After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1134

Fuyechuan\'s voice is a little cold, with a few threads of pondering:

"Still thinking about Shang Qian?

So you don\'t know? Shang Qian is going bankrupt. "

Su Nan looked stiff. "What did you say?"

Fuyechuan\'s tone was very cold. He tickled his lips, and his expression was full of disdain:

"Now the whole m country knows that he is going bankrupt. Unexpectedly, he is still hiding it from you?"

Su Nan suddenly remembered that they were still on the phone yesterday. During the day, when they sent messages, they didn\'t see that he had any difficulties or something wrong.

But fuyechuan doesn\'t seem to be lying.

Her face changed slightly.

There are some bad feelings in my heart.

"He is suspected of operating stock prices and privately trading operating boards, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of a large number of investors. Country m has started to file a case, and he is facing nearly 20 years of imprisonment.

Su Nan, open your eyes and see clearly. Don\'t be cheated by this man. He is a liar from beginning to end! "

Fuyechuan repressed his anger and opened his mouth in a cold tone.

But Su Nan can\'t listen to anything now.

Her face was very ugly, so she forced herself to calm down.

"Thank you for telling me the news. I\'ll go back and make it clear."

Su Nan took a deep breath.

There came a man with a familiar voice.

"Didn\'t you say to bring me the wind? Why did you say it yourself?"

Qin Ming\'s arrival broke the awkward stalemate between Su Nan and Fu YeChuan.

He stood there and smiled. The whole person felt like a spring breeze. He looked more handsome and three-dimensional, but with a sense of cynicism.

Su Nan smiled. "I heard you have returned home. Welcome back!"

The music just changed into a melodious and slow dance music.

Qinming reached out and looked at fuyechuan:

"Mr. Fu, for the sake of being the protagonist today, I will take Su Nan away."

Fuyechuan darkened his face and looked at him without saying anything.

With the steps, Su Nan would certainly go down.

She immediately went over, took his arm, and left here.

Go to the middle of the dance floor.

"No, thank me?"

Qin Ming lowered his tone with a smile.

Su Nan gave him a white look. "Thank you?"

"Thank me for helping you out, otherwise who dares to rob president Fu from his eyes?"

Qin Ming smiled meaningfully.

Su Nan blinked, looked at him, smiled and shook his head.

"After you\'ve been away for so long, a lot of things have really happened. I\'m afraid fuyanni hasn\'t had time to tell you a lot of things?"

Qin Ming looked at her puzzled and suddenly thought of something.

"Are you talking about you and Shang Qian?"

Su Nan raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Did he tell you?"

Qin Ming smiled.

"There\'s no need for him to say that a few words spread quickly from place to place in the whole shopping mall.

I didn\'t have time to shoot the variety show in the second season. I went home directly to take over the company. Fu Ershao was busy falling in love and didn\'t have time to tell me this...... "

Su Nan thought for a while, and it was.

But I didn\'t expect that I had a secret relationship with Shang Qian. As a result, many people knew about it.

Music sounded.

Qin Ming gently put his hand around her waist and led her inside with a gentlemanly grace.

"This reception banquet was proposed by Fu Ershao. There are few acquaintances, but he is happy."

Su Nan smiled.

Suddenly remembered something:

"By the way, have you heard about Shang Qian..."

Qin Ming interrupted him:

"The economic crisis in country m has limited impact on him. His capital is fixed in different fields. The risk is not large, but..."