After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1010

Seeing that he was not angry, Su Nan sighed with relief, "I have promised you, of course I will not change my mind temporarily."

She looked around secretly, but there was no one. Then she reached out and held Shang Qian\'s hand:

"Besides, who is more suitable here than you?"

Su Nan\'s face turned red as soon as the words were spoken.

Fortunately, the lights were dim and no one could see them clearly.

Shang Qian hooked up his lips, and his eyebrows and eyes were more gentle.

Su Nan felt his changes little by little, from strange to familiar, from familiar to kind.

She seems to be getting closer to his world.

This feeling is very subtle. I don\'t know whether it is good or bad?

Suyifeng looks at Su Nan and Shang Qian coming in arm in arm. The expression on his face is also very wonderful.

In the eyes of others, they are just business partners in the mall.

But in fact, Su Yifeng knew everything about them.

He neither stopped nor promised.

I want this relationship to turn yellow automatically.

But recently, how come there is no sign of yellowness?

An old friend came to say hello, looked down his eyes and smiled meaningfully:

"It\'s too bad for me to stay. Look at Su Nan and general manager Shang. They are a perfect match. The next wedding of your Su family is to drink Su Nan\'s wedding wine?"

Su Yifeng\'s heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"I have three sons. It\'s the fifth child\'s turn. Don\'t worry!"

Old friend: "antique!"

Who is still getting married in order?

If Shang Qian\'s family background was simpler and he didn\'t bring his son, he would readily agree even if his family were ordinary.

After all, he is a rare man.

What a pity

Su Yifeng sighed and was about to turn around and leave. He didn\'t want to take another look, so he listened to a cold voice calling him:

"Su Dong..."

Suyifeng turns around and turns out to be fuyechuan.

He frowned slightly. "Mr. Fu, welcome to have a wedding party and have fun. You\'re welcome."

This kind of scene is not uncommon without fuyechuan.

After all, master Fu has now lost his power. This kind of business banquet will no longer send him invitations alone.

Fuyechuan\'s dark eyes are heavy, and his emotions are repressed. Take a step forward:

"Su Dong, I have something to tell you."

Su Yifeng pondered for a few seconds and looked at him.

Besides business entertainment, fuyechuan knew exactly what he was thinking when he came here.

It\'s just that Su Nan is in love with Shang Qian now and has no time to talk to him.

Su Yifeng feels that Fu YeChuan has probably decided to come to him.

However, he was also curious about what Fu YeChuan could say?

"Well, let\'s go inside."

Su Yifeng proposed.

Fuyechuan nodded.

When Lu Qi caught up, fuyechuan had disappeared.

In the lounge.

Suyifeng looks at the person in front of him in shock. Shang Yi?

I wonder when he came in and how he came in?

His name is not on the guest list.

Shang Yiwen nodded politely, "congratulations to Mr. Su. I really wanted to join the fun of such a big wedding for the Su family, so I bothered a friend to bring me in."

He understated the reason why he came here.

No matter how unhappy Su Yifeng was, he would not tear his face at this time.

He smiled. "Welcome to Mr. Shang. It\'s just an engagement. It\'s not a big joy. There aren\'t many people invited. I\'m sorry."

Several people sat down. Su Yifeng looked at Shang Yi and fuyechuan and guessed their purpose