrapped her arms around her neck, pressed her delicate body close to her, and gently wiped her lips. over her profile.

Guan Yinghan\'s heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and his palms gradually became sweaty.

The kiss that fell on the cheek was light and fluttering, but it quickly aroused enthusiasm, and it reached the heart crisply and numbly.

Maybe it was just by accident.

Guan Yinghan hypnotized herself, there are so many people in the box, they must have met by accident, don\'t think about it.

However, in the next second, her breathing stopped and her blood rushed wildly.

Lin Ruoyun leaned down, buried her face in her chest, and yawned a little, her voice was obedient and soft: "Grandma..."

Ruoyun stopped suddenly, she didn\'t know how to address Guan Yinghan now, so she looked at her inquiringly.

Guan Yinghan lowered her head, pressed her red lips to her ear, and said softly, "Call me...Guan Guan."

Lin Ruoyun\'s heart was suddenly hit by these two words, she took a steady breath, and said in a flattering voice: "Guan Guan...I\'m so sleepy, let\'s go back to sleep, shall we?"

Lin Ruoyun deliberately bit the word "sleep" very hard, and even cast a provocative glance at Omega, who showed off her backpack and hip skirt.

Guan Yinghan caught her small movements, raised her eyebrows slightly, and laughed a few seconds later.

This indulgent and pampering smile gave Master Fu a feeling of hatred for iron and steel: "Second Miss, this Omega can\'t be so pampered. If you give her three points, she will open it for you." Qidyefang, our Alphas are out drinking and socializing, so we don’t have the time for them to talk, look at her..."

"I only love her, who else will I spoil if I don\'t spoil her?"

Guan Yinghan put her arms around Lin Ruoyun\'s waist, and brought her to her side, her lips brushed against her ear, her voice became low and hoarse: "Want to go home and sleep?"

too close!

He was close enough to see the buttons on Guan Yinghan\'s hemp-colored shirt, the outline of her shoulder blades, and even smell the faint fragrance of her hair.

Lin Ruoyun\'s eyelashes trembled slightly, and she looked away in a panic: "You, send them away quickly, look, you still posted them here? I hate it! How shameless..."

"My wife, don\'t be angry, I have a way to send them away..."

Guan Yinghan gently lifted her off her lap, took out several stacks of banknotes from her bag, opened one of them, and scattered them into the air like a celestial maiden, immediately covering the ground with red banknotes.

The Omegas who were desperately pounced on her just now screamed again and again, retreated from her side, and started looting excitedly.

Then, she picked up the glass of wine that Master Fu put in front of her, raised her head and drank it down, threw the glass on the table with a bang, staggered to Lin Ruoyun\'s side, and pulled her into her arms.

"Master Fu, we\'ve had enough fun tonight, I think...we should go home too. "

Master Fu raised Erlang\'s legs and spit out eye circles: "Second Miss, what time are you going home, this is too disappointing."

Guan Yinghan put all the remaining banknotes in the bag in front of Master Fu: "Master Fu, I\'m drunk, I really can\'t play anymore, you have fun, these are on the table, please invite your brothers to drink, I want to go home Accompany my Omega."

Master Fu\'s eyes fell on the table, and the smile lines at the corners of his eyes gradually widened. He waved his hand and motioned his subordinates to put away the money: "Second Miss, it\'s a pity that you don\'t play gangsters. Tsk tsk, this ruthlessness, there is still a shot You are so rich, no wonder no one dares to fight against you."

Guan Yinghan\'s red lips curled up into a smile: "What? I\'m just a worthless businessman. Thanks to your praise, I entrust the safety of my wife and I to Master Fu!"

"It\'s easy to say, easy to say!" Master Fu laughed so hard that he couldn\'t see his teeth, "A Bing, send Miss Guan and his wife home."

After much difficulty, Lin Ruoyun helped Guan Yinghan, who was limp into a puddle of mud, into her apartment.

She pushed the mud on the sofa: "Are you going back to your own home or staying in a hotel?"

Guan Yinghan flung herself softly on Ruoyun\'s body, buried her face in her sweet neck, drooped the corners of her eyes, and said inexplicably pitifully, "Ruoyun, I have nowhere to go, please take me in."

Lin Ruoyun stretched her shoulders and pushed her away little by little: "Miss Tangtang Guan has nowhere to go? I\'ll call the master and ask her to send someone to pick you up."

Guan Yinghan\'s heart skipped a beat, thinking that she was already ashamed anyway, in front of Ruoyun, shame was nothing, since his wife was about to die, so what was there to do with shame.

Just stop being shameless.

She pretended to be so drunk that she couldn\'t stand still, her feet slipped, and she pressed Lin Ruoyun on the sofa in an extremely ambiguous posture. Their eyes met and their breaths intertwined. Both of them were stunned for a moment.

Lin Ruoyun tilted her neck to avoid the other party\'s breathing: "Guan Yinghan, get up quickly, go back to your own home."

"No, I just want to stay here, Ruoyun, if you don\'t take me in, I\'ll go wandering."

Guan Yinghan rested his chin on her shoulder, his voice was condensed and rustling.

She whispered, "Sister...are you willing?"

The elder sister\'s voice completely pinched Lin Ruoyun\'s heart, making her reluctant to push her away.

Guan Yinghan grabbed Ruoyun\'s hand and pressed it on the side of her face, not giving her a chance to move it away: "Sister, you said you would raise me for the rest of your life, you can\'t go back on your word, and you can\'t abandon it."

How to do?

Seeing the red at the end of the little boy\'s eyes, his heart hurts so much that he can\'t restrain himself.

"Sister..." Guan Yinghan said with a choked voice, "I\'m sorry...don\'t drive me away."

Lin Ruoyun broke her defenses, and glared at her with hard mouth and soft heart: "then stay for one night, and move your things away tomorrow."

Guan Yinghan lowered her eyebrows and nodded pleasingly: "Oh!"

Lin Ruoyun couldn\'t help pushing her again: "Then you still don\'t get up, your body smells like a vixen, go wash it off, or you won\'t be able to **** me...cough cough...enter my door!"

Lin Ruoyun spoke up for a moment, the more she tried to remedy the situation, the more she wanted to cover it up. She beat Guan Yinghan\'s shoulder in embarrassment, but she easily grabbed her wrist, and lightly pressed her legs, Lin Ruoyun\'s staring calf could no longer move.

The lights in the room were not turned on, only a dim light from the night scene outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, Lin Ruoyun was forced to look at her again.

Guan Yinghan\'s eye sockets were glowing with peach blossoms, and her voice was a little aggrieved: " despise me..."

Lin Ruoyun thought that she gave up her life to accompany Master Fu all night just to save herself, she felt guilty, and her tone was a little weak: "I...I don\'t think I despise you..."

She wanted to say something more, but her eyes were caught by Guan Yinghan\'s lips.

Perhaps because of chewing betel nuts, Guan Yinghan\'s normally flesh-pink lips are now extraordinarily red, almost a matte crimson, and the lips are full of charm.

She swallowed her saliva and asked curiously, "What does the betel nut you ate just taste like? Is it delicious?"

"The smell of betel nuts?" Guan Yinghan moved his hand to the side of her neck and looked at her with burning eyes: "You want to know?"

Lin Ruoyun nodded eagerly for knowledge: "Yes!"

"This is the taste!"

Guan Yinghan leaned down and gently kissed her lips.