After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1089

Su Nan was stunned and nodded, "he did it, that\'s right."

After all, he was the only one who mentioned this speculation before.

But unexpectedly, the Su family also happened to know the secret.

My heart is heavy like a huge stone.

She was not very happy.

I just think it\'s funny.

Such a rich and powerful family as a business has a close relationship between politics and business on the surface, but in fact it is so dirty and dirty.

No wonder the business group cares so much about the disappearance of business!

Su Qi: "brother becomes son? Is this relationship too messy? His father won\'t jump out of the coffin and beat people, will he?"

Ning Zhi quietly tugged at Su Qi\'s clothes:

"This is not the key point. In this way, there is a reason for businesses to reject business modesty."

Shang is also afraid that one more person will compete with him for his family property.

Shang has known this fact for a long time.

Su Qi nodded and flattered seriously:

"Cicada, you are still smart!"

Everyone: "...."

Are we all fools?

Su Yifeng kept silent.

Su Nan looked at his face and lowered her eyes slightly.

She probably knew what he was thinking.

Worried about Shang Qian\'s troubles?

She can\'t say no, but she stays out of it as much as possible.

Ning Zhi stood up and took Su Qi by the hand:

"Third brother, aren\'t you going to take me to your collection of autographed photos of big men in the circle?"

Su Qi suddenly stood up and his eyes lit up:

"Yes, the Century Collection Edition. I\'ll give it to you when you marry me."

Ning Zhi smiled. "I don\'t want it. I\'ll just have a look."

Su Qi lost himself and took her upstairs

Su Jin sat opposite Su Nan, his voice cooling down:

"We can\'t stand in line when businessmen deal with businessmen. Do you understand?"

Su Nan looked at him. Although her heart was very complicated, she nodded.

Once the Su family stood in line, it would be a clear challenge to the merchants.

No matter whether you win or lose, how many people will take the opportunity to make some small moves, which is bound to be very ugly in this circle.

Su\'s group will not get any benefits.

Shang Qian is just a partner for Su\'s group.

You can\'t weigh the pros and cons.

Su Nan just loves him more. He has been fighting alone for so many years, but in the end he is still alone.

Su Yifeng\'s voice was cold, and he said, "after all, I saved Xiao Wu, but I can\'t go too far."


Su Nan\'s eyes were slightly sour. Su Yifeng raised his hand and touched Su Nan\'s head.

How could he not understand what was on his daughter\'s mind.

To stand on the sidelines means to die.

Even if not so deep feelings, friendship is also there.

In order to benefit, they have to make the best choice.

"Don\'t worry. As long as he stays in country Z for one day, we can still keep Shang Qian\'s life, but we can\'t help him with other things."

Su Jin nodded coldly and looked up at Su Nan.

Su Nan said, "he\'s ready. We don\'t have to worry. Shang Qian doesn\'t have to lose."

Although there seems to be a great disparity in strength, no one understands the weaknesses of businesses better than Shang Qian.

Su Yifeng pursed his lips, and there was a chill in his eyes:

"In recent days, there are strangers coming in and out of the villa, which is probably related to the business."

Su Nan and Su Jin were shocked.

Su Jin was calm but nervous. He immediately took out his mobile phone:

"I\'ll let someone handle it."

"Well, I\'ve already asked Chang Li to deal with it. It\'s just a lesson. You don\'t have to worry."