After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1218

Shang Qian caught her steadily with a smile.

The two hugged each other tightly, and neither of them let go.

Su Nan\'s eyes were sore and she sighed:

"I have missed you for less than a day."

Shang Qian held her tighter. He gently patted Su Nan on the back and stroked her hair.

"Me too."

His voice was deep, husky, and soft.

The two people didn\'t pay attention. After waiting for a long time, they couldn\'t wait any longer, so they coughed heavily.

Su Nan was a little stunned. She loosened her hand and looked at Su Jin standing there. Her eyes were cold and her face was somewhat cold.

"Big brother?"

There was Wenxiang standing next to him. She waved her hand gently.

"Xiao Wu..."

Su Jinbai glanced at him. "I\'m such a big man standing here. How dare you see it?"

Wen Xiang couldn\'t help laughing.

Su Nan frowned and looked at Shang Qian.

"I... I just thought he was the only one coming..."

Unexpectedly, Su Jin came with Wen Xiang?

I was embarrassed.

After hugging for so long, Su Jin was watching.

What a big social death scene!

Su Jin gave her a silent look and frowned:

"Go out and get into trouble. Don\'t hurry back. You still slept outside all night before you left. You really don\'t know how high and mighty it is!"

Su Nan stuck out her tongue. "I know it won\'t happen for the time being. I\'m not stupid."

Wen Xiang walked over with a smile and explained in a soft voice:

"It\'s good to see that you\'re all right. Your eldest brother worried that he didn\'t sleep all night. He came to wait for you before dawn in the morning. He wanted to pick you up in person, but he was afraid that the formation would be too big to attract attention and cause trouble to you."

Su Nan smiled. "My sister-in-law is pleasant to hear, but she is much better than my brother..."

Su Jin tutted and poked his finger on Su Nan\'s forehead.

"Are you still picky? Your sister-in-law didn\'t sleep because of you. She just studied the laws of state m until the wee hours of the morning."

Su Nan was stunned for a moment. Looking at Wen Xiang\'s elegant face, there was indeed a circle of dark blue under her eyes, which was covered by foundation make-up.

That\'s why I didn\'t notice it for a while.

She went over and hugged Wen Xiang. "Thank you, madam."

Wen Xiang patted her on the back. "You\'re welcome. They are all family members. I used to live in M country for several years. I\'m quite familiar with the laws there and don\'t have much trouble."

Su Nan smiled, "when you hold your wedding, I will give you a big red envelope..."

Su Jin said nothing and turned away.

Wen Xiang couldn\'t help laughing. "Don\'t say it yet. Go home quickly. Dad is still waiting for you at home..."

Su Yifeng knows everything?

It\'s too fast to wear.

She silently glanced back at Yu Lou.

He must have sent it all out.

There is no second person.

Yu Lou, don\'t look over your head, as if you didn\'t see it.

Su Nan paused and looked at Shang Qian, hesitating.

He has been waiting here for so long that he can go back after seeing him?

I feel like a scum girl!

But... Their relationship has not been made public.

Just hesitating, Su Jin coughed:

"Mr. Shang, let\'s go together. My father specially invited you."

Shang Qian wanted to refuse, but when he heard Su Yifeng\'s special invitation, Su Jin didn\'t look like a liar. It\'s very likely that he was real.

He could only nod his head and reply:

"Well, I\'m just going to visit chairman su."