Adorable Baby: CEO's Amnesiac Ex-wife


Little Plum was a coffee addict who would soon be able to finish a cup. Lu Kewei had said that many times, but it didn't really help much, and by then, a cup of coffee had already run out.

Little Mei tilted her head and looked at her as if she was joking, "Ke Wei, I only haven't seen you for more than a week, why have you lost a lot of weight?" "You were originally already so skinny, if you were any skinnier, no man would be willing to touch you. It would even be difficult to touch you." Her usual plum style.

However, Lu Kewei smiled along with her, "I don't have a man anyways. No matter how unrestrained I am, no one cares about my appearance. No matter how beautifully I dress, I don't know who to show to."

Little Mei chuckled twice, "It's precisely because there's no man that you should dress yourself up so prettily. Besides, you must know that I hate women the most because a man wants to die. "

Lu Kewei curled his lips and replied nonchalantly, "I don't risk my life for a man."

Little Mei cast a sidelong glance at her, "You're not really here to die, you're just absent-minded, skinny, and haggard."

Lu Kewei disagreed, "It's not as exaggerated as you say."

Little Mei seemed to have the ability to understand everything about Lu Kewei. She tried to restrain her laughter and advised, "Ke Wei, things have already gotten to this point, so it's best that you stop thinking about it. It's useless to keep thinking about it, other than making you unhappy and making the people around us worry."

"En." Lukwey nodded immediately.

Little Mei couldn't help but poke her forehead with her hand, "Lu Kewei, Lu Kewei, do you think I don't understand you? Isn't it just a verbal promise? I'm really worried about you doing this, don't you understand?"

Lu Kewei no longer gave a perfunctory nod. Instead, he replied seriously, "You know as well. It would be great if I could control these matters myself." As he spoke, he propped up his chin with both hands and continued, "Some people say that love is a debt, those who owe others will definitely pay it back on another person. So it is like that."

Little Mei couldn't help but chuckle, "You've only been in love a few times, and yet you call yourself a sage of love." "Emotions are actually very simple. It's just that if you don't give up, you won't be harmed. The more you love, the more you will give up. There is no doubt that the injuries will be heavier, and there will be no logic in that."

Lu Ke Wei became silent. He didn't want to speak anymore.

Little Mei looked at her and asked again, "At this point, what do you think about Senior Brother Luo?"

Lu Kewei pouted and said, "What can you do? I'm sure I don't like him, and I can't just hang on to him. I've made myself clear. "

Little Mei hurriedly said, "Ke Wei, don't be too confident yourself. There is no need to doubt Senior Brother Luo's character. The most important thing is that everyone has seen how he treats you. Sometimes I don't know if I should call you smart or cold. You can only see what you want to see, and you don't care about anything else. Senior Luo's thoughts towards you, can be discovered with just a little bit of effort. "

Lu Kewei glared at her, "Little Mei, I feel like you're scolding me in a roundabout way."

Little Plum laughed, "If it was someone I don't care about, I wouldn't even bother to scold them. I can still spare some effort to scold you, just treat it as an honor. "

"I would rather not have such an honor."

However, Little Plum began to talk seriously, "Since you and Song Zixiu have broken off, and there's someone so good in front of you right now, you can really give it a try. They all say that the best way to forget a relationship is to start a new one, I think that's right."

With that, Little Mei looked down at her wristwatch and said, "My happy time has come again. Think about it yourself, don't take my words as a joke." Ye Zichen stood up with the bag and left the store gracefully.

Luo Yunfei still came to Lu Kewei's house frequently, but never mentioned the confession he made to Lu Kewei. In this way, Lu Kewei could pretend that this had never happened, and treat Luo Yunfei like he was a well-connected senior.

However, in his heart, Lu Kewei was extremely grateful to Luo Yunfei. Regardless of whether he liked her or not, he did his best to not let his feelings cause any problems for her. This was already too hard to come by.

On the surface, Luo Yunfei looked like he was getting along better and better with Lu Kewei. Naturally, the happiest person was still Qin Zheng. However, she could also tell that the two of them had yet to reach that step. However, being able to spend a little more time with each other was a good thing. After all, many of their feelings were developed.

Lu Kewei was not as calm as he appeared on the surface, especially when he was lying in bed alone at night. In these short two months of being together with Song Zixiu, every little thing that came to mind, the reluctance and fear in his heart became more and more apparent. She was afraid that Song Zixiu had already left, and she didn't even have the courage to give him a call.

If he really left without a sound, then everything that had happened in this period of time would become a dream.

Lu Kewei could not sleep at night. He changed into a new set of clothes and walked out quietly. He stopped a taxi downstairs and reported the address of Song Zixiu's villa.

When she arrived at the iron gate, she looked up and saw that Song Zixiu's bedroom was not lit, and she didn't know if he was asleep or not. She stood in place and looked again until the chill beneath her feet became more and more obvious. Then she sighed and turned to go home.

However, the moment he turned around, he saw a tall and straight man standing a few steps away from him. He wasn't Song Zixiu, but rather someone else. He seemed to have stood there for a long time, feeling like he was covered in wind and frost.

You look at the scenery on the bridge, and the people who look at the scenery look at you from upstairs. The moon adorns your windows, you adorn other people's dreams.

For a moment, Lu Kewei's body froze. His lips moved, but he didn't know what to say. This was probably the feeling that came from the person he was most familiar with.

Song Zixiu, on the other hand, did not look too surprised. Instead, he took a few steps forward and stood very close to Lu Kewei. He then said, "Since everyone is already here, let's go up and have a seat."

After realizing what was going on, Lu Kewei let out a sigh of relief. However, he subconsciously refused, "It's getting late. I have to go back now."

Song Zi's smile was a bit sarcastic and cold. Under the dim light, it was shocking. He opened his mouth and said, "Since we're all here, we don't need this bit of time."

Seeing that Lu Kewei was about to refuse, Song Zixiu said before her, "I'll return home on next week's flight."

Lu Kewei was stunned once again. He looked at him stupidly, as if he couldn't understand what he was saying.

Song Zixiu repeated, "My plane ticket is returning next week. Something happened in my family and they are urging me to go back quickly. I don't know when I'll get the chance to invite you."

The next moment, she felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured over her head. She really wanted to cry, but she followed Song Zixiu through the door.

After entering the living room, Lu Kewei sat on the classical, exquisite sofa. Song Zixiu quickly brought her a cup of warm water.

Lu Kewei quickly received it and thanked him again.

Song Zixiu sat on the sofa beside Lu Kewei, and for a while, neither of them spoke up.

After a while, Song Zixiu asked, "How is your aunt doing?"

"The cyst is benign. Aunt's recovery is also very good. She has already returned to school."

Song Zi nodded his head and didn't say anything for a while.

After a while, it was Lu Kewei's turn to be unable to take it anymore. He said, "It's getting late. I'll go back first."

Song Zixiu didn't stop him this time and immediately replied, "Then I'll send you out."

When they were about to reach the end of the corridor, Song Zi Xiu suddenly asked, "Ke Wei, I'm leaving now. Do you have anything to say to me?"

"Take good care of yourself, and have a safe journey."

Song Zixiu smiled coldly again and asked: "Is that all?"

Kroft stared at him blankly, as if he was silently asking, "Then what do you want?"

He had always cherished and cherished Lu Kewei, but this time it was different. He had even continuously bit her lips, and very soon, the smell of blood could be felt between their lips.

It was unknown when Lu Kewei would start crying. It was only when Song Zixiu tasted the salt in his mouth that he finally let go of her slightly. However, he still held her in his arms.

Song Zixiu didn't know if he was talking to her or to himself. He said emotionlessly, "We are going to separate completely soon. This can be considered as our parting kiss after these two months." Before he finished speaking, he said, "Everything is as you wish."

Lu Kewei cried even harder, and even his shoulders started to shake.

Song Zi Xiu looked down and saw her, and his heart began to ache.

"Why do you say something like that to hurt yourself? Do you think I'm willing to part with you? What do you mean as I wish? Song Zixiu, even if you want to leave, I won't be able to rest in peace. If you want to leave, then quietly leave.

Song Zixiu, on the other hand, asked gently, "Lu Kewei, you are the one who has no conscience. As matters stand, who is the one to be upset?"

Lu Kewei buried his head into Li Yao's chest, quickly wetting the front of Li Yao's shirt. He swore as he replied, "Do you think I'm fine? I am also very sad, but you are not the only one that is not well off. "

Song Zixiu sighed, as if he had mustered up a lot of courage to coax him, "Lu Kewei, why don't you come with me?"

Lu Kewei shook his head with all his might, "There's no other way. My aunt doesn't agree, so I can't disobey her." I've been with her for so long, but I've never seen her so insistent on one thing. You're the first one. "

Song Zixiu said dejectedly, "Earlier, you chose your aunt between me and your aunt. You don't need to remind me again." He finally let go of her and looked at her indifferently. "You can go. I'm a bit tired and can't send you back at night."

However, when she reached the side of the gate, she immediately saw that Song Zixiu was still standing at his original position. It was obviously still September, and although the sky had turned cold, it wasn't exactly cold, but the current him looked like he was emitting a chill all over.

Lu Ke Wei didn't dare to look anymore. He took a big step forward, and once again, his tears flowed down.

This time, it was probably over. A fierce love, a beautiful and easy to wake up from a beautiful dream.

In the days that followed, Lu Kewei became completely silent. He didn't even want to be perfunctory with the people around him anymore.

Gree saw this and was very worried. He told her to go home and rest for a while. As for her working time, Gree would think of a way to stay on duty, but Lu Kangwei rejected her offer.