After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1028


Shang Qian\'s hand was a little stiff.

From above, her dark hair is white and soft against her neck. If her fingers work hard, they can leave traces on it. People can\'t help destroying her, but they are reluctant to part with it.

When she spoke, she whispered softly, like the spring breeze blowing on her face, like a clear spring flowing into his heart.

No one has ever told him that you are not wrong.

The servant clearly saw that his mother had jumped down, but she still heard that he had pushed it.

In this way, it can satisfy some people\'s curiosity hunting psychology.

It was clear that his father accidentally stepped on the stairs and fell down, but he believed Shang Yi\'s words and felt that Shang Qian must have stretched out his hand behind him.

So, he became the most heinous person.

It seems that his existence is a mistake and not worth forgiving.

But he never did anything wrong

Su Nan\'s words suddenly made him feel that his past was not bad.

The hand holding the towel paused, threw the towel aside, and leaned over to hold her from behind.

Gently, sighed.

"Su Nan, I really... Really like you."

Su Nan hooked her lip and turned around to hug him.

"Well, I know."

She knew that he liked her. She liked her very much.

When his mood calmed down, Su Nan felt hungry. She went to the kitchen to get two loaves of bread and handed him one.

"You haven\'t eaten since last night."

Shang Qian smiled, took her over, and threw her aside.

"I\'ll cook."

Su Nan was stunned and watched him roll up his sleeves and walk into the kitchen.

She sat on the chair opposite the kitchen and saw that men cook with a natural sense of beauty, which is very attractive.

How jealous!

Shang Qian looked up at her and smiled, "is there anything else you want to know?"

With Su Nan\'s support, he can face up to the past.

Su Nan paused and asked directly:

"Are you on good terms with Mike\'s biological father?"

Shang Qian\'s smile converged slightly and nodded.

"He is the best person in the whole business to me. He is naive and simple. Like you, he will never look at people with colored glasses."

He blurted out his praise naturally.

Su Nan was embarrassed.

Is she so good?

"It\'s a pity that he died early. Otherwise, I would really like to introduce you."

She also wanted to see him. She wanted to see what the only person who brought Shang Qian warmth was like?

Unfortunately, there is no chance.

"From small to large, Shang was arrogant and unreasonable, but his mind was deep, cold and terrible.

When my father was in the company, he was secretly preparing for joining the company. He entered the company in the name of internship, secretly courting the top management and slowly approaching the power center of the business.

At that time, my father took me as an intern in the company. I found that he secretly colluded with others to transfer interests, and warned him that he had a grudge at that time. In order to kick me out, he played games with others and got me in. "

Shang Qian\'s voice was low and cold.

"Later, it happened that my father fell down the stairs. However, I investigated later. At that time, the stairs were coated with oil. I suspect that it was the business that did it."

Su Nan\'s eyes widened in shock.

I can\'t believe that Shang also did this kind of thing, and he was even familiar with it?

"Can\'t anyone believe it?"

Su Nan couldn\'t help asking.