After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 988

After they confirmed their relationship, Shang Qian never contacted her.

Let her eat well, let her remember to rest, let her drink less coffee

Sometimes when she sees it, she will reply. Once she gets busy, she will ignore it directly.

But Shang Qian was never angry, and messages came out every five minutes.

She had been used to it before she knew it.

At first sight of the quiet mobile phone, Su Nan frowned.

She found out Shang Qian\'s page and saw that he was actively sending messages to her back and forth.

She typed a few words into the chat box: "what are you doing..."

After thinking about it, I deleted it.

Call directly!

A few seconds.

The phone was picked up.

"Beautiful sister, I miss you so much..."

What a sweet little Mike!

Su Nan smiled. "My sister missed you too. How did you answer the phone? Where\'s your daddy?"

Little Mike said with a hesitation:

"Daddy has been beaten. He has a fever. He is dying!"

Su Nan was shocked and paused. She thought she had heard wrong:


Little Mike let out a heavy hum, "it\'s very serious. He\'s almost out of breath!"

Su Nan clicked. No wonder she hadn\'t been contacted all day.

She was a little flustered and blamed herself for not asking him about his situation in advance.

"Are you at home? I\'ll go right away..."

"Well, beautiful sister, come and pick me up. If daddy dies, can I live with you?"

Little Mike is seriously thinking about this problem.

Although he was very sad about his father\'s death, it would not be so sad if he could live with his beautiful sister

Shang Qian was "weak" in bed, and he could hear every word of little Mike clearly.

The veins in his forehead were jumping, and he forbeared to calm himself down.

He always carries out modern education and follows the idea of becoming friends with children.

At this time, he could not help but scold several words in his heart. He suddenly felt that the stick education of Z country was the king!

Sunan listened to him die one by one, and felt a lot of extremely panic and anxious in her heart.

She had no time to think about anything and hurried out with her mobile phone.

Yu Lou saw that she looked flustered. This state was not suitable for driving. He stopped her in front and contacted her driver.

Su Nan\'s mind was blank. Finally, she returned to her apartment building smoothly.

It\'s Shang Qian\'s apartment.

She knew his password and opened the door directly.

In the bedroom.

Little Mike sat next to Shang Qian and tried to put a pill into his mouth, but he couldn\'t put it in

Su Nan walked over a few steps, unable to hide her worry between her eyes and eyebrows.

She frowned at the man lying there, his face weak and pale, and his lips looked no blood.

The most frightening thing was that his right face was slightly swollen and dark red. It was a sign of fists. The corners of his mouth were still covered with blood that had not been cleaned up

see the scene which is dreadful to one \'s mind.

This person, who has always been gentle and clear, seems to be dispersed by a gust of wind.

Su Nan felt a sudden pain in her heart and stopped little Mike from putting medicine in his mouth.

It could be seen that his lips had been tortured.

Little Mike looked at her in surprise. Su Nan made a gesture to calm him down.

Then she touched little Mike\'s head. "Wait outside. I\'ll see about daddy."

Little Mike hesitated for half a second and agreed