After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1304

Su Nan occasionally glances at the hot Search about her and the project in s city.

"Goddess Su wants to come back safely. You want to be the richest man in the world!"

"That reporter is so unprofessional that he has discredited the entire media industry. With a little money, he can be free to frame up?"

"Su\'s group is really not afraid of the shadow. Quality inspection is about quality inspection. Even if it loses money, it needs a statement. That\'s good!"

"Fire prevention people are afraid that the quality inspection department will find out that there is nothing wrong with them? It\'s ridiculous!"

"I can guarantee that this fire was not directed or acted by the Su group, because they will not throw their female president into it.

I was there to save people. Goddess Su was almost unable to save her life. The doors were locked. Three ambulances and police cars were sent.

A handsome man rushed into the fire and took people out. I have to say, that man is really handsome! "

"This is obviously to set fire to destroy the evidence. Let others think that the Su family burned it by themselves? The eyes of the masses are bright!"

"Always believe in the innocence of Goddess Su! I hope you get better soon. Without you, the business and entertainment circles are soulless!"

"The murderer must be severely punished. It\'s so arrogant. Even people of such value as Su Nan dare to kidnap him?

If ordinary people were changed, would they still be lucky to survive? "

"Don\'t die, goddess. In order to support your career, I bought ten houses at one go!"


Su Nan smiled faintly. The voice on the Internet was really rich, but fortunately, Su\'s group was safe from this public opinion.

The cell phone suddenly rang.

Look, it\'s Qin Yu.

She picked it up.

Qin Yu tentatively shouted, "Xiao Wu?"

Su Nan frowned and looked. Yes, it was her.

"What? How strange is the sound?"

Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief. "You are still alive. You scared me to death!"

Su Nan: "can I scare you to death alive?"

Qin Yu quickly denied: "no, it\'s not. There are rumors in the main circles that you have been burned. How long have you not been out?"

Su Nan pursed her lips. It seemed that she had never been out of the door except that she went out to the airport that day and came back immediately.

"I\'m busy recently. I haven\'t recovered yet. The doctor asked me to rest at home."

"What do I say? If something happens to you, can the Su family be so calm?"

Qin Yu said a few words, which was really unbearable:

"You can either make a squeak on the Internet and don\'t let people start giving you incense..."

Su Nan: "...."

Is that an exaggeration?

Qin Yu firmly told her to take a bubble, otherwise the media would really start to use her "death" to attract attention.

Su Nan answered, chatted with her again, and hung up the phone.

Then he took his mobile phone and logged on to his account. After thinking about it, he released a message:

"Squeak -"

Su Nan\'s account had at least 15million fans. She just sent a word. In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of comments surged in.

Su Nan didn\'t have time to open the door. Small red dots kept popping up.

She was at a loss for a moment.

Suddenly, I saw my first reply below:

"Meow -"

Su Nan was puzzled. After reading the reply, she thought the nickname looked familiar, especially the avatar.

When I opened it, I found that the picture was actually a picture of little Mike\'s life. It was a picture of little Mike with big pink glasses, holding his tender face in his hands and looking at the camera.

It looks like a little model on the Internet.

By the way, this is Shang Qian\'s account number!