After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 324

The netizens on the Internet were also very sharp eyed and found out about this matter. They quarreled like a frying pan:

"Fang Mengqi pretended to be injured. She had her right foot when she was with Su Nan, her left foot when she was with Yu Fei, and her right foot when she was with Qin Ming. Is it too tired to be lame?"

"Did Fang Mengqi get the script of white lotus? She really can add drama to herself!"

"This is an adventure show. She didn\'t participate in it at all. She also implicated others. I finally understand that Su Nan\'s first game was over. Why did she simply change her teammates..."

"I thought president Su had a bad temper. I apologize."


After that, when I got home, it was already dark.

Demi and the driver took her back to Su\'s house. Su Qi watched her get dirty and doze off in the car. He silently took her in and asked the servant to give her a simple cleaning.

For several days, Su Nan was lying at home. She didn\'t go out of the gate. The housekeeper tried every means to cook delicious food for her.

Su Nan felt that life was so interesting after a few days of clothing and food.

As soon as the live broadcast ended, Fang Mengqi became a hot topic.

Netizens affectionately gave her a nickname: Fang lame lame.

There is no one on the Internet who doesn\'t laugh at her. Fang Mengqi didn\'t even dare to go out at that time.

Unconsciously, fuyanni\'s variety show has been launched. Once launched, it will have a great response.

In order to avoid any messy spots, the program team also cut some ambiguous words, and did not take advantage of Fang Mengqi\'s accident to bring the topic.

In just 20 minutes, there were only countless thrills and excitement, without any gossip and calculation.

Even Fang Mengqi\'s sprained foot has become a focal point for everyone to unite and help.

Seeing the end, Su Nan felt that her blood was boiling. She felt that her trip was worth it!

It\'s totally different from the live broadcast!

The editor is really great!

At the end of the final interview, the host asked, why did it create a precedent for domestic adventure sports variety, and what was the original intention?

Fuyanni pondered for a moment. His eyes, which are always vigorous and bright, flashed bright light and spoke loudly:

"For the sake of dreams and beliefs, exploration itself is not to give up life in order to experience danger, but to let life find the greatest sense of security in exploring miracles."

It was Qin Ming\'s turn: "to let my dead girlfriend see how wonderful the world is."

After the silence, a burst of warm applause lasted for a long time

Once the variety show was broadcasted, the heat of everyone\'s attention has been dominating the hot search.

"Some people want to live, some people want to dream, at least this variety show is someone realizing his dream!

I have to say, the people here are too good to choose... "

"We, the goddess Su Nan, were so cute when we tried to jump..."

"Fu Shao and Qin Ming are really amazing. Let\'s start together..."

"Qin Ming and Su Nan are really a match. Su Nan cried for him, especially when two people jump parasailing, they are a perfect match!"

"The program team is not lame at all. Is it too conscientious?"

"Qin Ming\'s experience is so moving. I want to know his story in three minutes!"


Everyone\'s comments focus on several protagonists, but everyone focuses on the interaction between Su Nan and Qin Ming.

Their activities seemed especially interesting, especially when Qin Ming went to the sea and Su Nan shouted for help, her face looked worried.

Su Nan glanced at the comments, thought for a moment, and called fuyanni directly.

"Everyone has begun to pay attention to Qin Ming\'s dead girlfriend. Isn\'t it salt on his wound?"