After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 993

Hearing that Su Nan was ill, little Mike was anxious and nervous. His white and tender face was full of nothing to do:

"I\'ll call the doctor right away..."

With that, he went to get the phone and was stopped by Su Nan.

She opened her mouth, very helpless.

Just now Shang Qian was seriously ill. I didn\'t see little Mike looking for a doctor in such a hurry. How did Shang Qian raise his son?

She smiled and said, "no, I\'ll take a pill. Are you hungry? I\'ll cook porridge?"

For those who are ill, it is better to eat something light?

Little Mike nodded and shook his head:

"It\'s too hard to cook. I\'d better be hungry. I can\'t let my beautiful sister work too hard!"

Su Nan was soft hearted and looked at him with a smile:

"It doesn\'t matter. It won\'t be too hard. It\'ll be all right in a minute."

Su Nan went to the kitchen and cooked slowly.

The sky darkened.

She and little Mike had some porridge first, and little Mike consciously went back to his room to do his homework.

Then he went to his room to see Shang Qian.

I touched his forehead. It\'s very good. His fever has gone down.

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

It happened that the cell phone rang.

It\'s Yu Lou.

Su Nan picked it up. "What\'s the matter?"

Yu Lou: "Mr. Su, there is an urgent document in the European region that you need to review and sign as soon as possible. If you

If it\'s convenient... "

Su Nan paused and took it for granted. "OK, send it to my mailbox."

She hung up the phone, left a note on the desk and went downstairs.

Fortunately, it\'s convenient to go upstairs and downstairs. It\'s not too late for her to come back after reading the documents.

Su Nan\'s study uses an encrypted computer. After she finishes browsing the files and points out some hidden problems, she waits for Yu Lou to redo it.

Time passed little by little.

After reading it again, Su Nan was too sleepy to open her eyes.

After looking at the mobile phone, there was no information or phone.

It is estimated that Shang Qian was still sleeping, so she didn\'t bother him. She took a rest after washing.

early morning.

When Su Nan woke up, the light filled the room. Last night, she forgot to close the curtains and adjust her sleep mode.

But since I woke up, I didn\'t sleep again.

After stretching, she went to the bathroom to wash in her slippers.

Today is Saturday, but Su Nan has some things to deal with and can\'t rest.

As soon as she went out, she saw Shang Qian standing there holding little Mike\'s hand.

Shang Qian finally regained his former Langrun gentleness, stood there in high spirits and waved like little Mike:

"Good morning..."

Su Nan couldn\'t help laughing, "I went to bed too late yesterday, so I didn\'t go up..."

Shang Qian nodded to show his understanding.

"I know. The porridge is delicious. I have eaten it all. This is today\'s breakfast. Take it to the company!"

He handed the lunch box in his hand, and Su Nan picked it up. The man who had a fever last night got up this morning to prepare breakfast for her?

The first warm current surged in my heart, and I felt a little embarrassed.

She looked at the smiling little Mike, and Su Nan was a little impatient.

"You can just come in and wait."

Little Mike shook his head and spoke seriously:

"Daddy said no, we can\'t just go into a girl\'s house. It will scare you."

What a good tutor!

Su Nan touched little Mike\'s head:

"It doesn\'t matter. My sister won\'t be scared."

Shang Qian smiled and changed the subject:

"Although I really want to see you off, my face can\'t go out to meet people for the time being. Be careful driving along the way..."

As soon as Sunan saw him, she remembered the kiss last night. She hurriedly dodged her eyes.

Quickly nodded and left.