After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 996

Su Nan hooks her lips. Is she so terrible?

Look how scared this man is!

Yun Yun and another woman were also shocked.

Another woman directly stood up and bowed to Su Nan:

"Hello, Miss Su!"

Qin Yu was amused by this scene.

Then he glanced at her disdainfully and tore off the facial mask on his face.

Yang Mei swallowed her saliva in horror, and her hands were helpless.

"Miss Su, i... I didn\'t mean to say this -"

Yun Yun glared at her fiercely. When she came to hold her smelly feet, she was positive.

It\'s faster than anyone to pass the buck these days.

Su Nan never paid attention to these two women.

She looked at Xiang yunyun indifferently, and her voice was condescending:

"You want to spread my rumors. It\'s no use looking for them.

They can\'t even touch the edge of the upper class circle, and they can\'t pick up any leftovers until they are eaten. Otherwise, how can they find you? "

The two women\'s faces looked like cooked shrimp. They dared not look up and could only pretend to be dead and remain silent.

Su Nan\'s words are ugly, but they are true.

Without Fu Yingying\'s willingness to take them to the banquet to bluff, they could not occupy a place in the power of celebrities in the upper class.

However, they have no ability to hook up with men like fuyechuan. In the face of those rich second generation who can only play, their mouths are full of false feelings and have no hope!

Will be shameless.

What\'s more, the second generation of the rich prefer online celebrities, so they can spend money to get rid of them.

But playing with them has to bear the responsibility of a family.

too troublesome.

Su Nan\'s circle at that level hugged tightly, but she didn\'t like their "licking dogs" from the bottom of her heart.

Therefore, they can only curry favor with those who are easy to curry favor with.

Yun Yun\'s face turned white.

Although she was a little guilty, she was stabbed to her face by Su Nan.

But she doesn\'t have to worry and fear as before. She is a rich family behind her. She has the same family background as Su Nan and is of noble birth.

Today, my father is responsive to his lost self.

How could she be afraid of Su Nan?

Worry too much!

Thinking of this, she raised her chin, her eyes full of pride and pride.

"Don\'t speak so harshly, Su Nan. Do you think you are great?

You think you can cover the sky with one hand anywhere?

Now that I have left Xinpu international, what else can you threaten me with?

Don\'t forget, I am no worse than you.

If you dare to bully me, the family behind me will not let you go! "

Yun Yun was able to speak so forcefully in front of Su Nan.

She felt so happy that she was in good health.

Su Nan silently hooked her lips, and her bright face looked ridiculous.

Qin Yu sneered. He couldn\'t help but say:

"Who are you? No worse than her?

Where did you get your confidence to say that?

Move your bankrupt house out to scare who?

You don\'t have the slightest difference with Su Nan. Even if your father lives for another 30 years, he won\'t be half as rich as Su Nan. It\'s ridiculous. "

Without hesitation, Qin Yu sneered at the two lackeys next to her:

"You should remind her to recognize the situation and her identity. Don\'t think you can bite anything since the wild dog was adopted all at once!"

Yun Yun\'s face suddenly changed:

"You... Why are you so ugly?"