After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1172

"I began to doubt whether the previous domestic violence was deliberately committed?"

"Is a magazine like Viola not worthy of my brother\'s coffee? Does my brother misunderstand his coffee?"

"The first step into the fashion circle was ruined. Visually, no magazines will cooperate with him in the future. I\'m afraid..."

"We should sit back and wait for things to turn around. We should calm down when we eat melons."


Su Nan hooked her lips and glanced casually.

Then she clicked on the statement released by Viola:

Due to the incompatibility of the artist surnamed sun, we have decided to terminate the cooperation with the artist surnamed sun. The next cover magazine will invite the popular young student Yufei to shoot. Please pay attention.

No wonder.

An artist surnamed sun doesn\'t cooperate. He has begun to guide the topic in the direction of SUN Hao and Yang playing big cards.

This is the first time that a magazine has attacked an artist like this.

It seems that I can\'t bear it. I don\'t want to get used to the bad habits of artists.

No wonder most people in the comments are on the side of the magazine and believe that SUN Hao and yang are playing big cards.

It\'s almost a matter of naming names.

It\'s almost noon.

SUN Hao and Yang have not heard anything yet.

Yu Lou watched Su Nan calmly start to deal with business affairs, and went down temporarily to inspect the subsidiary.

It was a busy day.

Duyan dare not call Su Nan directly.

I can only bomb Yu Lou\'s phone again and again to inquire about Su Nan\'s whereabouts and practices.

In the end, Su Nan realized that Yu Lou was a bit diligent in answering the phone, and Yu Lou was afraid to answer it

"Yes... Mr. Du."

Yu Lou thought for a while and explained.

This is not a personal call.

He doesn\'t have time to wander.

Su Nan pulled at the corners of her mouth coldly.

"I want to wait for the hare, but I care if the hare will come?"

"After all, President Du has invested a lot in sunhaoyang. I\'m afraid he won\'t get his money back..."

Yu Lou murmured, but said the key point at once.

Su Nan rolled her eyes indifferently and continued to do her own thing.

In the afternoon.

The heat finally began to drop.

But the commentary seems to have identified a fact: "sunhaoyang is playing big cards.".

Referring to Xu Yan, famous artists are going to be scolded and get out of the entertainment industry.

But SUN Hao and Yang seem not to have reached this point.

However, there are many opponents who are secretly preparing black manuscripts to make him disappear completely when he is desperate.

At three pm.

Su Qi called: "Xiao Wu, things are done. The people in VJ will contact you by themselves."

Su Nan\'s eyes lit up and she put down her pen.

"So fast?"

"Shang Qian probably made a lot of efforts in the middle. I thought it would take at least a few days of negotiation to win. Unexpectedly, he had already said hello.

The man you are looking for has a good eye at present. "

Hearing Su Qi praise him so much, Su Nan feels like praising herself.

She smiled. "Of course."

Su Qi smiled. "OK, I\'m going to rehearse. You can go to see the cicada for me. Don\'t worry about your own fun!"

"I know, I treat her much better than you..."

Su Nan\'s tone was arrogant and could not help complaining:

"By the way, Du Yan is so good at taking Joe. You have to warn him. If you dare to make me angry again, go away."

Su Qi was silent. Unexpectedly, Su Nan was so angry with Du Yan.

Although he wanted to make it clear, it was too late.

"OK, if you say go away, go away. I\'m not here. You have the the final say in the company."