After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1229

Su Nan pursed her lips and suddenly felt that what Fu YeChuan wanted might not be the words of thanks.

But he can\'t afford what he wants.

She has nothing but this.

"Thank you, Mr. Fu."

Fuyechuan felt his blood stopped flowing.

"Thanks for what?"

He squeezed his cell phone involuntarily.

Su Nan: "you helped block the news about Shang Yi, didn\'t you?"

Fuyechuan paused for a few seconds.

"How did you know?"

Su Nan kept silent and glanced at Shang Qian, who was concentrating on driving.

Fuyechuan smiled, and his words also had the edge of being careless.

"It\'s nothing. It\'s just a matter of lifting a finger. Besides, I didn\'t give him a knife. It\'s merciless."

Su Nan tries to be calm.

"Anyway, thank you. When you come back, i... Shang Qian and I will invite you to dinner?"

Fuyechuan stood there, his blood seemed to stop flowing.

He stiffly suppressed his anger.

"You and Shang Qian?"

Is that really something to say?

Do you want to thank him, or do you want to kill him?

That night, if Shang Qian hadn\'t had too many people, he wouldn\'t have taken so much trouble to hide things.

"Think I really want to help him? If it weren\'t for his limited ability, I wouldn\'t have to do it. I advised him to do it in moderation and recognize his own strength."

Fu YeChuan loosened his collar and his face was cold.

He didn\'t mind pushing Shang Qian out to let the businessmen settle accounts.

If it weren\'t for Su Nan

Sunan was about to speak when Shang Qian suddenly took the mobile phone from her hand.

His tone is gentle and soft. As always, he can irritate people with a calm tone.

"Mr. Fu, although I know you don\'t want to help me, I still thank you for me and Su Nan.

However, in terms of strength, I think it\'s still too early to say. It\'s just a cover up for businesses\' inability to identify foreign forces.

But on the other hand, I think my strength is much stronger.

Goodbye, Mr. Fu. "

With that, he hung up the phone directly. There was still a smile in his mouth, but his eyes were cold.

After listening to him, fuyechuan saw the page of the call that had ended. His face could no longer be controlled, and he threw his mobile phone to the ground.

Damn Shang Qian.

Are you laughing at him for losing Su Nan and getting Su Nan?

Su Nan was surprised to receive the phone call from Shang Qian.

She blinked. It was strange that Shang Qian was angry?

He has never been angry

She suddenly smiled. "You asked me to call him to thank him, but I had to annoy him?"

Shang Qian looked at her helplessly and rubbed his eyebrows:

"I can\'t help it. Thank you. Who makes Mr. Fu think about other people\'s girlfriends all day long? He also speaks ill of me in front of my girlfriends?"

Su Nan smiled and put her mobile phone in her bag:

"I\'m afraid he\'s going to die of anger!"

It\'s better for Shang Qian to be angry.

Fuyechuan returned to the conference room with a dark face.

The atmosphere that everyone had already relaxed suddenly became rigid again.

We dare not even speak out.

Fuyechuan\'s angry face has never been seen by them since he came to m country

Just now, they were so gentle, but now they are so terrible. Can you give them some buffer time?

"This project must come up with a specific plan before this afternoon. If it\'s still the same, I\'ll replace it with a competent person..."

Fuyechuan\'s tone was cold and his eyes were full of cruelty.

Everyone\'s heart suddenly cooled and their faces became ugly.