After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1106

Su Jin paused and shook his head immediately.

"I\'m going to watch a movie with your sister-in-law tonight. I\'m not free!"

Su Nan: "...."

get down to business.

Su Jin pondered for a moment: "if Shang wants city a to set up its own brand, it is bound to separate some customers. You should be on guard at any time.

In addition, I heard that Shang Yi had offended you at a party before? "

Su Nan raised her eyebrows. "Not really. I taught her a lesson."

"Be careful, but you\'re welcome."

Su Nan nodded, which was a pleasant sentence.

She waved her hand, "I\'m leaving..."

Su Jin nodded and suddenly remembered something. He stopped her and took out a navy blue gift box from the side.

"Here you are."

Su Nan was surprised. She took it and opened it.


What a big ruby bracelet. Its color is beyond description.

Su Nan was shocked, and a smile immediately appeared on her calm face.

"My best brother, thank you..."

Su Jin: "you\'re welcome."

"But why give me a present?"

Asked Su Nan.

Su Jin: "Wen Xiang gave it to you and bought it at a Swiss auction. He said you must like it... Well, I wish you all the best tonight."

Su Nan blinked and offered flowers to Buddha?

Anyway, she fell in love with the ruby bracelet at first sight.

"Thank you for me, sister-in-law. You can always have such gifts in the future."

Su Jin gave her a silent look:

"Get out."


Su nangan simply left Su Jin\'s office with a gift.

I plan to go back and enjoy this ruby bracelet.

The red is crystal clear and moist without any defect.

I can\'t put it down.

With a beautiful bracelet, Su Nan was not so bad about the dinner party.

Gifts are really a cure for unhappiness.

Later, Su Nan sent Qin Yu a wechat to ask if she had time.

Qin Yu replied in seconds, "of course there is time to watch the excitement!"

Su Nan: "...."

Since we are going to the party, we can\'t be too shabby.

Su Nan left the company ahead of time to pick up Qin Yu\'s clothes.

The latest version of Gao Ding was sent home early, but Su Nan enjoyed shopping.

Very relaxed, very comfortable.

As soon as Qin Yu entered the shopping mall, he began to stroll with joy.

Su Nan tutted twice. "Isn\'t there anyone to accompany you?"

"Didn\'t you walk with me?"

Qin Yu smiled and looked back at her, then sighed.

"Don\'t show me that man is really boring. He seems to be unruly on the surface, but he is serious at heart. He doesn\'t have the patience to go shopping with me.

And... I\'m afraid we\'re being pointed at together... "

Su Nan paused and looked up at her:

"Your mother has no problem now?"

"How could she? At first she wanted to kill me. Then she began to preach to me and asked Shen Liang to persuade me. But it was useless. I wouldn\'t care if I didn\'t get the oil and salt."

Su Nan frowned. "I haven\'t heard of you quitting your marriage with the Shen family lately. Did you quit in private?"

Qin Yu paused and looked back at her.

"I didn\'t quit. My mother said that unless she died, I wouldn\'t want to quit on my own initiative."

Su Nan: "what are you going to do?"

"Just go step by step. I have some time to go on, but the Shen family is not sure. I don\'t believe that Shen Liang is not in a hurry?"

Su Nan raised her eyebrows and thought of the Shen Liang in her head. It seemed that... He wouldn\'t worry.

"Well, you\'d better have a good talk. There\'s no need for such a stalemate. Doesn\'t Mo Xian have any indication?"