After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1078

Lu Qi hurriedly ran over, "stop it. Don\'t fight. Shang Qian warned you that if something happens to Fu YeChuan, you are the enemy of the whole Fu group. Can you afford it?"

Su Nan glanced away like an arrow with a sharp tone:

"Don\'t fight if you can\'t afford to lose. You still want to throw money at dead people? That\'s the talent of nouveau riche!"

Lu Qi mumbles his lips. Unexpectedly, Su Nan even opens his mouth to defend Shang Qian?

When Fu YeChuan heard this, he made even greater efforts.

Seeing the situation of two people fighting getting more and more dangerous, no one would let anyone go.

Fuyechuan never died when he was a child. He rolled around the barracks and was fearless.

But how could Shang Qian, who looked as gentle as jade, fight so fiercely?

It\'s like a different person!

For a while, it was hard to decide!

Gradually, some people came to see the excitement.

Su Nan snorted coldly and walked over with a chilly voice:

"Stop -"

She shouted.

Two people who were stuck together separated lazily, but none of them gave up.

Fuyechuan\'s face was ugly. Blood was seeping from the corners of his mouth and he was punched in the face.

Like Shang Qian, Wen\'s gentle face was colored, which was a bit more cold and wild.

Shang Qian walked towards her. Su Nan looked at him, took his arm, turned and left.

Her choice is clean and neat.

Looking at her back, Fu YeChuan\'s heart was suddenly empty.

"Su Nan..."

He couldn\'t help shouting.

Su Nan really stopped.

Turn back slowly.

His dark eyes lit up again.

Su Nan: "just for what you just did to me, you deserve to be beaten, or I will be the one who beat you."

Her eyes were cold and gloomy. She didn\'t look at fuyechuan any more. She turned and left.

Fuyechuan\'s black eyes fell into darkness, and gradually became a treacherous sea, calm but dangerous.

Any wind can make a huge wave

Shang Qian\'s back was a little heavy at first, but when she finished, she suddenly felt more relaxed.

He didn\'t even feel the pain of being beaten.

The onlookers could not help but be shocked. What is the matter?

Fuyechuan even fought with Shang Qian?

But Su Nan and Shang Qian left together?

Is it true that

It\'s really tempting to guess what just happened?

On the car.

The driver is driving ahead.

From time to time, I took a look at the two silent people behind me.

Shang Qian was injured, but he didn\'t seem to have any anger?

Su Nan looked at him with heavy eyes, and then stopped looking.

"Mr. Shang, where are you going?"

Shang Qian: "go home."

Su Nan: "hospital."

Two people speak at the same time.

Su Nan frowned, "what are you doing back now? Of course you have to go to the hospital!"

Shang Qian smiled, tore at the wound and took a breath.

Soon, he gave her a reassuring look:

"Nothing. Just go back and take some medicine."

Su Nan twisted her eyebrows. "It\'s best to take a CT examination to avoid any internal injuries."

Shang Qian: "OK, listen to you."

He could see that Su Nan was not in the right mood.

They didn\'t stick to their opinions.

The driver immediately turned around and went to the hospital that Su Nan often went to.

At the door, Shang Qian looked at the hospital in front of him, glanced at the driver, said nothing, and got off the bus.

He opened the car door for Su Nan and helped her down in high heels.

"Do you want to change your shoes?"