After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1419

Shang Qian sneered in his heart.

All the good things he said were just the side he could show that he wanted others to see.

He didn\'t say it himself, he didn\'t admit it!

The corners of Anne\'s mouth straightened completely.

She looked at him coldly:

"OK, then I will speak directly. Mr. Shang, how about we make a deal?"

Shang Qian looked at her and said nothing.


Sunan\'s home.

Qin Yu drank one cup after another, swearing at the same time, and scolded all his grievances and unwillingness.

Until she vomited, Su Nan and Ning Zhi helped her to go to the bathroom to wash, and then took her to bed to rest.

Both of them drank a lot, but at least they were conscious.

Ning knew and looked at the time. It was almost ten o\'clock.

"I have to go back."

Su Nan helped her forehead. "It\'s so late. Why don\'t you stay here for one night before you leave?"

Ning knew and shook his head: "no, I can\'t fly to Milan tomorrow morning. It\'s very important to have a show."

With that, she went to the table to get her cell phone, clicked it on and looked at it. Oh, wrong.

"This is Qin Yu\'s cell phone. Give it to her when she wakes up."

Su Nan nodded.

Suddenly, Ning Zhi squinted and looked at her clean mobile phone screen.

Gave Su Nan a look.

"That man really didn\'t call Qin Yu all night..."

Ning Zhi sighed. "Qin Yu\'s feelings are too bumpy. That man doesn\'t care about her as much as she imagined."

Su Nan smiled:

"If you care, it\'s not the two of us, but the man."

Ning Zhi thought this sentence was reasonable. I hope Qin Yu can get away from this fruitless relationship in time.

She took her bag and put on her coat.

Su Nan called, "wait a few minutes, I\'ll let the driver see you off. Don\'t drive yourself after drinking."

Ning Zhi nodded and didn\'t refuse.

After a while, the driver came, Ning knew and left.

Su Nan stood up and poured Qin Yu a glass of water. She put it on the table next to her. She planned to go back to wash and sleep.

Just after washing, the doorbell rang.

Su Nan thought for a moment and went to open the door.

Sure enough, there was Shang Qian at the door.

She narrowed her eyes and was drunk. Her face was a little crimson:

"Don\'t you have your fingerprints? Why don\'t you just come in?"

And ask her to open the door!

Shang Qian smiled and pinched her face. It was soft and beautiful.

Even if you are drunk, you are so charming.

"Miss Qin is probably here. How inconvenient would it be if I came in by myself?"

He is more considerate than he is.

Su Nan smiled, her eyes misty and blurred.

She reached out and hugged him. "Is the Cheng family over?"

Shang Qian held her waist with one hand and touched her hair with the other. His voice was low and dumb, full of doting tenderness:

"Well, it\'s almost over and I\'m leaving."

Su Nan smiled and said, "it\'s good that you held on to the end, or old Cheng would have to call my father to complain!"

Shang Qian smiled and whispered in her ear:

"How can you thank me?"

He\'s starting to push his luck.

Su Nan snorted, but didn\'t answer.

Shang Qian refused to give up and almost bit her ear to bewitch her:

"Follow me upstairs?"

He was joking on the spur of the moment, but when he saw her beautiful, blank look, he couldn\'t move.

Xinxiang\'s soft waist is in his arms. How can he be indifferent?

Before Su Nan could react, Shang Qian took a step back with her waist in his arms, then closed the door for her, got on the elevator, and a kiss blocked her mouth