After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1177

A meal was fairly smooth.

After dinner, Su Nan and Shang Qian took sily back to the hotel to rest, and then they went back to the apartment together.

After a day and a night, the public opinion was almost fermenting. Seeing that new gossip was about to replace the heat, suddenly an anonymous person exposed a group.

People in the group are sharing their own industry secrets.

A person called "irradiating the world" sent a large number of photos in the group wantonly.

These photos are undoubtedly the fruit photos of some artists.

Take a closer look, some popular artists, including those who have worked with Viola, almost never let go, both men and women.

However, in these photos, the artist\'s expression is not as relaxed as in private, but as obedient and cooperative. This is work.

The following people immediately replied:

"My God, this woman has such a great figure. Don\'t you have nosebleed when you shoot?"

"This man is really not very good. He really depends on painting in the later stage, but this kind of photo is really rare to see..."

"Awesome, but it\'s a pity that there is no photo of sunhaoyang. It\'s said that his figure is first-class. Many rich women want to enjoy it..." @ "shine on the world" Mr.

Then, "irradiate the world" came out and replied:

"Sunhaoyang refused to take off his clothes when shooting. Su Nan met her when shooting. Miss Su was so angry that she refused to let sunhaoyang shoot immediately.

But you know the ending. If you offend our magazine, we won\'t even give Su\'s group face.

Isn\'t it just a sun Haoyang? Our rule is not to take photos without undressing. What\'s the big deal? "



Irradiating the world: "don\'t tell me, the old woman of our chief editor Zhang still wants to sleep with him, but it\'s a pity that he is not a good man.

In the future, there will be good resources for everyone to share. Pay attention to confidentiality! "

"Rest assured!"

"Rest assured!"


Countless people were relieved that someone still took a screenshot of this chat record and sent it to the Internet.

However, those who are interested in it have exposed that "irradiating the world" is Viola\'s Royal photographer, who has a high status in the circle, and he doesn\'t like ordinary young artists.

Very quickly, this exposed chat record was released in the early morning, and arrived at the hot search No. 1 at 5 a.m.

Viola\'s people, no matter how much money they spend, just can\'t delete this chat record, or even reduce the popularity.

The whole Viola has become an ant on the hot pot, and everyone is scared.

And the netizens on the Internet may not have expected that the reversal came so quickly.

And it is still in such a firm way.

Although the photos of countless artists have been coded, the image features of facial features can clearly distinguish who they are.

Everyone\'s discussion turned into a hidden rule phenomenon of collective crusading against viola.

Originally, I just wanted to see the excitement. Who knows that someone bullied AI Dou in his own house? Can you bear it?

The reporters were about to blow up the phone of Viola\'s headquarters, but no one dared to answer it, or even go to work.

Because countless fans and journalists are crowded at the door, waiting to meet the unethical photographer and the old woman who wants to sleep with sunhaoyang, editor in chief sunxiaojuan!

The eggs and banners are ready.

At the door of the company, the banners were prominently displayed. Undoubtedly, they were all swearing words and making them apologize.

For a while, it was very lively.