After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1285

Su Ming raised her eyes in surprise and observed her.

Shang Qian reacted the most.

He took two steps forward, but he backed away.

There was no way to hide the painful and tangled look on his face.

Su Nan\'s chest sank and she suddenly felt that she had gone too far.

She pursed her lips.

Head up.

He spoke hard, but could not make a sound.

"Go to the hospital..."

Su Qi urged.

Mr. Xiao on the other side was also very good.

In a hurry, everyone began to prepare to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

Su Ming came over with a cup of warm water and handed it to Su Nan.

Su Nan gave him a grateful look.

This is her own brother!

Su Qi must have picked it up!

She finished the drink in one breath, moistened her throat, and instantly felt that the feeling of dryness was much better.

She gave a hard cough.

Looking at Su Qi, his voice was a little hoarse, but he could make a sound:

"I remember, you want to give me a cruise ship!"

The room was quiet.

Even the doctor was stunned.

Su Qi burst into laughter.

The anger that flashed on his face just now disappeared.

He heaved a heavy sigh of relief and patted Su Yifeng on the shoulder:

"Dad, that\'s right. It\'s my fifth child. With such a greedy character, the whole Su family can\'t find a second person!"

Su Yifeng also understood and looked at Su Qi with a smile:

"Aren\'t you?"

Su Qi: "...."

Shang Qian slowly stepped forward and looked at her:

"And me?"

The two men looked at each other.

Su Nan\'s smile stopped.

His eyes were dark, and there was a strong and deep emotion brewing in them, as if no one could see through.

Her voice was husky and slow:

"I don\'t blame you, Shang Qian."

Just a few words.

Shang Qian\'s eyes turned red, like a broken down after he tried to suppress this emotion.

His tall and straight body will soon be tortured to death by his own guilt.

Business people do things by no means.

He has learned it himself.

But he couldn\'t bear it. This method was used on Su Nan!

The moment he saw her faint in the warehouse, he had to take a gun and break up the business group!

If yu Lou hadn\'t held him, if Su Nan hadn\'t held his hand.

He wanted to die himself!

I can\'t imagine that all the inflammables stored in the warehouse.

Just a few minutes away, the fire was about to burn inside.

Once it burns, it will be impossible to control the fire.

He almost lost her.

Watching her wake up and open her eyes, I suddenly felt a sense of happiness for the rest of my life.

No one scolded him because it had nothing to do with him.

But Shang Qian hated himself.

Why is his surname Shang?

Su Yifeng glanced at the mood between the two people, sighed, and pulled Su Qi out of the room.

Xiao was also very tactful to take the doctor away.

But before leaving, he looked at Su Nan with a smile:

"I will have a physical examination in ten minutes. Miss Su should be mentally prepared..."

That means only ten minutes.

Su Nan nodded.

Su Ming puts down her water cup and goes out with Su Yifeng.

Hearing Su Qi\'s admiration, he asked him outside:

"Second, how do you know she can talk after drinking water? I thought she would lose her memory and become mute

I am ready to have a disabled sister! "

Su Ming\'s tone was cool and calm:

"She just inhaled too much smoke and dust, but didn\'t knock it. The burning building materials were non-toxic materials, without any toxic gas, and would not cause brain damage to the brain.

So she\'s just thirsty. "

Su Qi: "Oh..."