After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1281

Shang Qian smiled.

"Oh, you won\'t be sorry. What a crazy person you are!

I\'d rather make myself a good brother who doesn\'t care about gains and losses than say that my son inherits his father\'s work.

But something happened to Shang. You came to me and exposed your ugliness. "

For a while, Shang Qun really took great efforts to control his emotions.

Almost, he was going to die of anger!

"Shang Qian, you dare to talk to me like that. Who taught you? There are those nonsense things. You\'d better shut up!"

Shang Qian shrugged his shoulders, looking a little wild and unruly.

He doesn\'t care at all.

He didn\'t even listen to those scandals.

"So, you\'d better stay away from me and don\'t think about me. Oh, and Su Nan\'s.

Otherwise, I will let the world\'s largest media know these things, and they should be very interested. "

With a threatening tone, Shang Qian turned and left, his eyes bright and gloomy.

"Shang Qian, I won\'t let that woman go. She thinks Fu YeChuan will take care of everything for her in state m and erase all the evidence. Don\'t I know?"

Business group opening.

When he spoke, his tone was fierce.

"Those who dare to move businesses, even the daughter of the Su group, have to pay a price!"

Shang Qian\'s face was cold and heavy, and he wrung his eyebrows.

Dark and indifferent eyes.

"Shang deserves it. I warn you, too. If Su Nan loses a hair, I will never finish with you."

He was a businessman and left again.

He knows all the shady secrets of the business.

That\'s what keeps him alive.

Now, I have to protect Su Nan\'s life.

No one noticed. When Shang Qian mentioned Su Nan, Fu Qiu\'s face was obviously flustered.

Shang Qun stared at him gnashing his teeth.

He knew that this Shang Qian had been rebellious since childhood. His reaction was different from that of those illegitimate children who returned to the main house.

Other people take illegitimate children back, and illegitimate children will be grateful to be cows and horses.

Even if it is a struggle for power and profit, it is just a chess piece.

But Shang Qian did not.

He has been silent since childhood, but he is not timid at all.

At an age when he knew how to behave, he took the initiative to leave the business. He wanted his ridiculous dignity?

But soon, instead of waiting for him to come back in confusion, I saw that his ability and achievements were outstanding.

He is so gentle and modest in the eyes of outsiders. Only his business group knows that he is a cold and selfish person in his heart.

Therefore, he came to give him a step down and let him return to the business.

However, such a big temptation, the power and position of the whole business, he was not moved by it?

Seeing that Shang Qian was about to go out.

Fu Qiu couldn\'t help but look at Shang Qun and ran out with his feet raised.

Of course, she was optimistic about the merchants, but listening to their conversation, she seemed to understand that there was too much privacy in the merchants.

She is more optimistic about Shang Qian.

"Mr. Shang, you can take a night off before you leave. It\'s too late anyway..."

Before the words fell, Shang Qian suddenly stopped and looked back at her.

Eyes, is a cold look.

"What\'s too late?"

His voice was deep and hoarse.

Fu Qiu opened his mouth and his face changed slightly.

She knew she had said the wrong thing.

I don\'t know how to get back, but my brain was short circuited for a while.

Too nervous.

She bit her lower lip and looked at him wrongly:

"Is she that good? The merchant will not forgive her for her harm.

You are about to own the whole Shang Group. For this one person, won\'t you weigh which is more important? "