After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1130

"Check the capital behind her. Is she used to?"

"Go apologize to those assistants and get out of the entertainment business. It\'s so easy to make money from acting?"

"Is it so difficult for ordinary workers? I have loved that assistant sister 10000 times!"


Netizens scolded her very much. For one purpose, let her apologize and get out of the entertainment circle!

Xu Yansheng came out with tears and apologized. She wrote a little apology to try to save the situation.

Netizens don\'t buy it.

It turned out that in the afternoon.

A man who claimed to be the crew sent several photos of Su Nan wearing low-key clothes and eating boxed lunch seriously during the crew\'s visit!

She really ate the food into her mouth and talked and laughed with the people nearby.

The picture quickly became popular as soon as it was sent out.

"Xuyan, come out and have a look. This is the star!"

"Su Nan\'s worth is a thousand times as much as yours, and his quality is also a thousand times as much as yours!"

"Su Nan is really impressed. Why is my goddess so beautiful?"

"I really want to be the dish in Su Nan\'s mouth!"

"You can\'t eat the food that Su Nan can eat? How noble does Xu Yan think she is?"

"Is Miss Su going to act? We have 10000 support!"

"So fairies can also eat vegetables? Fairies remember to eat chicken legs..."


Soxhlet group.

Su Nan never dreamed that she could eat her own melons.

She had watched the netizens scold Xu Yan, which was very happy.

I can\'t wait to scold myself!

But looking at it, how did your photos hit the hot search?

Su Nan paused, and Ning Zhi\'s call came.

She squinted, and her intuition told her that Ning Zhi\'s call must have something to do with the photos on the Internet.

She picked it up.

Ning Zhi: "Xiao Wu, have you seen your picture?"

"You didn\'t do it?"

Su Nan asked directly.

Because Ning knew she had to stay in the crew for dinner.

So she can\'t help thinking about it.

Ning Zhi was silent for a few seconds and smiled.

"What do you think? I do, but the reaction is not so fast.

The people present at that time occasionally took a photo and sent it to me. I asked someone to send it to the Internet and hammer Xuyan to death! "

Su Nan relaxed and smiled. It wasn\'t her plan. It was also what she posted online.

But it doesn\'t matter. As long as you can help her, she is also very happy to be used.

"Well, there is also my credit here. Please remember to thank me well!"

Ning knew: "no problem!"

Su Nan: "but what happened to Xu Yan\'s video?"

Ning knew: "it was the little assistant who asked someone to do it. The little assistant had already been unhappy with her and was trying to kill her.

She took a video to find me and asked me to help. She said it was good for the play. Of course, I readily agreed.

Otherwise, how can you occupy the hot spots all day? "

Adding fuel to the flames, she is serious.

It turned out to be so. Su Nan pursed her lips. "That\'s what she deserved. She killed herself today."

Ning knew: "yes, God helps me!"

"What about the remaining women? You can\'t let them go so easily!"

Su Nan reminded her not to let anything slip through the net.

Ning Zhi\'s tone was brisk:

"Don\'t worry, I\'m very vindictive. I won\'t miss another one!"

Su Nan lifted her lower lip and smiled with satisfaction.

That\'s good.

The news on the Internet has grown to the point where everyone is shouting, and Xu Yan finally dare not pretend to be dead