After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1076

Su Nan raised her eyes in surprise.

Then, calm down.

She gave a cold lip:

"Lu Qi, you should know that there is a saying, what\'s the name of not blocking the way?"

Lu Qi choked.

Well, Su Nan is so ruthless.

What can\'t he say?

The photo of her streaking is still in her hands. I\'m afraid it will become the handle of her life.

But think about it, for my brother.

He can only stand here with a stiff head.

"Su Nan, I don\'t mean anything else. I just want to remind you that Shang Qian is not a simple man. Don\'t be cheated."

Su Nan gave him a fixed look.

Suddenly he smiled.

"Those who won\'t cheat are idiots, but I\'m willing to be cheated. Can I manage it?"

Lu Qi\'s face changed several times.

What a torture!

Just as she was about to leave, she watched a tall and cold figure behind him approach gradually.

Su Nan smiled.

He spent the whole evening making polite greetings to others.

I did not go to her with my deep yearning.

However, her figure was all over the corner of his eyes, and a smile and a frown were like hooks that took away all his attention.

Lu Qi had already seen that he was out of his mind, so he came to tell Sunan first.

But what did he hear?

Is she willing to be cheated?

For so many days, he waited for Su Nan to discover Shang Qian\'s true face a little bit and then stay away.

And he, trying to get himself out of these things.

To avoid Su Nan thinking that she framed him out of jealousy.

But what happened?

Fuyechuan felt like he was falling into an abyss, surrounded by huge ice.

No trace of temperature.

He stood in front of her, his eyes locked on the expression on her face.

"So far, you still want to be with him?"

His tone was so cold that only he could hear the sadness in his words.

Lu Qi could not bear to stand aside.

Su Nan met his eyes calmly.

Looking at his dark pupil, her heart trembled unconsciously.

I don\'t know why. It hurts.

But she immediately recovered.

Hook your lips and smile.

"Yes, I believe him."

I believe that Shang Qian, who came out of the rumors, is more open and credible.


The surging emotion in fuyechuan\'s eyes and eyebrows seemed uncontrollable. His Adam\'s apple rolled and his veins bulged

Thought he wanted to do something, but he didn\'t.

His heavy eyes looked at her, then he turned around and disappeared at the door.

Lu Qi blinked, surprised.

He hurried after him.

Why is there no one in a blink of an eye?

Su Nan calmed down and then walked out calmly.

But when she rounded the translucent corridor and turned the corner, the familiar warm, silent and cold fragrance invaded her in an instant.

She pulled her whole body back to the back of the landscape wall.

Hidden and dark.

Su Nan looked up at him in shock, his eyes cooling.

"Fuyechuan, what are you doing?"

At this time, fuyechuan, without the depressed emotion just now, was evil and domineering, and was extremely publicized.

He held her waist tightly with one hand and pressed her shoulder with the other, so that she had no chance to resist.

Hawk and Falcon like eyes stared at her. Love and anger were intertwined inside. It was more possessive.

"What are you doing? You can see people like Shang Qian. Why... Why don\'t you give me a chance?"

He almost bit his back teeth and questioned.

Su Nan didn\'t push him at all.

There was a slight pain in her chest