After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1289

Seeing that Su Nan is all right, Chen Jian really hates to get into the camera.

God knows, since Su Jin came to s City, his means and style are completely different from those of Su Nan.

When Su Nan was angry, she was angry layer by layer.

When she scolds you to death, she probably won\'t be angry for too long.

She is really angry when she is smiling.

But as long as Chen Jian doesn\'t touch the bottom line, Su Nan usually turns a blind eye.

And Su Jin.

His resolute style can torture people to death. One look can make you speechless.

There is no second chance for you.

After only a few days, Chen Jian felt that he was about to die.

Su Nan smiled and blinked on the other side of the camera:

"Manager Chen, have you dyed your hair? Why is it all white?"

Speaking of this, Chen Jian wanted to shave his hair.

After Su Nan\'s accident, he didn\'t dare to go to sleep.

After Su Jin came here, he was even more nervous.

If the eldest daughter of Su\'s group had an accident with him, he would never have a chance to rise up again in his life.

At the age of more than half a hundred, I am about to retire, but I am also very likely to lose my job.

Su Jin glanced at him coolly. Chen Jian immediately straightened up his look and looked at the camera tremblingly:

"I haven\'t dyed my hair. Mr. Su, have a good rest. All the staff and colleagues in the project team miss your health very much. I hope you take good care of yourself!"

Su Nan smiled and nodded.

"Well, thank you, manager Chen, and your colleagues for your concern."

Su Jin coldly interrupted them: "well, don\'t talk more nonsense. Say something useful."

Su Nan: "...."

Chen Jian: "...."

Su Yifeng, who pretends to be a transparent man, can only pretend that he has not heard anything.

Su Nan straightened her face and paused:

"Brother, what did the reporter say?"

Su Jin nodded: "Chang Li got the reporter\'s confession, which was ordered by the boss of Fuqiu\'s internship company.

But it\'s ridiculous. When the boss moved Fu Qiu out, he also moved Fu out. That\'s why the reporter dared to be so confident. "

Su Nan wrung her eyebrows and smiled:

"So the reporter thought that the Fu family instigated him to frame us? He thought that the Fu family would come forward to protect him?"

Su Jin nodded expressionless.

After hearing this, she suddenly felt very funny.

I\'m afraid fuyechuan will be laughed at when he hears this!

"Did the Liang family participate?"

Su Yifeng, who was sitting steadily aside, suddenly opened his mouth.

Su Jin\'s thin lips were tight, and his eyes were deep and sharp:

"As far as I know, I don\'t think so."

"Oh? Liang has been tossing around for five times, but he doesn\'t want to be his stepdaughter?"

Su Yifeng had already understood the relationship between lord Liang and Fu Qiu.

Su Jin\'s tone was cold:

"As soon as I arrived in S City, Lord Liang came to pick me up in person. He was very sincere and said frankly that he knew nothing about Fu Qiu\'s practice.

And he expressed Su Nan\'s apology for not helping her.

I guess he just wants to put on airs and give Fu Qiucheng a leg up.

I didn\'t expect that such a big thing would happen in the future... "

Su Yifeng sneered, and his eyes were cold and disgusted:

"When you go, he won\'t put on airs. This old man is really disgusting. Don\'t advise him if you have the ability!"

He is so mad that he has to get up when he slaps the table.

He is waiting for Lord Liang to have any opinion. It is better to participate in it, so that he will have a chance to kill this liang!

But I didn\'t expect that he would admit it?