After an Infinite Flow Player Retires

CH 36

At that moment, Ye Jia felt all the nerves in his body screaming out.

The saliva in his mouth secreted crazily and his throat bobbed. It felt like there was a fire burning inside his stomach and throat.

He quickly stood up.

Ye Jia immediately strode past the blood gu fish in front of him.

The blood gu fish was taken aback by this sudden action of his.

It rolled over, turned its head and looked at the young man before it questioningly through its empty eye sockets. It didn’t seem to understand why the other party suddenly stopped rubbing its belly.

After moving away from Ji Xuan, the twitching in Ye Jia’s stomach calmed down considerably.

He let out a sigh of relief, turned around and then looked in the direction he had just came from.

Ji Xuan slowly straightened up, “What’s wrong?”

Ye Jia paused for a couple of seconds, “….The breeze is stronger here.”

Ji Xuan raised a brow. His scarlet eyes were locked firmly onto him. He repeated slowly, “Breeze is stronger?”

“………..” Ye Jia braced himself and said, “Yeah.”

The other man slowly took a step closer, “And now?”

Seeing that the hunger deep inside him was surging again with the other party getting closer, Ye Jia’s body stiffened slightly, and he instinctively retreated a little more, “N-not anymore.”

Ji Xuan’s gaze lingered very briefly on him. There was a hint of amusement in those scarlet eyes of his.

He retracted his gaze, looked down at the pitch-black ball in his hand, and changed the subject:

“But, it’s a lot smaller than I expected.”

Ye Jia: ”……….”

Yes, because I ate some.

The blood gu fish slowly swam to his side again. It pressed its skull head against Ye Jia’s palm.

Ye Jia absentmindedly rubbed its head.

He asked, “So, did you buy this place because of the yin energy here?”

“Not exactly.” Ji Xuan stored the black ball away and narrowed his eyes, “These yin energy are just a drop in a bucket, but rather than letting it fall into another person’s hands, it’s better to end up in mine.”

His voice was calm, but Ye Jia keenly noted a hint of coldness in his tone.

“Then…….What do you plan to do next?”

After stripping it of its yin energy, this place had now become an ordinary building, but as time goes on, yin energy would still slowly gather again. The time required for the energy to gather wasn’t set and may even take a very long time, but Ye Jia didn’t think that Ji Xuan would just leave it alone.

“Your suggestion was very good.” Ji Xuan said.

Ye Jia was confused, “?”


“Haunted house, wasn’t it?” Ji Xuan glanced at him with a smile.

Ye Jia now remembered what Cheng Cezhi said last night, “……….”

“With human attention, the other side wouldn’t dare act too rashly.” Ji Xuan continued casually, “You can come every once in a while with the blood gu fish to let it have a meal.”

Ji Xuan: “Don’t worry, I have plenty of funding.”

Ye Jia: “…………”

Why did this person like to hold grudges?

He actually remembered Cheng Cezhi’s ridiculous lie about the owner having issues with funding.

He thought for a while and then thought some more. Finally, he couldn’t hold back from voicing his doubts.

“King….I mean, Ji Xuan.” Under the other person’s threatening gaze, Ye Jia stiffly changed his words.

He chose his words carefully and then spoke with some hesitation, “How did you manage…….to obtain so many assets in the human world?”

“What do you think?” Ji Xuan asked him back with interest.

Ye Jia hesitated a little, “Robbed the bank?”

Ji Xuan: “……….”

Although he no longer needed to breathe as a ghost, he suddenly couldn’t help but take in a deep breath.


It was unknown if it was just Ye Jia’s imagination, but he felt that the other party seemed to have said that with some restraint.

Ye Jia wisely didn’t ask any further.

He changed the subject, “Oh right, as for this haunted house, I guess you’ll need staff?”

Ji Xuan raised a brow, “You have someone to recommend?”


“Wahhhhhhhhh Don’t want to!!” The two scare spirits each pulled at Ye Jia’s right and left arm as they cried pathetically, “We don’t want to leave waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!”

They clearly hadn’t even stayed at this handsome man’s place for more than two days, why did they have to leave?!

It’s too sudden!

They hadn’t even had the time to peep at the other person’s private photos yet!!

Ye Jia tore the two of them off his arms and spoke very patiently, “Don’t you think that you two can maximize your talents at a haunted house?”

There is no better place than a haunted house for a scare spirit.

They wouldn’t even need to buy any additional mechanisms or props and the entire place would be controlled by the spirits instead. What could be more convenient than that?

Moreover, each customer’s play time will not exceed half an hour each time. In such a short time frame, it would be impossible for the scare spirits to drain them of their health.

He continued, “Also, not many people went to the abandoned villa before, did they? It would be different now. You will finally be able to eat your fill.”

The two scare spirits wavered.

Ye Jia was right. While they were living in that villa, they didn’t often have visitors and because they were too weak, they also didn’t dare go out in search for food so they could only create small illusions to scare the people living nearby and rely on that small amount of food to barely fill their stomachs.

Eating their fill……It was indeed very tempting!

Ye Jia continued with his efforts of persuading them, “And, did you know? This is a property of the Ghost King. After entering, you will be considered as one of his subordinates. No ghosts would dare bully you anymore.”

The big and little scare spirits looked at each other. The thought of that was nice.

They shyly asked, “T-then, can we still see you in the future?”

Ye Jia was already prepared to answer this question, “Of course. I will visit you two every once in a while.”

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—–And along the way feed the blood gu fish.

The two scare spirits were moved into tears, “Wahhhhhh Thank you. We love you wahhhhhhh.”

Ye Jia smiled exceptionally warmly, “You’re welcome.”

After all, Ji Xuan had promised to give him 50% of the profits.


Guan Tianyi woke up in the hospital.

He stared blankly at the white ceiling above his head, his mind still a mess having just woken up. For a while, he didn’t know where he was.

Guan Tianyi frowned and slowly began to recall what happened.

He remembered……that he and his friends had gone to explore a famous haunted villa located in the outskirts of M City and along the way they met two other people exploring the place as well.

The villa was haunted, and they were all scared stiff by it, but it later turned out to be mechanisms installed into the house.

Afterwards…..He remembered that he had left the ghost detection device behind so he went back to retrieve it……and then?

The more Guan Tianyi tried to recall, the more his head hurt. He however couldn’t remember what happened next.

He gave up struggling and slowly supported himself up. He reached for his phone on the bedside table.

As soon as he turned it on, his phone vibrated and dinged. A WeChat message from a friend popped up, “Brother, check the hot searches.”

Guan Tianyi was confused for a moment. He suspiciously opened Weibo.

The next second, he was shocked by the number of notifications he was receiving.

In just one night, his followers had reached 100,000 and he had also received countless private messages.

Guan Tianyi was ecstatic.

He quickly checked the hot searches but in the twelfth rank he saw……..

#Famous paranormal internet star exposed live#

Guan Tianyi’s hand shook.

With trembling hands, he clicked it open and saw his live broadcast from yesterday sitting at the very top of the screen. Without clicking it, Weibo directly began to play it without sound for him— He saw his panicked and excited face appear on the screen and immediately afterwards….Two figures appeared from inside the door behind him, their faces annoyingly composed.

Guan Tianyi: “…….”

His trembling fingers accidentally clicked open the comment section. Strings of “hahahahahahahaha” made his head hurt.

In addition to that, there were people seeking out the address of this haunted villa as well as people hoping that this place could start its business again through crowdfunding.

The most liked comment was, “I want the contact information of the handsome guy in the last five minutes.”

This comment was shared by a beauty blogger ‘A’lianlianlianlian’: “Me too [Dog head]”.

Guan Tianyi expressionlessly opened his private messages.

The first one was, “Do you know the Weibo of the handsome guy who walked out of the haunted villa? Begging you to share it. Those who do good deeds will live a good life!”

“……..” Guan Tianyi’s grip around his phone tightened.


At the Logistics Department of the Paranormal Investigation and Management Bureau.

Cheng Cezhi sneakily came over with his phone and showed it to Ye Jia, “Brother Ye, you’re famous.”

Ye Jia: “……..”

This was the fifth person to say that to him today.

Cheng Cezhi scrolled through the comment section and sighed a little bitterly, “How strange. I could also be considered pretty good looking but why has no one complimented me?”

He lowered his head and pinched at the belly he had gained from sitting down all day in an office.

“Maybe I should go to the gym.”

Ye Jia sucked in a deep breath and asked expressionlessly, “Have you finished your work?”

Cheng Cezhi: “???”

He was silent for a long time before he finally spoke, “Brother Ye, it’s my first time seeing you show so much passion towards work. You’ve changed. I’m a little scared.”

Ye Jia: “………”

Seeing that the other party was on the verge of exploding, Cheng Cezhi wisely slipped away, “I’ll go finish my report! Bye Brother Ye!”

Watching Cheng Cezhi’s leaving figure, Ye Jia massaged his temples.

Social media…….What an annoying thing!

He lowered his head and looked under his desk, “How’s it going?”

In the darkness under the table, a phone screen was lit up. The small black hand quickly tapped on the phone.

It replied, “Almost.”

After settling the matter with the scare spirits, Ye Jia went to the hospital and used some tricks to find out how Guan Tianyi managed to get his hands on a game prop.

The only thing that gave Ye Jia a headache was……

It was an online only black market.

—–It happened to be something he was bad at.

And so, the small black hand was sent out instead.

From the fake IP address to creating an anonymous account to access the black market and finally finding the seller, the entire process was done smoothly and professionally. It even made Ye Jia stunned—–Wasn’t it too proficient in this?

Five minutes later, the small black hand peeked out from under the table and proudly returned the phone to Ye Jia, “Done!”

Ye Jia repeated, “Done?”

“Yeah.” The small black hand answered, “It’s an offline transaction. The address is on the screen.”

Ye Jia received the phone and glanced at it.

The address was very detailed and it even included the house number and the time of transaction which was midnight tonight.

Ye Jia: “………” Amazing.

He raised his head and looked at the small black hand. For once, he felt generous, “I will reward you with a skin.”

The small black hand hugged Ye Jia’s calf happily, “Wooow! Thank you, boss!!”

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Time went by very slowly while working but as soon as work was over, it was very spent very happily.

In the past two days, Liu Zhaocheng very rarely appeared in the department.

Ye Jia didn’t know much about this. He only knew that he was probably cooperating with Wu Su’s team, but he didn’t know the specifics.

But in any case, with Liu Zhaocheng not watching over this department, even the other staff had started to slack off.

This was a good thing for Ye Jia.

At least he wouldn’t need to escape the department as quickly as he did before, as if he was chased by a ghost.

He went to buy a cup of milk tea and then slowly returned to his apartment.

The sky gradually darkened. It changed from a light blue to a dark blue and then finally turned into a deep black colour resembling black ink.

Ye Jia looked up at the sky.

He stretched his back and then checked the time on his phone.

It was almost time.

Ye Jia skilfully disguised himself.

Since he wasn’t sure whether the other party was a human or a fierce ghost, Ye Jia had made two preparations. He not only concealed his face, but he had also disguised his own scent in attempt to make himself seem as if he was just an ordinary human.

Soon, he arrived at the address on his phone.

It was in a seemingly ordinary residential area.

Streetlights nearby dispersed away some of the darkness and the dim yellow lights lit up the path around him. The community was filled with life. Several windows in the not-so-tall buildings were lit up and one could vaguely see silhouettes through them.

Ye Jia stopped in the darkness and checked.

To his surprise, there were no abnormal energy fluctuations here.

Ye Jia narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

He approached his destination and rang the doorbell. A lazy and rough voice called out, “Hello? Are you here to buy things? Come in.”

The other party paused for a moment, “Oh right, the elevator is broken. You may have to use the stairs.”

After saying that, there was a beep and the door to the apartment complex opened.

Ye Jia: “…….”

This was different from what he had imagined.

He took a deep breath and walked in.

This was a rather old building. Dust, oil fumes and garbage smells made it rather uncomfortable.

The elevator was tattered, and the buttons were dark. It was clearly broken.

Ye Jia briefly glanced at the elevator before approaching the stairs.

The lights in the stairwell were also broken. He could only rely on the light from the streetlamp outside the window to see the stairs.

But darkness wasn’t a problem for Ye Jia.

Halfway up, he suddenly came to a stop and then raised his hand to grab the small black hand on his shoulder and quickly stuffed it into his pocket—–

At that moment, he felt…..some sort of strange energy sweeping over him. It was mostly detecting and probing him out, it wasn’t malicious.

The door ahead was half concealed. This energy came from inside the door.

Ye Jia calmly opened the door, only to see a sloppily dressed middle-aged man nestled in the sofa, looking at him lazily: “What do you want to buy?”

“Detecting device.” Ye Jia said, “I heard yours are very accurate?”

The middle-aged man scratched his stomach and stood up. He pulled out a black box from under the sofa and approached Ye Jia: “Of course.”

He pointed at a dirty QR code on his coffee table, “Forty thousand yuan. Just scan it.”

Ye Jia’s eyes were sharp and keen. He very quickly scanned over the other party, as if evaluating him.

—-Not a player and not a fierce ghost. Just an ordinary human.

Even if he was involved with this transaction chain, he definitely wasn’t the key member.

He was likely just a dealer.

Ye Jia lowered his eyes and scanned the QR code with his phone.

With a ‘ding’, the money was transferred.

The middle-aged checked his phone but was taken aback when he saw the amount.

Shown on it was: Forty-five thousand yuan has been received.

He looked suspiciously at the young man in front of him, “This………”

“When I contact you today, you should probably already know that I am an avid fan of the paranormal.”

The other party’s face was hidden in the darkness, but their temperament couldn’t be concealed. He heard a hint of a smile in the other person’s voice:

“If you have anything else like this, remember to contact me. Money isn’t an issue.”

After saying that, the young man didn’t hang around. He promptly turned and left.

The next second, the middle-aged man’s rough voice called out from behind him, “Hey, hey, hey, wait a minute, don’t leave yet.”

Ye Jia turned back to look at the other party. He pretended to ask in doubt:

“What is it?”

“I only have this item in stock here.” The middle-aged man scratched his head and spoke somewhat hesitantly, “But, if you don’t mind, I can take you to another place? There are more goods there.”

The smile on Ye Jia’s lips deepened. His voice was extremely sincere:

“Really? That’s great.”


There was the sound of a microphone being tapped.

“Friends, I promise you, t-the next words that I say are all true.”

The young man’s voice trembled slightly, as if suppressing some fierce emotions. Through the screen, it sounded a little unreal.

Immediately afterwards, the frame shook.

A dark and gloomy building came into view.

“It’s here. This is a villa in the outskirts of M City…….”

As the man continued to chatter, two figures walked out from the open villa door.

The young man walking at the back was particularly eye-catching in a gloomy setting like this.

He was tall and slender, and although he was thin, his steps were light and firm. He looked like he had just walked out from a painting.

The young man’s skin was very pale, to the point where it almost looked like it was glowing in the night. His eyes were nonchalantly lowered, and he gave off a particularly attractive temperament; elegant and distant, along with some devil-may-care laziness. Even through the low-definition recording, he appeared particularly handsome. It was almost as if the moment he made his appearance, people couldn’t help but find their eyes drawn to him.

Cold and pale fingers silently touched the screen.

Ji Xuan lowered his eyes, his dark red eyes reflecting the other party’s face.

His touch was light and gentle, as if he was stroking the young man’s cheek through the phone screen.

The blood gu fish brought its huge goat skull head over and used its nose to rub the screen in doubt. It didn’t seem to understand why the human it liked was smaller and confined inside this small black box.

Ji Xuan gently stroked the blood gu fish with one hand and used the other to poke at the young man on the screen: “You like him very much, don’t you?”

His lips changed into a smile and his voice was low and hoarse, “……Me too.”

To the point that he wanted to lock him up and not let anyone else see him.

Cut out the eyes of anyone who looks at him, cut off the hands of anyone who tries to touch him, and feed it all to his pet.

Ji Xuan lowered his eyes and pulled the video back to the beginning.

——– “Friends, I promise you, t-the next words…….”

Watching the shaky recording on the screen, a certain dark desire overflowed from Ji Xuan’s eyes.


He had to hold back.

The phone screen cracked from the force. A spider-web-like crack appeared on the screen along with the crackling of electricity.

The screen went black.

Ji Xuan threw away another scrapped phone, closed his eyes, and tapped his fingers on the chair armrest impatiently.

After a long period of silence, he opened his eyes and his gaze fell onto a book not far away.

The cover of the book had been torn off, but everything else was still in good condition. There were clear traces of it being read multiple times.

Ji Xuan paused. He bent his finger slightly.

The book flew into his hands. The pages flipped very quickly before finally stopping at a page in the middle:

【After confirming your own feelings, how should you act?


9. Cats or dogs: Creating opportunities to get along.

So, is your beloved person a cat or a dog person?

If they are a cat person, try inviting them to a cat café. No cat lover would refuse an opportunity to be able to pet cats……】

Ji Xuan frowned and raised his finger slightly.

The book again turned a few pages.

【……If either you or the other party have a dog, you can try and met them while walking the dog!

In a sunny park, that person’s surprised expression and an excited dog by their feet; the perfect setting for the seeds of love to slowly sprout. What else could be more suitable than this? 】


Ji Xuan closed the book.

When he read this book last time, he had already determined something—–This was a trashy book.

The topic was gimmicky, 90% of the content was complete rubbish, the theory inside was too rigid, the author’s writing was messy and there were even spelling mistakes.


He lowered his eyes and seemed to be deep in thought.

After a long time, Ji Xuan raised his eyes. His gaze fell onto the blood gu fish sitting by his feet. The look in his eyes was inexplicable.

As for a dog……….

——This should be similar, right?

Sensing its masters gaze, the blood gu fish looked up and tilted its head in confusion:
