After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 985

Shang Qian raised his eyebrows with a cold smile.

Fortunately, he breathed a sigh of relief. When his goal was achieved, he should go.

He stood up slowly, in a tone of defiance.

"I should go, Mr. Shang. Su Nan will worry if I stay any longer."

He ignored Fu YeChuan\'s murderous eyes and stood up.

Smile at him slowly

Fuyechuan was obviously stimulated by this sentence, and his eyebrows and eyes shook fiercely, with a scarlet murderous intention in his eyes.

Shang Qian, a dog who doesn\'t know what to do, always challenges his bottom line again and again.

The next second, he couldn\'t help it any longer. His blood flowed back and his anger reached the extreme.

Suddenly, across the table, he strangled Shang Qian\'s collar, dragged forward, and waved his fist

"Shang Qian, wait, I won\'t let you off easily!"

The corners of Shang Qian\'s mouth were bleeding, and half of his face was blue and red. The color on his gentle and clear face was particularly obvious.

He stretched out his hand and gently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, smiling at fuyechuan.

Shang Qian didn\'t look angry and didn\'t want to fight back.

It seems that a little injury is expected.

"Goodbye, Mr. Fu."

He glanced at him and turned away from the extremely low pressure office.

There was a violent movement behind him. It seemed that something had broken?

Shang Qian thought about the priceless black jade ornament on his desk. It was a pity

Chen Mian looked at Shang Qian, who was black and blue, coming out calmly. It seemed that there was still a smile between his eyebrows and eyes.

I was puzzled.

Are you still so happy after being beaten?

Suddenly, three words flashed through his mind:

Bitter meat meter?

Su Zhai.

Su Nan was stunned when she returned to Su\'s house.

Is Wen Xiang here?

Su Qi, who often disappeared, walked around behind the housekeeper like a doormat.

As soon as Su Nan entered, Su Yifeng greeted her:

"Why did you come back?"

Everyone looked at her with a smile. Su Nan was puzzled, but she greeted sister Wen Xiang warmly.

She was embarrassed and politely asked, "why didn\'t you say that sister Wen Xiang came back earlier? I came back empty handed..."

Wen Xiang smiled softly. "You\'re welcome. I didn\'t come here to receive gifts."

Su jinchong patted her on the shoulder and looked at Su Nan: "don\'t worry, let the third man take your share."

Su Qi came out of the kitchen in an apron:

"Are you polite?"

I really don\'t want to hurt him all the time!

Su Nan smiled and nodded approvingly.

"That\'s great. My third brother\'s strength doesn\'t allow him to refuse."

Su Qi rolled his eyes and went back to the kitchen.

One against four is not a good idea.

Su Nan sits next to Su Yifeng and looks at Wen Xiang smiling very gently and intimately. Unconsciously, she feels that she has suddenly become a lot more friendly.

Su Yifeng is holding the big parent\'s airs, but his face looks at Wen Xiang, who has already smiled into a flower.

It can be seen how satisfied I am with this prospective daughter-in-law.

Suyifeng looks at Su Nan and says with a smile:

"Your eldest brother and Wen Xiang decided to get engaged before they called you back. Let\'s ask your opinion."

Su Nan was shocked for a moment and looked at them, "really?"

Su Jin nodded.

Wen Xiang also smiled and nodded. There was a moment of shyness in his smile. He was gentle and beautiful. There were no flaws in his smile.

"Congratulations, what advice do you have? Just get married!"

Su Nan raised her eyebrows and smiled at Su Jin.

What a great event