After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1320

But now, their biggest problem has been revealed.

It is inevitable.

Su Ming, apart from being very confused, is incomparable in her career.

Su Yifeng is most proud that Su Ming is not in business. His specialty is an accident!

But emotionally, Su Ming is a little white!

What a worry!

"Every time I am free, I will contact her. At other times, she can\'t even contact me."

Su Ming spoke in a low voice.

Seeing him sitting there, Su Nan was also very distressed.

After pausing for a second, he suddenly remembered something and looked at him:

"She doesn\'t answer the phone. You can go to her."

Su Ming looked up at her. "Do you think she will meet me?"

Su Nan pursed her lips: "there is a way, but your attitude must be sincere!"

Su Ming frowned. "I\'ve always been sincere!"

Su Nan said, "you think it\'s useless to be sincere. You have to let everyone see that you have to be sincere!

Even if you lose your dignity and airs, you have to jump down from your high altar. You can\'t always make yourself feel unattainable.

Let me remind you, it\'s the most common thing for fans to change their idols. If she doesn\'t fall in love with you that day and changes you, you\'ll be finished! "

Perhaps Su Nan\'s words startled Su Ming. Su Ming\'s face changed a few times and she was shocked.

I don\'t know if he understood, so Su Nan patted him on the shoulder:

"Well, I\'ll ask her out in the name of Xiaohu tomorrow. Then you can apologize and remember to prepare gifts!"

Su Ming blinked at her. "It\'s so simple? But her parents seem very angry..."

"Second brother, please coax others into silence first. As long as you don\'t get angry silently, her parents won\'t be so angry!"

Su Nan spoke helplessly.

Su Ming nodded. Qingjun\'s face was flushed.

"Well, I know."

Su Nan patted him on the shoulder. "Wait for my call tomorrow."

With that, she lifted her feet and went out.

As soon as I went out, I looked at Su Qi and listened to the corner

I was so angry and laughed.

Su Qi was not flustered when he was caught. He touched his nose and put his hands in his pockets:

"I really don\'t mean to say that the quality of our soundproofing is incomparable!"

He came up and said, "what\'s the matter with the second brother? Is he lovelorn?"

Su Nan looked at him with great interest, but she bit her tongue.


Su Qi: "Xiao Wu, you\'re not quite right, are you? I can help you too!"

Su Nan smiled. "Forget it. Don\'t interfere."

Su Qi cut, "no matter what, I don\'t want to meddle. I have to go to the company for a week\'s holiday. I don\'t know how Du Yan is?"

Su Nan didn\'t answer. She took her mobile phone and went around to find Su Xiaohu.

In the kitchen.

Suxiaohu was lying on a high stool, lazily watching the servant making snacks.

"Thirty grams of sugar, fat aunt, you use white granulated sugar..."

It wagged its tail and warned.

Aunt Pang was stunned for a moment and patted her head:

"You are more clever than the housekeeper. After staying here for a while, I haven\'t done it right!"

"You have to be careful. Both the young master and the young lady love sweets, but they can\'t eat too sweet. You must pay attention..."

Learning the tone of the housekeeper, suxiaohu warned aunt Pang with earnest words.