Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 97: : Ordinary trump card

Two consecutive throws. 【】

Two good balls, zero bad.

Kuramochi is being chased!

Kuramochi, whose face was relatively relaxed at first, suddenly stiffened.

I didn\'t feel it at first, but now Kuramochi suddenly has a strange feeling, as if he was bound by invisible threads. Slowly, slowly, I fell into each other\'s trap.

"This guy!"

Looking up at Shin Miyano on the pitcher\'s mound, Kuramochi couldn\'t imagine how a pitcher like him could have such means?

The stadium is like a battlefield!

Although it is a bit mysterious, the really powerful players naturally have a kind of momentum. You don\'t even need to actually fight, you can feel the strength of the opponent just by throwing a ball and swinging a bat. The specific level is definitely not good, but at first glance, you can still feel whether this person is good or not.

Everyone in the Qing Dao First Army has such an aura.

Great pitchers, like Akatsuki Furuya, Sawamura, can even throw a ball that can make people stunned. Although Danbo and Kawakami are weaker, as long as they play, they will naturally show this kind of momentum.

The pitcher of the White Dragon Academy looks unremarkable and does not look like a powerful character at all.

Judging from Kuramochi\'s experience, it shouldn\'t be difficult to hit his ball out.

But in fact, in the real fight, this guy named Miyano Shin, pitching is very strange.

Very good set!

To make Cangura hold such an evaluation, Miyano Shin has more than one set, he should be very strong. The weird thing is that even now, Kuramochi feels that Miyano Shin looks harmless to humans and animals.

"Do you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Kuramochi\'s mouth.

Since the other party is playing this trick, he is welcome.

Facing the third pitch, Kuramochi kept his bat short and hit the ball out. (The short bat grip is different from the short bat, which is described in the previous section.)


The baseball lands in front of the third baseman.

Kuramochi threw away his bat and rushed to first base.

The warehouse is fast, and the Xingchi is not slow.

As Kuramochi ran to first base, Xingchi rushed towards the baseball like a lightning bolt, picked it up, and passed it to first base.


Two steps away, Kuramochi failed to hit base.


This wonderful speed duel shocked both sides.

Qing Dao\'s rest area.

Sawamura frowned: "At the speed of a little cheetah, it\'s still that much worse?"

"It seems that the opponent\'s amazing speed is not only used for stealing bases and offense. It is also very sharp for defense."

Miyuki shook his head and said.

"The White Dragon is different from the teams we played against before. It is the real top giant in the country. If we really aim at the throne of the national hegemon, it is the mountain we must climb over."

Chris said flatly.

Miyuki and Sawamura looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Yes, there are many giants in the country. But it is not to say that all the national giants are on the cusp of the limelight.

Are the national giants strong now? After all, it still depends on whether you have good seedlings this year and whether you have exercised well.

National giants, well-trained, strong, and successful teams are called the top giants in the country!

After all, although there are not many schools with good money, in a country with a population of hundreds of millions, there are still hundreds of them.

Even in such a national giant, there are strong and weak. There are only twenty or thirty people who can really be called the top giants in the country. The top giants in the country do not mean that you are rich enough. You also need to have excellent supervision, excellent supporting facilities, excellent coaches, and excellent team members!

Others, the difference between the various giants is not particularly big. The most important thing is the last point, good players.

This is the case with White Dragon Academy. There are several star players in this team.

The speed of the white dragon player really startled the friends of Qingdao High School. Similarly, Kuangchi\'s astonishing base stealing also shocked Bailong!

White Dragon\'s rest area.

Supervisor Sasaki looked at the numbers on the stopwatch in his hand in disbelief.

3 seconds 78!

This is the speed at first base after Kuramochi hits.

The White Dragons have always dominated the world with their speed. And Kuramochi was 0.3 seconds faster than the average speed of the White Dragons.

In the White Dragons team, in terms of speed, the one who can definitely outperform Kuramochi is Meima. The best of the others are similar to Kuramochi, or even a little slower than him.

"I didn\'t expect that there are runners of this level in the Qingdao team. It\'s really surprising."

Once out, no one hits base.

It was Ryosuke Kominato\'s turn to strike.

With Kuramochi\'s lessons learned, although Miyano Shin still appeared to be harmless to humans and animals, Ryosuke Kominato showed a hideous face to him.


"The outside world!!"


"The outside world!!!"

Up to now, I have been entangled with eight balls, two good and three bad, and the number of **** is full.

On the pitcher mound, Miyano\'s originally harmless little face gradually stiffened.

Not to mention the batters after Qingdao High School, just look at the first two of them, they are too capable of bullying!

A terrifyingly fast, obviously bounced ball from the front of third base, but he was two steps short of hitting base!

This one doesn\'t give in at all. No matter what ball he throws, as long as the ball falls in the strike zone, he will greet you out of bounds.

"Too bullying, too bullying!"

Do not erupt in silence, die in silence.

Miyano Shin, who was forced into a blind spot, threw a ball in a huff.

On the strike area, Ryosuke Kominato still smiled harmlessly, and then swung his bat.

Aim the bat at the baseball and pull the ball out of bounds!

The bat swung, and the baseball fell!


Ryosuke Kominato swung his bat in vain.

The originally harmless smile froze on Ryosuke Kominato\'s face.

Just now, cross the ball!

"It\'s troublesome now!"

Before, in the information collected by Qingdao, there was never a record of Miyano\'s new cross ball!

If this ball is not a coincidence, then in this game, it is really not easy for the batters of Qingdo High School to conquer Miyano Shin.

"strike out!"

Two outs with no one on base.

"The third stick, the backbone, Jun Isashiki."

At this time, it was Jun Isashiki\'s turn to strike.

"Screw you!"

Unlike Kuramochi and Ryosuke Kominato, Jun Isashiki swung the bat immediately after he got up, sending the ball flying high.


The outfielder, waiting under the baseball early, confiscates the ball in his glove.


In the second half of the round, Qing Dao attacked.

Three up and three down!

Even at this time, Miyano still looked harmless to humans and animals. Qing Dao high school friends look at him differently!