After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1411

Master Cheng turned around the two of them and smiled:

"Well, Su Nan, you have a good eye. President Shang is a talented person with outstanding ability. Your father should be very happy, right?"

Su Nan said nothing and joked about the topic.

Her father would be furious if he knew.

Still happy?

She was afraid to think.

Master Cheng is obviously more interested in Shang Qian.

He held Shang Qian for a while before letting them go.

Su Nan didn\'t want to socialize. She was too upset. Someone came to greet her, and she found an excuse to slip away.

Leaving Shang Qian alone, he reluctantly took over the courtesy greetings.

Qin Yu didn\'t know where he came from, so he came up with a smile:

"You don\'t care about the general manager? I heard that people are very interested in him. Those who want to make friends with him can\'t find a way."

Su Nan pursed her lips. "No matter what, deal with it by yourself. How boring I would be if I took him with me."

Qin Yu just wanted to satirize her. Suddenly, he thought of something and approached her and whispered:

"Do you know what I saw just now?"

Su Nan shook her head.

Qin Yu mysteriously led her upstairs.

"Come on, I\'ll show you a scene you can\'t even imagine."

Su Nan frowned.

What scene did she not expect?

Has she seen enough wonderful scenes today?

Following Qin Yu upstairs, she pulled Su Nan to the railing on the second floor. Many seats around her were empty. Everyone was more willing to socialize below.


Qin Yu pointed to a quiet place below, where Su Nan and Fu YeChuan were sitting face to face talking just now.

But in that place, fuyechuan was still sitting there, drinking a cup of wine.

But the people on the other side have changed.

It\'s the woman brought by Lin Yang who looks like Su Nan in body shape and temperament. Her name is Anne.

Su Nan was stunned and squinted.

Annie sat there without saying anything, just looking at Fu YeChuan.

There seemed to be a strange atmosphere between them. Fuyechuan drank a lot of wine. He sat there without saying a word and was covered with a chill of no strangers.

But his aura accepted Anne.

Anne\'s eyes were fixed on him, and there was an undisguised fervent appreciation.

It was as if a wild animal had seen its prey.

Su Nan suddenly understood something.

Her discomfort at seeing Annie from the beginning was not that she looked like Su Nan in some places, but that her eyes looked dark and cold.

That kind of chill is colder than learning in the cold days.

Su Nan squinted and didn\'t understand.

It turned out that her goal was not her own, but fuyechuan!

Qin Yu came up, "look, that woman must have come prepared. She even imitates your little movements, your sitting posture, even your eyes.

If it\'s a coincidence, I don\'t think ghosts believe it! "

Su Nan said, "I don\'t believe it\'s a coincidence!"

Now it seemed to her that she knew something.

In a flash.

Qin Yu: "what does she want? Is her background fake? Isn\'t she an arms dealer? Is she a liar?"

"Don\'t you know by checking?"

Su Nan spoke faintly, but she was not interested.

Since the target is not herself, she is too lazy to meddle.

Fuyechuan is an adult. If he is so easily fooled, he can only say that he should have a long memory.

Qin Yu raised her eyebrows, nodded, and then took photos in that direction and sent them out.

For a moment, Su Nan looked at the woman and suddenly raised her head. Her eyes fell in her own direction, and then Su Nan.