After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1318


The world seems to be quiet.

Shang Qian calmly picked up the cup on the ground and put it on the table.

Fortunately, the cup was not broken, and this set can still be used.

After a while, the assistant came in, saw this scene, and then bent down to clean up with him.

"Mr. Shang, I just watched him get on the bus and leave. His face was very ugly."

"Just don\'t look good."

Shang Qian\'s tone was very cool and didn\'t care.

He has just said what he wants to say. It seems that this is the most he has ever said to Shang Qun in his life.

Fortunately, his choice has not changed.

The assistant sighed:

"In fact, the best way for Shang\'s group now is to withdraw from the market. Unfortunately, Shang\'s group has always been high on the market. I\'m afraid it can\'t get off the shelf?"

Shang Qun sneered and said nothing. He stood up and tidied up his clothes:

"According to what he said, I still don\'t know that the Shang Group has been sold by the vice president. I really don\'t know how he will react if things come to light at that time."

"Mr. Shang, Miss Su, when are you going to do it?"

Shang Qian hesitated for a few seconds, frowned and shook his head.

Then he smiled again, with helplessness in his smile.

"She has always been so unpredictable that I don\'t know when she suddenly came over?"

Assistant: "why don\'t you ask? You have done so much for Miss Su. She doesn\'t know, does she?"

Shang Qian paused and smiled:

"It doesn\'t matter. If she knows, she will stop me."

"Stop you? Why?" The assistant asked puzzled.

Shang Qian: "although she hates businessmen, she doesn\'t want me to turn against them."

The assistant opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but looking at Shang Qian\'s attitude, he closed his mouth again.

He became more and more curious about the existence of Su Nan.

Can you make Shang Qian like this?

It\'s incredible!

"It seems that Miss Su is really a person who deserves to give her heart."

Shang Qian smiled and nodded.

Even if it is wishful thinking, he is willing.

Thinking about it, he was eager to see her after a few days\' absence.


Su Nan and Cheng Yi are tired to death after riding.

I was going to sit in the bar. Later, Su Qi insisted on taking Su Nan home.

Because the business affairs have not been solved recently, it is difficult to ensure that the business people will not leave some small tails.

impossible to guard against.

Su Nan can only follow Su Qi back to Su\'s house.

When the two returned, it was already dark.

There was a slight chill in the air.

As soon as Su Nan and Su Qi ran into the living room, they saw Su Ming sitting there with a low face, looking depressed, looking depressed and in a low mood.

Su Ming is the last one among them to hide her emotions.

Su Qi walked over with a smile. "Second brother, don\'t you live in the lab on weekdays? Why do you have time to go home?"

He was so excited that he wanted to go up and hold Su Ming. Su Ming quickly avoided him.

Su Qi: "..."?

Su Ming glanced at him and looked up at Su Yifeng.

I don\'t know where to start.

Suyifeng also sat there with a sad face, watching Su Qi and Su Nan come in, as if he had seen the Savior:

"That\'s great. You help the second brother to give advice. I\'m too old to do anything about you."

He stood up and patted Su Ming on the shoulder:

"Dad will help you, but you can think of your own way!"

With that, he immediately went upstairs into the study and hid.