After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1407

Mrs. Cheng was told and her face turned pale:

"Dad, I see. I\'ll go out and have a look."

She was forced into hiding by Liang Qi just now, but now she is forced out again?

Mrs. Cheng walked out gloomily and listened to the news there. Her head suddenly grew bigger.

The guests around are either rich or expensive. They are invited to see the Cheng family\'s face.

She didn\'t know that the Cheng family was getting worse day by day. If it hadn\'t been for Su Nan\'s help last time, I\'m afraid the company would have fallen into the hands of others.

Liang Qi\'s gaffe over there is really ridiculous.

Mrs. Cheng walks over and looks at Su Nan. Cheng Yi is standing far away. She looks as if she is out of the way.

"What are you shouting about? The old man heard it?"

She used to scold her sister.

When Liang Qi saw Mrs. Cheng, he felt as if he had seen her backer.

"What else can it be? It\'s just a small matter, so Miss Su won\'t let it go!"

Mrs. Cheng looked at Su Nan and pursed her lips.

She walked over, took Su Nan\'s hand and smiled lovingly:

"Sunan, no matter what it is, I will apologize for her. Don\'t be angry.

You don\'t know this day. You can wait until you get back, OK? "

Wen Yan.

Su Nan withdrew her hand indifferently.

Go back and say?

Who will bring up this unhappy thing when we go back?

Mrs. Cheng looked at Su Nan\'s coldness, and her heart clicked.

Su Nan\'s tone was very cold:

"Mrs. Cheng came just in time. Mrs. Liang said that my boyfriend had harassed her distinguished guests. So many people heard about it.

I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to make it clear if I go back. I think it\'s better to make it clear now. "

It was like a huge stone thrown on the lake.

Liangqi\'s face changed greatly. She looked at Su Nan and the man standing next to Su Nan:

"What? Your boyfriend? When did you have a boyfriend? What about Cheng Yi?"

There was so much information in her words.

Not only Su Nan, but also Shang Qian\'s face sank.

Su Nan chuckled. Before she could speak, she listened to Cheng Yi\'s voice

"It doesn\'t matter to me. I never said Su Nan was with me. We are pure girlfriends. I said, aunt, don\'t hurt me!"

Liang Qi\'s eyes moved slightly, and her lips trembled. It seemed that she didn\'t expect that this man was Su Nan\'s boyfriend?

I\'m not as confident as I was just now.

Mrs. Cheng looked ugly. "What happened?"

Liang Qi pursed her lips and pulled at the corners of her mouth:

"Misunderstanding, maybe it\'s all misunderstanding. Forget it, it\'s all our own people. Don\'t make things big..."

Su Nan\'s laughter was cold and abrupt:

"Who\'s with you?"

"Su Nan..." Mrs. Cheng said in embarrassment.

Su Nan didn\'t buy it, and she couldn\'t see Liang Qi fooling things over like this.

Dare you turn the page so easily?

Shang Qian was splashed with dirty water here just now, but so many people saw him.

Even if others do, her people must not ignore it!

"Mrs. Cheng, I hope you understand that our family has a friendship with the Cheng family, which does not mean that we have a friendship with Mrs. Liang.

Mrs. Liang started the incident. She said everything and everyone scolded her. She wanted to turn the page like this? How can there be such a cheap thing? "

Mrs. Cheng doesn\'t look good. She looks at her son Chengyi and hopes that Chengyi will stand up and say something.

With his friendship with Su Nan, Su Nan will not be investigated.

But Cheng Yi pretended not to see her, and didn\'t give her a look in her eyes!