After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1017

Wen Xiang and Su Jin obviously noticed something wrong.

Every smart Housekeeper will scan the passing guests every five seconds to see if there are any strangers.

In such an environment, it is not easy to mix in an outsider.

Especially when you come in and go out without any trace.

Apart from Su Yifeng, no one saw Shang Yi\'s face.

Wen Xiang is still wearing the dress she just wore. Her delicate eyebrows and eyes are a little anxious:

"Call the police?"

Su Jin looked at Su Nan hesitantly:

"If there is no evidence that Shang also took Mike away, it is unreasonable that he called the police because he came here to attend the banquet..."

Even if it is an alarm, it will not be settled.

Su Nan was in a muddle. She was excited when she heard the word "alarm".

"Don\'t call the police yet, brother. I\'ll go to find Shang Qian. It\'s most important to find Mike first. The rest will be put back. Dad, you can ask me more."

Su Jin nodded solemnly and coldly.

"Don\'t worry. I\'ll take care of it. You can go."

Su Nan nodded flustered and ran out with her skirt

Wen Xiang looked at her leaving figure, frowned slightly, opened his mouth, hesitated and said:

"Dad saw that Shang Qian had a problem. He just admitted it. Why did you ask Su Nan to go to him?"

Shang Qian is indeed perfect. The warmth and humility that comes from his bones have their own aura. But how can there be a perfect person in this world?

If Su Yifeng hadn\'t been pressing, Shang Qian would never have lost his temper.

But the more so, the more frightening!

Isn\'t Su Nan\'s staying with such a person like that a sheep enters a tiger\'s mouth?

Su Yifeng\'s attitude is obvious. Su Jin even though Su Nan went to find Shang Qian?

Su Jin saw what Wen Xiang was thinking, smiled happily, and reached out to touch her hair:

"Do you know how to protect Xiao Wu?"

Wen Xiang blocked his hand and his eyes moved:

"Don\'t mess up my hair!"

Su Jin hooked her lips and helped her sort out the broken hair on her temples:

"You don\'t understand Xiao Wu\'s temper. Unless she sees through a person\'s true face, she won\'t believe what others say.

At the beginning, a fuyechuan was taught by our family in turn, but she didn\'t listen. Even if she broke with her family, she had to marry him.

So what Dad said won\'t have any impact on Xiao Wu. She doesn\'t care at all. "

Wen Xiang looked at him in silence. "Didn\'t you turn the corner and say that your sister has a bad temper?"

Su Jin raised her eyebrows, and her cold face was somewhat soft.

"You can say so."

"Are you not afraid that Su Nan will be completely cheated by Shang Qian?"

Wen Xiang asked him.

Su Jin\'s eyes twinkled slightly, with a chill.

His voice was clear and gloomy.

"No, we all learn from mistakes. Xiao Wu won\'t be so stupid, and neither will we."

At first, he only knew how to stop Su Nan, but he forgot to start with fuyechuan.

If they had made plans earlier, Su Nan might not have married fuyechuan.

Su Jin looked at her without asking anything. She felt sorry in her eyes:

"It should have been beautiful tonight, but it\'s a pity..."

Wen Xiang reached out and pinched Su Jin\'s face:

"It doesn\'t matter. I\'ll make up for it at the wedding."

Su Jin held her hand and looked deeply:

"With pleasure!"

Although they have their own house outside, they have to go back to the Su family when something like this happens.