After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1323

Su Qi tutted twice: "of course I am happier than you, but I look like a dandy like you!"

Su Jin finally had a reaction and said softly:

"You don\'t think you are?"

Su Qi: "...."

Su Nan: "...."

Su Qi touched his nose and coughed:

"I\'d better go to bed!"

Halfway up the steps, he paused, looked at Su Nan and blinked.

Su Nan doesn\'t know why.

She lowered her head and continued to listen to Su Jin.

After a while, the cell phone on the side rang.

It\'s Su Jin.

Caller ID: wife.

Su Nan\'s eyebrows and eyes jumped, and Su Jin immediately picked them up. Her voice was much softer:


He stood up and gave Su Nan a wink. Su Nan nodded.

When I answered the phone, I listened to his voice ringing, smiling at the corners of my mouth, and a soft look between my eyebrows and eyes.

Su Nan never dreamed that Su Jin would have such a day.

Sure enough, finding the right person is the happiest thing.

She looked down at the contents of the document and was thinking. Su Jin had already hung up the phone.

Su Nan waited for Su Jin to continue.

Results Su Jin looked at the time:

"Well, your sister-in-law asked me to have an early rest. I can\'t stay up with you. I\'m going to bed. Good night."

He glanced at her and added:

"Remember to pack up the papers."

With that, he loosened his collar, took his cell phone and went upstairs.

There was a soft smile on his lips.

Su Nan was dumbfounded: "...."

So, because of a phone call from Wen Xiang, I was relieved?

Su Jin, who never changes easily, has changed so easily?

His figure gradually disappeared at the entrance of the stairs, and Sunan gradually reacted.

She packed up the documents, took them to her study, and walked to the door of the room. She was too tired to open her eyes.

Picked up the phone and looked.

Suqi sent her a wechat a few minutes ago:

"Wait till I find a savior to help you!"

With that, he sent a screenshot of him calling Wen Xiang.

Su Nan couldn\'t help laughing.

It turned out that Su Qi contacted Wen Xiang, who called Su Jin.

But Su Qi finally did a good deed!


The next day.

Su Nan sends Shen silent the agreed location.

Shenmimi: "I have to go shopping to see suxiaohu?"

The location is in a high-end shopping mall. Su Nan hasn\'t visited it for a long time.

She replied: "suxiaohu got a kind of disease that would scream if he didn\'t go shopping!"

Shensilent: "death!"

Suxiaohu droops his head and helplessly watches Su Nan edit his "bad words" on his mobile phone.

To the mall.

Su Nan sat in a coffee shop waiting for Shen silent.

Chang Li was watching not far away, so Su Nan was relieved to come out.

The marble on the ground is bright and clean, and even the reflection can be seen.

But after a while, Shen silently came over with a ball on her head and her small bag on her back.

Su Nan quickly waved:

"Silent, lingo hasn\'t squeezed you recently. Is there much overtime?"

Shen smiled silently. "Some time ago, President Lin knew I was getting married and gave me a month\'s marriage leave!"

When it comes to house prices, her eyes are smiling.

But the next second, her smile stopped abruptly.

It was expected that he thought of something, with a bit of disappointment and melancholy in his eyes.

Su Nan glanced out and saw that a sign had been put up in the wedding dress shop opposite. Two men went in one after another