After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1931

Mengqijun smiled and nodded without saying anything.

The Li family don\'t know who the cheating object is.

If I knew, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t say so.

So Mrs. Li smiled with shame:

"Yes, Suizhou used to be a bit of a jerk, but he has changed. Since Xueer married him, Suizhou has been devoted to his family and career, and has never been ambivalent."

Li Suizhou was reserved and sorry.

After looking at mengqijun and Liu Min, they are extremely humble:

"Dad, mom, I\'m really devoted to Xueer. I haven\'t done anything wrong to her since I got married. This time it\'s really a misunderstanding. It\'s all caused by the trouble before I got married. It\'s also bad for me. I shouldn\'t have caused it to her."

Li\'s mother answered: "it\'s good to know. When you get married, you should look like you are getting married. I said long ago that we don\'t recognize anyone except Xueer. Those fox spirits outside are daydreaming and want to spoil your marriage?"

Li\'s mother looked at Liu Min\'s face and softened her tone:

"In laws, everyone is young. Who hasn\'t been a bastard?

I won\'t ask Xueer to forgive his past, but you can see how he behaves in the future. If I feel sorry for Xueer, I will never let him go! "

Even if Liu Min was angry again, he knew that he could not lift his body too high.

The attitude of the Li family is low enough.

You have to follow the steps.

"In laws, there is no one else in our family. In the future, the whole Meng family will be hers. We don\'t want any property of your Li family. We just want Suizhou to treat her well.

But look, she hasn\'t been wronged like this since she was a child. "

"Yes, yes, yes, this time it was really our fault. The other day, Lao Li and I went to Sanya for vacation. We took a fancy to two villas. We thought that it would not be Xueer\'s birthday in a few days. We simply bought it and wrote her name.

Can we say more about the relationship between our two families?

We can\'t be fooled if someone provokes us. The feelings between the two young people still need to be honed. We also have to create opportunities. "

When Liu Min listened to Li\'s mother\'s words, his hard heart softened.

She was about to say something when mengqijun smiled and said:

"In fact, our attitude is not important. The key is Meng Xue. As long as she is willing to forgive, there is nothing to say. If she doesn\'t want to continue, we can afford to buy many villas ourselves."

The four men were silent.

There was an awkward atmosphere in the living room.

The meeting ended in a hurry without even eating.

The reason we prepared was really hasty, so we all found a reason to leave.

For several days, it was the emergence of new hot spots that gradually reduced the popularity of lishuizhou.

He didn\'t need to contact Meng Xue, but Meng Xue found a lawyer to talk about divorce with him, and was blocked back.

In this way, Meng Xue didn\'t give up. If one couldn\'t do it, just two. If two couldn\'t do it, just a group.

So in the company reception room in lishuizhou, many lawyers are often drinking tea

Meng Xue completely released herself.

If Li Suizhou doesn\'t divorce, he will have to pay living expenses. After all, he is generous and can\'t break up at this time.

So when Meng Xue took his money and went out to spend it, she had a special sense of achievement.

Call friends to find several friends, and plan to get drunk.

Su Nan would never waste time getting drunk, so she chose to follow Su Jin to pick up an important overseas customer.

But Ningzhi went.