After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1212

Shang was dragged away like a chick, and had no strength to resist.

He suddenly felt that if he could survive tonight, he would be lucky.

Before Shang Qian imprisoned him, he wanted to rub his dignity under his feet.

But Su Nan really wants to kill him!

This woman is much more cruel than Shang Qian!

His face turned pig liver, and he began to breathe hard.

But the woman didn\'t mean to stop.

As soon as I opened the door, the cold wind from the balcony blew in.

The two-way comparison is so obvious.

He was still naked, and the cold wind suddenly penetrated his bones.

When the sound of opening the door came from the door, Yu Lou was shocked when they came in.

Su Nan kicked him out of the balcony.

Flew out like a piece of paper.

It fell, but it didn\'t fall completely.

Because the silk scarf was still hanging on the railing of the balcony, and at the other end, it was also strangling Shang Yi\'s neck

In this scene, Su Nan\'s fierceness seemed to pierce the cold of the night.


Shang Yi, hoarse and hard to shout, recalled everyone\'s thoughts

But no one dares to go up and save people.

Yu Lou\'s face changed greatly. He walked over and looked at the cool Su Nan tightening his tight cloak, with no expression on his face.

"President Su......"

He swallowed and didn\'t know what to say.

Shang Qian was so anxious in state Z that he wanted to fly over immediately. He called him and his own people. In a short time, he collected 100 bodyguards and friends.

They came to protect Su Nan.

Stand ready to protect a weak person with the fastest speed

The people outside the balcony railings were still dying, twisting their bodies, scared and scared.

His body was suspended on the 16th floor. As long as the silk scarf was broken, he would fall to death.

If the scarves keep falling off, he will be tired to death.

Thinking, these are also the two choices Su Nan gave him.

Strangle or fall to death.

It\'s a problem.

Su Nan looked down and saw that his struggling strength was getting smaller and smaller. He was dying.

She clasped her lips calmly.

"Shang Yi, I will take you home."

With that, Shang Yi\'s consciousness has gradually blurred, and he has no strength to continue to struggle.

Despair momentarily enveloped his life.

Seeing that he was no longer struggling, Su Nan snorted and glanced at Yu Lou.

"Get people up."

Yu Lou nodded and waved at once. Everyone used to pull people up from the outside easily.

But the whole person had a faint breath, as if he had died.

"President Su, do you want to send him to the hospital?"

Su Nan took a meaningful look at Yu Lou. Yu Lou immediately understood that he had said the wrong thing.

She\'s going to kill this man and send him to the hospital?

It would be good not to mend the knife. It would be superfluous.

He bowed his head and a man squatted down to try his breath.

"Still have a breath, Miss Su, what should I do?"

Yu louben didn\'t want Su Nan to get involved in these things. It took less than a day to get involved in human life. It\'s too troublesome to clean up!

However, Su Nan didn\'t care at all. She glanced lightly, and her tone was cold:

"Go and find out where the merchants are. They are still at their doorstep. It doesn\'t matter whether they live or die."

Yu Lou nodded immediately.


Shang Qian\'s people did not intervene in this matter. It was the people brought by Yu Lou.

A large crowd of people left and poured out silently.

It seems as if what just happened hasn\'t happened.