After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1425

Soxhlet group.

In the afternoon, Su Nan managed to deal with a difficult problem. Yu Lou knocked on the door and came in. Her expression was hard to say.

"President Su......"

Su Nan glanced at him: "say..."

Yu Lou: "someone wants to see you. That person looks like you... And her name is Anne!"

Not only looks like, but also has the same name.

Yu Lou almost made a mistake.

So he hurried to ask.

Su Nan raised her eyes. Did this woman even come to the door?

I was surprised.

Yu Lou scratched his head: "it\'s not very similar, but I can\'t tell where it is like?"

Su Nan said, "I know who she is, but I\'m not familiar with her. I\'m busy. I can\'t see her."

Yu Lou nodded, got Su Nan\'s reply, and left directly.

In a few minutes, he came back.

"Mr. Su, that woman said she had something important to ask you. If you don\'t see her, you will regret it."

Su Nan said, "did I grow up under the threat of others?"

Yu Lou was stunned, understood what she meant, turned around and went out.

Annie is confident that her arrival will cause an uproar. Her grand appearance last night had an expected good effect.

So she came.

Everyone was full of doubts about her arrival. She was confident about her identity and was not afraid of being investigated or their curiosity.

But unexpectedly, Su Nan didn\'t see her?

Shouldn\'t she be the most curious one?

Yu Lou is polite and cold in front of you:

"Miss Anne, President Su is really busy. Please make an appointment next time to avoid such a long delay."

The arrogance on Anne\'s face was a little broken, and seemed to have crossed a trace of incredulity.

Does Su Nan have any curiosity about her?

She couldn\'t stay here without seeing her. She took a cold look at the direction of her office, turned and left.

Fourier group.

Fuyechuan looked at the people in the meeting room and glanced over the people present with a cold tone:

"Is this the plan you put forward? Don\'t you want to work in your own position?"

All the people present dared not breathe, and shrank in their clothes like a cold winter.

I wish I could find a way to drill in.

Fuyechuan\'s temper seems to have returned to the origin, inhumane and unfriendly.

Their recent life is not so easy!

Chen Mian looked at the man in front of him and looked at him carefully. Annie looked up at him impolitely.

"Have you seen enough?"

Chen Mian hurriedly took back his eyes and found that he was being rude.

"Excuse me, Miss Anne, what did you just say?"

He almost thought that he regarded the person in front of him as Su Nan.

But on closer inspection, it doesn\'t look like it.

Su Nan would never look at a person with such a fierce eye, unless it was a deep hatred.

But in Anne\'s eyes, no matter who she looked at, there was a fierce murderous intention.

It makes people shudder.

Annie glanced at him coldly: "let Fu YeChuan come out to see me."

Although Chen Mian was dissatisfied, his professional quality was good enough for him to deal with all the troubles.

"Miss Anne, Mr. Fu is in a meeting. I\'m afraid it will be a while..."

Annie lifted her eyelids, and her tone was extremely cold:

"Fu Qingcheng is in my hands. Can you ask him if he will come out?"

Chen Mian\'s smile froze and became cold.

Fuqingcheng is the father of President Fu.

Because of his lack of ability, his son was excellent. He was pressed by Fu and supported by Fu YeChuan. That\'s why he couldn\'t stay. He asked to go to Australia for development.