After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1002

She took a new fork and took a bite:

"This one is low-fat and low sugar. It is specially limited in supply and is very suitable for supper."

Shang Qian smiled. Although it was not so bad, he had a psychological shadow and would not take another bite.

Su Nan didn\'t insist either. She soon finished with little Mike.

Little Mike went back to bed consciously.

Shang Qian sent her out. Su Nan said goodbye and left.

Suddenly, she forgot that her mobile phone had fallen and turned to get it.

But as soon as I entered, I saw Shang Qian puking over his chest

As soon as Su Nan\'s face changed, she immediately thought of the dessert.

But before it was over, Shang Qian found her. He looked at the mobile phone in her hand and immediately understood.

He smiled, then picked up a piece of paper and wiped it, with abnormal red blood in his eyes:

"Scared you?"

Su Nan pursed her lips, and her chest seemed to be hit by her fist. It was very sour and uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I didn\'t know you really couldn\'t eat dessert."

She just let him eat on purpose.

It\'s all her fault!

Shang Qian was stunned and smiled. Just as he was about to go over and explain, he suddenly became obsessed with cleanliness.

"Wait a minute. I\'ll wash my face."

He took more than ten seconds to clean up and came out without wiping his face.

Looking at the guilty Su Nan, Shang Qian\'s smile converged.

"It has nothing to do with you."

Su Nan lowered her head and her eyes were red.

She obviously doesn\'t believe it. Why doesn\'t it matter?

"I\'m not allergic. I can also eat sweet food. It\'s just... I have a little shadow on the cake."

He spoke in a low, relaxed tone.

Su Nan looked up in surprise.

Shang Qian\'s eyes were dark and his voice was warm, like the silent flow of water in the night:

"My mother has a mental illness. When I was young, she would take her cake and put it in my mouth every time, so I just remembered the previous events, which caused normal psychological rejection."

Su Nan was stunned for a moment and was slightly stiff.

Why didn\'t she think that was the reason?

Shang also said that Shang Qian killed his mother for a reason?

Su Nan didn\'t want to know this at all, but looking at Shang Qian, she couldn\'t help but want to know more.

How tired is he? He will always give others a clear and warm feeling.

But the closer we got to him, we found that there was a mysterious power in him, gentle and silent, covering up some secrets.

Su Nan\'s expression was complex and fell into Shang Qian\'s eyes. Some guilt made her see the scene just now.

He also hates himself. Why can\'t he last longer?

The man\'s fist tightened, and finally he loosened it feebly.

He smiled pale:

"Scared? I haven\'t told you much about my family. I won\'t say that again in the future..."

A little princess held in the palm of her family. In her heart, the family is the creator of her whole world, right?

How can you understand a man like yourself climbing out of a broken wall?

He has a headache when he thinks about the complexity of the business.

I\'m afraid Su Nan will be farther away from him if she knows.

But the next second, Su Nan suddenly jumped at him, hugged him around the waist and patted him on the shoulder.

Tone down:

"Shang Qian, you should tell me in advance so that I can avoid reminding you of sad things."

Shang Qian trembled all over.

There was a touch of complexity and darkness in his eyes, as if the iron walls he had reinforced for a long time had been easily broken through.

When she learned that he had a bad relationship with his mother, she comforted him instead of questioning him?