After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1969

The two men have been holding back their passionate love for each other this day.

When it comes time to be unscrupulous, no one pushes away without affectation.

They embraced each other warmly and expressed their love with kisses.

Shang Qian seems to have changed. He tries to control his strength, but gentleness can\'t release the emotion in his heart.

He snatched the man from the Falcon.

Never asked her if she was afraid of herself at that time?

He was afraid to hear the answer.

So I asked a different question.

Do you miss me?

The quiet tick tock around.

Su Nan was tired of standing, and his legs became weak. He gently held his waist and stood straight.

Then he was reluctant to let go, and then he crossed and picked him up.

Back to the room.

They finally kissed freely.

Shang Qian seemed to be more ferocious than usual, and his subordinates showed no mercy.

Su Nan gave him a feeble push when he was panting.

"Take it easy. I didn\'t recognize the wrong person when you came back?"

Why is it like a different person?

He was stiff all over.

Next, his strength did not lessen at all, but became more and more unscrupulous.

Su Nan was so upset that she could respond positively at the beginning.

Later, she didn\'t even want to move.

In the past, Shang Qian thought about her body and feelings in bed, and ended with the most perfect feelings of two people.

Today, however, he is like a fearless beast out of his cage, just trying to declare his possession and sovereignty.

The twilight turns upside down and the sunset curtain calls.

Su Nan was thirsty in the middle of the night and woke up.

Someone immediately came up to hold her, and her voice was very warm:

"Are you thirsty?"

Su Nan let out a sigh and passed a straw to her lips.

She was a little sober and sipped. She was warm and comfortable.

After drinking enough, Shang Qian put it back and patted her gently:

"Go to sleep!"

Su Nan moved and felt that although her body was a little sour and tired, it was still clean and fresh.

Shang Qian should have cleaned up.

He seemed to be a child who had done something wrong. He was afraid that Su Nan would settle accounts.

But there is no evidence of his guilty conscience. After all, he has always been so considerate.

People can\'t find a place to get angry.

As soon as Su Nan fell asleep, she heard the man beside her shout softly:

"Baby, I\'m sorry."

She was in a trance. She didn\'t know whether to continue sleeping or wake up to listen to him.

When you struggle.

Listen, he continues:

"Would you hate me if you saw such a miserable me, which made you suffer?"

His voice drifted away like a cloud in her mind.

She came to her senses.

Misty eyes with water reached out to touch Shang Qian\'s five senses:

"What\'s wrong with such a good-looking man?

Because it was you, I frankly accepted the danger I encountered before. I knew you would come to save me, so I was not afraid. I was afraid that you would have an accident to save me. "

Shang Qian was silent for a few seconds. His dark eyes looked at Su Nan deeply.

The indescribable emotion in his heart spread to all parts of his body, and gave him an irresistible satisfaction.

When he was worried about her accident, she was also worried about him.

Shang Qian did not remember how many times he had narrowly escaped death. He was used to every time he saved himself from danger.

If one day he is not lucky enough to escape, his concerns are very few.

But now, he was reluctant to die.

What else should Su Nan do?

He could not bear to see her sad.

He held out his hand, held her in his arms, lowered his head to smell her light fragrance, and closed his eyes:

"Baby, I love you."

After a few seconds, I heard Su Nan\'s voice half awake and half confused:

"Well, so am I."


early morning.

Early in the morning.

Su Nan couldn\'t get up.

But there was no choice but for a soft, sticky little thing to roll around, licking Su Nan\'s face from time to time.

She opened her eyes slightly and watched the little friend sit there, looking at her without crying.

In a flash, her original breath disappeared.

Looking down, fortunately, Shang Qian changed her into a fresh Pajama to cover up the traces left on her.

But there are still some that cannot be covered at all.

It\'s good to say that children don\'t pay attention to this at all.

She stood up with her arms on her back. Her eyes were a bit lazy. She pinched her little arm, which was as white and tender as a lotus root node:

"Good morning, baby!"

The child smiled and opened his mouth, climbed to her side, and gently kissed her face.

Su Nan looked at it with surprise and joy, and hurriedly gave her a dozen times of kisses.

The children can\'t stand mommy\'s enthusiasm. They have to climb out of bed naked and go to find daddy.

She can\'t stand still, but after training with suxiaohu, she can get up quickly.

I still remember Su Yifeng showing off among her old friends when she was able to climb.

Su Nan finally understood Su Yifeng\'s mood. The moments she witnessed were always very exciting.

She smiled and watched as she rolled away from the bedroom to wash herself.

When he went out again, he looked at Shang Qian\'s busy figure in the kitchen and was suddenly stunned.

And the children gathered around his feet and talked.

Unfortunately, I don\'t understand a word.

This picture was deeply left in life. Su Nan smiled and walked over to see the rich breakfast on the table.

Slightly raised eyebrows.

"My business manager, why are you cooking, aunt?"

Shang Qian glanced at her. "Did she wake you up?"

He looked down at his daughter angrily.

The child seemed to know the old father\'s blame. He took Shang Qian\'s leg and rubbed his little face, smiling and apologizing.

Shang Qian turned back with a smile and a soft voice:

"Auntie has something to go home. Today she has a day off, so I\'ll take care of you."

Su Nan sat at the table and smiled at him:

"I can\'t get it."

Shang Qian took out the vegetable soup, bowed his head and said to the children:

"Ready for dinner."

Tell me about the children who are happy to climb to the table and pull the table legs to stand up.

Although she is not as tall as the table legs, it does not delay her enthusiasm to eat.

Su Nan smiled for a while before helping to pick her up and put her on the children\'s chair.

Talking about the children, they happily shook their legs, watched Shang Qian put the beautiful shrimp and vegetable porridge in front of Su Nan, and looked at their empty little table.

There was a dissatisfied protest.

Shang Qian smiled and pointed at her: "wait a minute, I forgot to make milk for you."

He turned and went to find the bottle. He made a cup of milk and put it in front of the children.

Let\'s talk about the children looking at their lonely bottle and the colorful breakfast on the table. They immediately began to cry