After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1080

Shang Qian\'s hands were very tight. His eyes were blurred and he spoke quietly:

"It doesn\'t matter, Su Nan, it doesn\'t matter to me..."

From small to large, he was trembling behind the reputation of illegitimate son. Even if he was a businessman, he was just a more advanced illegitimate son.

No one pitied him. This was the punishment he deserved as an illegitimate son.

When he came to this world, he hated the whole world.

His vain mother, his irresponsible father, and his helpless self.

He admires those bright and cheerful peers. Their sunshine, cheerful, positive and upward are all things he envies.

But in the business, he had to be silent.

He did not pretend to be very hard, silence and gentleness seemed to be the same.

Just cold-blooded indifference to everything.

Shang Yi\'s overbearing and scheming are blatant, and his hostility to himself is fierce.

When he first appeared in Shang\'s company, he received a severe blow.

Shang also thought that he had trampled him into the mud and stepped on his feet.

He simply left the business.

He did everything he could to gain a foothold on Wall Street.

Because his surname is Shang, there are more prominent people in the name of the merchant.

Therefore, after his name is typed out, the business group will not easily move him.

He had experienced the heaviest darkness, but was ignored by him. He just wanted to see the light and warmth.

Fortunately, he saw Su Nan.

Su Nan sobbed for a while, only to find that his shirt was wet.

She felt embarrassed and caressed the wet place:

"I won\'t let you be bullied like this in the future. Hurry in."

Shang Qian moved his eyebrows slightly and looked at Su Nan\'s gentle eyebrows.

He knew very well that he was trapped.



The night was cold.

Beside fuyechuan\'s car.

He stood there, without a coat, and rolled up his sleeve to his forearm. One of the diamond cuffs on his shirt sleeve was missing, and the other was hanging askew on it.

The muscles of the forearm are smooth and sharp, and the air pressure is very low.

His eyebrows and eyes were cold and gloomy. He bit a cigarette and felt for the lighter with one hand from the car, but no flames came out.

Go down several times.

His irritability between his eyebrows and eyes became cold and fierce, and he threw it back into the car.

A snap.

A steady flame was handed over.

Looking down, Shang Qun stood there with a smile and extended his other hand.

"Mr. Fu, please..."

Fu YeChuan paused for two seconds, and the evil atmosphere between his eyes and eyebrows was cold.

He bowed his head slightly. The weak flame reflected his five senses in a sharp and deep way. The corner of the end of his eyes was slightly red. The bottom of his eyes, which was not easy to detect, was weeping blood.

"Thank you, Chairman Shang."

Shang Qun smiled and took it back. "Mr. Fu was kind. Shang also kept telling me that you are a righteous man. He has received a lot of care from you here. I should thank you for that."

Fuyechuan hissed coldly, biting the cigarette, and his tone was hoarse and cold:

"He can\'t even save himself, so don\'t hurry to thank others."

As soon as the words were spoken, Shang Qun\'s face changed a few times.

Indeed, the disappearance of Shang Yi is humiliating.

Fuyechuan did not have any interest cooperation with the him. Naturally, he would not bother to inquire about his whereabouts.

But here, only fuyechuan can find Shang Yi from Shang Qian.

Therefore, no matter how unhappy the business group is, it seems that they are smiling lightly