After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1626

Qin Yu smiled. "Anyway, I just want to remind you that you should send more people to protect yourself. Don\'t be so rude as last time. You should take part in my wedding!"

Su Nan felt relieved and smiled:

"Don\'t worry, Miss Qin, I promise I won\'t be absent!"

After a few words of conversation, the two hung up.

It\'s only a quarter past eight. I don\'t feel sleepy anymore.

Her biological clock has not been kept regularly recently, and she wakes up naturally every time.

Maybe it\'s because I drank wine last night. I have some headache in the morning.

She washed and went out to make a sobering soup.

But the living room was quiet.

Su Qi, who used to sleep on the sofa, also disappeared. He could only see that someone had slept.

Su Nan was stunned. Did Su Qi leave early in the morning?

Well, he\'s a little Winky.

Su Nan looked at the door of the guest room. It was very quiet.

It seems that Shang Qian is still awake.

The materials of sobering soup are ready-made. She can cook it directly.

Shang Qian hasn\'t heard anything yet.

She couldn\'t help knocking at the door, but there was no reply.

Stunned, she simply opened the door.

Looking at the scene inside, I was stunned.

Why are there two big men in that bed?

Shang Qian and Su Qi were lying on their sides. They were sleeping soundly. When the morning light came in, every inch of their clean face was clear and cool.

Su Nan leaned against the door and smiled slowly at the scene.

It\'s so beautiful.

No wonder everyone is so hard at CP.

If one was not her boyfriend and the other her brother, she would be able to make up other scenes in her mind.

Maybe her laughter was too harsh, and the two people in the deep sleep woke up at the same time.

Su Qi felt his head impatiently. "What did you do early in the morning?"

Listening to his voice, Shang Qian on one side also woke up from his bleary state.

"Su Nan, third brother... Why are you here?"

Shang Qian\'s words made Su Qi\'s hair stand up.

"Why are you here?"

Su Nan looked at the shocked look of the two men and immediately smiled back and forth.

"Don\'t worry, you two are dressed neatly!"

She went out with her mouth covered and closed the door.

After su Qi and Shang Qian looked at each other, they immediately separated and both jumped out of bed to tidy up.

Su Qi couldn\'t help complaining about it:

"It\'s the first time that I sleep in the same bed with a man. If it\'s spread out, the consequences of sleeping with a woman will be much more serious. You\'ll have to bite to death!"

Shang Qian\'s face was ugly and his voice was hoarse, slightly disgusted:

"Don\'t worry, I don\'t want anyone to know more than you do!"

Two people go out one after the other.

Su Qi still doesn\'t understand why he slept with Shang Qian?

"How did you sleep here?"

Shang Qian glanced at him. "Only this guest room has been cleaned. Originally, you slept on the sofa."

Who knows that Su Qi came here consciously in the middle of the night?

Su Qi frowned: "I mean, why don\'t you sleep with Su Nan?"

Shang Qian\'s face changed slightly. Just as he was about to speak, Su Qi nodded clearly:

"Sorry, I forgot. You are not well yet..."

With that, he patted him on the shoulder with a look of regret, and then walked around outside.

Shang Qian\'s face was black.

Su Qi watched Su Nan cook the sobering soup and bring it to the table.

He did not hesitate to sit down and drink half a bowl at a stretch.

After that, I felt comfortable both mentally and physically.

Su Nan looked at him with a smile on his face. "Third brother, you\'re just drinking!"

Su Qi gave her a white look.