After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1040

Little Mike was so miserable that he sat there crying.

She tried to make Shang humble by pretending to be poor.

"Daddy, you are so old. You can find another aunt. I promise I won\'t bully her. Give me back my beautiful sister!"

Even little Mike knew what yingyanyan, who had surrounded Shang Qian, was up to.

So he came up with various ways to drive them away.

Now think about it, I really regret it!

Shang Qian saw through his purpose at a glance, and he smiled.

"She coaxed you to play. Why did you take it seriously?

Other aunts I don\'t like, I like her!

You don\'t have to worry about my inheritance.

In the future, my money can be directly spent on her! "

Little Mike\'s cry became louder and sadder

How desperate!

Shang Qian calmly finished his meal in front of him. After cleaning up, he didn\'t want to stop, so he went directly to the bathroom to take a bath and get ready to rest.

Little Mike swings his two short legs to his room, sits on his bed and howls

When Shang Qian came out, his head grew big.

I looked up. Fortunately, the sound insulation was good. Otherwise, what would I do if I disturbed Su Nan to sleep?

He lay in bed and pretended to sleep. Little Mike grunted twice. He was tired of crying and went to sleep.

Early the next morning.

Shang Qian took people to the bathroom to wash, and also chose clothes for him personally.

Little Mike was playing around in the fog, thinking of the bad news of yesterday, his eyes flushed and he hardened his head:

"I won\'t forgive you unless you break up!"

Shang Qian had a meal.

"You can still see her often when she is with me. If she is with others, you can\'t see her. Didn\'t I tell you before?

The fertile water doesn\'t flow out of the field...... "

Little Mike, don\'t overdo it. Don\'t listen to the monk chanting scriptures!

Shang Qian was helpless and did not intend to continue this topic.

He has to accept it anyway.

"I found a school for you, one level higher than your current course, but I believe it\'s no problem for you. Oh, boarding!"

He managed to find a boarding school.

In the future, he and Su Nan will be free to go out on a date without being disturbed!

Little Mike looked at him in shock. He was so desperate.

"I don\'t want it!"

His courses in country m are three levels of difficulty. If he is one level higher than the previous courses here, he will become the youngest student in the class?

Be bullied!

Besides, what\'s the idea of sending him to school that he won\'t know?

The old father is a real dog!

In order to be with my beautiful sister, I took great pains!

Shang Qian looked at him with warning:

"You have no choice. I\'ll let Tom\'s bodyguard report to your school security team. Susan\'s maid will cook in the canteen. If they are there in the future, you can have a good time!"

He is very considerate of everything!

Little Mike: "..."

After breakfast, Shang Qian led the reluctant little Mike out.

Su Nan is waiting downstairs.

When they came out, Shang Qian\'s face was full of spring breeze, while little Mike\'s face was full of sadness.

The contrast is too strong.

Su Nan waved to them.

Shang Qian smiled, walked over and whispered to little Mike:

"Laugh. If you make her unhappy, you\'ll stay at school all your life!"

Little Mike: "..."

His heart is bitter, he can\'t say?