Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 426


his cousin Tai'an is a mug gourd, also known as a dreamer. When he talks to him, he always responds slowly for several times. Often Xia Tianci has already changed several topics. His thinking still stays on the first question, and then he puts in a careless remark, which makes Xia Tianci, who is extremely active in thinking, very depressed and does not like to play with Tai'an. However, there are no other boys in the house except Tai'an. The two brothers of the Helian family are good, but they can't play together every day. Xia Tianci feels that his childhood is lonely and a little sad,

since the three brothers of Taishan in Taiyang came back, this situation has changed.

Recently, Xia Tianci had a new fun.

One day, after dinner, Xia Tianci began to call Itch, itch!

Ye Jiayao dragged him over: "where does it itch? Didn't you take a bath yesterday

Xia Tianci wrung: "washed, I am called Taiyang."

Ye Jiayao clenched his teeth: "Taiyang is Taiyang. Straighten your tongue and speak for me."

Taiyang students happily ran over: "second brother, you call me ah!"

Xia Tianci's big eyes blinked at his mother: "Niang, can I go with Taiyang to play checkers?"

Ye Jiayao waved impatiently.

One day, after dinner, Xia Tianci began to call Itch, itch!

Taiyang immediately ran over: "second brother, do you want to play checkers?"

Xia Tianci wrung: "I asked my mother to scratch my itch."

Taiyang students are disappointed with their mouth.

Ye Jiayao stares at him with a black face. You Shi busy way: "good grandson, come on, grandmother helps you tickle."

After several times like this, ye Jiayao couldn't bear it any more and complained to Xia Chunyu: "your son is too bad. It's clearly intentional. He teases people!"

Someone disagreed: "this is called like a mother, like a son, to solve the problem, we must start from the source."

Ye Jiayao said: "what is like a mother, like a son? what is wrong with me? When did I do this? "

Someone leisurely way: "think at the beginning, who is speaking curly tongue, forcefully call me such a loud name as a donkey?"

Er Ye Jiayao is speechless. It seems that there is such a thing!


in ancient times, a woman without talent was a virtue. Therefore, a daughter's family could recognize almost a few words. For example, Niu Niu of the elder sister-in-law's family began to learn needlework early. However, ye Jiayao believes that the daughter's family still needs to know the book and the etiquette, and that the daughter's family should have the spirit of poetry and calligraphy. Therefore, ye Jiayao attached great importance to the Enlightenment of her two precious daughters. So, I teach my two daughters to read the three character Sutra before going to bed every day.

"Melting four years old, can let pear, younger brother and grow, appropriate Prophet When Kong Rong was four years old, he knew that he would give the big pears to his brother. This kind of respect and love for his brother should have been known since he was a child... "

Ye Jiayao explained the meaning to his daughter in a soft voice.

Words did not finish, Tingting shriveled mouth, wow of crying.

Ye Jiayao asked in a hurry, "how did you cry well?"

"I'm the youngest in my family. After that, I can only eat the smallest," she sobbed

Ye Jiayao just wants to explain to her daughter that it's not just the small who should let the big one, but that the brothers and sisters should be friendly and humble.

Who knows a side someone leisurely way: "Tailin is younger than you, otherwise, let your mother have a younger brother or younger sister, so you are not the youngest."

Xiaoluoli thought about it and stopped crying. She said to her mother seriously: "mother, have more brothers and sisters. Tingting wants to be a big sister. Tingting wants to eat big pears."

Wan Wan said: "I am the eldest sister, you can only be the second elder sister. In the future, the big pear will be given to me to eat, you know?"

"Hum, Kong Rong is not a good man. I hate him..." Tingting said angrily.

Ye Jiayao is speechless. She really wants to find a piece of tofu to bump into. The guy on one side has already covered his stomach with laughter. Ye Jiayao grabs a pillow and smashes it.


on a sunny day, Xia Chun and his wife took their two daughters to play in the garden. There were butterflies flying in the garden. Wan Wan and Ting Ting liked to watch them, and they muttered to catch butterflies.

Baby children have a request, father should not be reasonable? Immediately, Xia Chunyu asked people to take the net bag. Without any effort, he caught two butterflies, one precious one.

Wan Wan said to take a bottle to put the butterfly, take back to play.

Ye Jiayao thinks that if there is powder on the butterfly, it's not good to dip it on it. Moreover, if you put it in a bottle, the butterfly will die soon. So she wants to take this opportunity to educate her children to protect animals and have love.

"Wan Wan, my mother told you, we can play here for a while, and we will release the butterfly later. Otherwise, the butterfly mother will be very sad if she can't find her baby."

Wan Wan doesn't like it. She loves butterflies too much.

"Do you have to let it go? Can't I just play one night? "

Ye Jiayao said gently, "if anyone hides you two for one night, your mother will be mad. So is mother butterfly."One side of Tingting said: "Niang, do not let the father catch the butterfly mother together, the butterfly mother accompanies you to play, the butterfly baby accompanies us to play."

Xia Chunyu seldom cooperated with ye Jiayao once. He said in a soft voice, "if you catch the butterfly mother, the father of butterfly will be sad again, and the relatives of butterfly will be sad."

Tingting small fist a clench: "Dad, then you catch the whole family of butterflies, even their friends, all to our home."

Wan Wan felt that her sister's words were very reasonable, and urged him, "Dad, go find them quickly and catch them all."

Husband and wife look at each other on both sides, are headache, how can this educate yo!


the butterfly was still caught. Of course, butterfly's mother and father survived. As expected, butterfly died the next day. When the two sisters found out that the butterfly was dead, the one who cried was sad.

Xia Chunyu was deeply distressed. He took his daughter to the garden, dug a hole beside the flowers and buried the butterfly. He comforted him and said, "the baby butterfly is just asleep. Let's bury them here. Next spring, the butterfly will wake up and become more beautiful."

The two babies are still whipping together. Sadly, butterfly will not wake up until next year. It will take so long.

"Is it because the butterfly is small that it has to sleep for a long time before it wakes up?" Tingting sobbed and asked.

Xia Chunyu didn't think deeply, so he just hum.

That night, Xiaoji Xiaorui's new born grandson Huahua disappeared.

You can't find it everywhere.

"It's strange that Huahua is still so small that she should not run far away." Ye Jiayao is puzzled.

"Niang, don't look for it. Huahua is sleeping. When it wakes up, it will become more beautiful." Tingting said with milk.

"Well, mother, let's not quarrel with it." Gently and seriously admonished.

Ye Jiayao is confused, and Xia Chun beside him spouts out a mouthful of tea.

Lengleng asked: "where did you let Huahua sleep?"

Tingting is very proud to say: "butterfly baby sleeping alone is too lonely, I let flowers to accompany it."

Xia Chun puts down his tea cup and runs outside. Ye Jiayao is puzzled. What can't sleep? Is butterfly dead?

After a while, Xia Chunyu brought back a dog with mud all over his body, and said with a sad face: "fortunately, these two gangs didn't dig deep enough, otherwise Huahua would not wake up."

After knowing the reason, ye Jiayao scolded Xia Chunyu and told you to cheat on the child. Fortunately, she buried the flowers. Otherwise, one day, the two girls had a wonderful idea and buried themselves in order to become more beautiful. It was really crying without tears.


one day, Xia Tian gave his classmates a lesson and ran to his grandfather in a rage.

"Grandfather, somebody's going to hit me."

The old Duke's tiger eye glared: "who is not long eyed dares to bully my good grandson, tell grandfather, grandfather teaches him for you."

Xia Tianci frowned and said, "grandfather, I'm afraid you can't beat him."

The old Marquis immediately straightened up, rolled up his sleeves, bent his arms, and showed his grandson the muscles on his arms. He said with great momentum: "can't you beat him? Look, what's this? Muscle, like your grandfather and I were in a stiff situation. With a silver gun, the Dragon went out to sea and killed the enemy. There was no one in the world that my grandfather couldn't beat. "

Xia Tianci held out his index finger and poked it on the muscle which was not very hard any more. He said, "but he is the son of a son."

The old Duke's neck was blocked: "what's the matter with the son of a son? Your grandfather is still the Lord. You are the grandson of the marquis. I'm afraid that he will do anything to bully my grandson. I can't spare him."

"Xia Tianci, where have you been hiding? Come out here. " Just as he was talking, there was a roar outside.

Xia Tianci hurriedly hid behind his grandfather and said timidly, "grandfather, the bully is coming. You can do it as you like. If you can't fight, don't fight."

The old Marquis was staring at him and could not speak.

As soon as Xia Chun came into the house, he saw the gift hiding behind the old man. He wanted to catch people and scolded: "you're good at fighting. If you learn to fight, fight well. You've stripped Ge Da's grandson's pants, and painted turtles and hoodlums on other people's haws. If I don't teach you a lesson, I'll see who will pick up his pants tomorrow Is it all right? "

The old Marquis hurriedly stopped: "what do you have to do with such ferocity? Don't scare my grandson. "

Xia Chunyu said: "father, you can't stop. If this boy doesn't have a good education, he will learn badly."

The old Marquis said, "what is education? When you were a child, you were not as good as the gift of God. You didn't do it before? You've done something worse than this. I didn't beat you at the beginning. Didn't you learn to be bad? "

Xia Chunyu is covered with black lines. Father, how can you expose me in front of my son? How can I teach children!

"That's the guy who didn't clean up." Xia Chun was very angry.

Xia Tianci's classmate heard that his father had done it, so he had confidence."Ge xiaopang is not clean up. He scolds Taiyang for shrinking his head. Of course, I want to draw a turtle for him. Dad, you didn't see it. My turtle is very similar."

The old Marquis said with a smile, "we are gifted with painting, but we are very talented."

Looking at two grandsons and grandsons, one praises, one complacent, Xia Chun at the foot of a staggering, the child can not teach.

In the evening, Xia Chunyu and ye Jiayao had a long talk. They discussed the parenting scriptures seriously and profoundly. They vowed to find an effective method of educating children according to their aptitude. After discussion, they discussed it. If someone decided to have another one, they would not believe that they would not have a good and obedient child.

So, the discussion ended and someone began to sow diligently.

The author's words: fanwai has come to an end here, but the troubled and happy life continues. , the fastest update of the webnovel!