Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 95: : Hit and run!

Focus on the hitters!

It is already two outs now, as long as Bai Long\'s four sticks can be resolved, everything is not a problem. 【】

In the face of Mei Ma\'s amazing performance on base, Miyuki chose to ignore it. He only considers the most important issues in this situation.

That\'s how to get the last out.

Although it is not a good choice to fight with the four sticks of White Dragon College, but there is no other good way now. Whether it is Miyuki or Danbo, they are not the kind of people who are willing to walk the batter easily. Rather than putting them in a more favorable situation, walking the batter will hurt their confidence. Speaking of which, the pitchers of Qingdao High School seem to have this virtue. Except for Kawakami, whoever recommends others will inevitably be affected.

In view of this situation, no matter whether the catcher is Chris or Miyuki, they generally do not choose to walk the batter.

Now, in this situation, I can only think about how to solve it, the fourth best of White Dragon Academy!

bring it on!

Miyuki\'s ball distribution was quite tough, and he didn\'t flinch in the face of fourth-ranked Takehara.

"Look at me?"

Mima was at second base, so Miyuki and Danba should be very cautious about the ball distribution. But watching them match the ball, they didn\'t seem to have any scruples.

You must know that at the speed of Meima, he only needs to hit one hit, and it is enough for Meima to run back from second base!

In this case, Qingdao High School still has such a tough ball. That means they are determined to strike out, or get themselves out.

"It\'s really been underestimated."

On the first pitch, Danbo threw a high drop.

In the face of this ball, Wu Yuan did not swing, he chose to let it go.

"nice shot!"

It was precisely after watching this ball that Takehara understood the countermeasures of Miyuki and Tanba Koichiro.

They made up their minds, they had to deal with themselves!

With the bat in his hand raised high, Wu Yuan\'s feeling on the strike zone changed. It is no longer the gentleness before, it has become aggressive.

Tanba and Miyuki couldn\'t help but ignore such a sense of presence.

The hitter is serious!

Not only the batter, but at the second base position, Mei Ma also began to act.

As if taking a walk, he quietly left the bag at second base and moved to third base.

Want to steal bases?

This posture is too obvious, so obvious that Miyuki can\'t even pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Do you want to remind Danbo to hold him back?

This question swirled in Miyuki\'s mind, and was eventually rejected by him.

Now that he has two outs, as long as he gets one out, it will be useless even if he steals home plate.

And whether it is second base or third base, as long as Wu Yuan can get a hit, Mei Ma can almost run back. So it doesn\'t matter if he\'s on second base or third base.

Or focus on dealing with the batter!

Seeing Miyuki\'s code, on the pitcher\'s mound, Danbo nodded slightly and pitched the ball.


A bad ball with a high inside corner of the ball!

In the face of this ball, Wu Yuan stood up and did not swing.

At the same time as Danbo pitched, Mima moved and went straight for third base.

Fast, fast! Fly like a bullet.

In fact, the moment before Danbo was ready to vote, Meima was already accelerating.

"Snatch away!"

At times like this, stealing bases is extremely dangerous.

At the outfielder\'s position, Sawamura\'s eyes almost straightened. The beautiful horse itself is fast, and now with the rush, I am afraid it is difficult for even Miyuki to stop it.

Isn\'t he afraid of Danbo\'s containment?

In the position of the catcher, Miyuki saw Mima\'s actions, but he didn\'t say anything.

At this time, the United States and horses seem to have run away, and there is a possibility of being pinned out. But it\'s not

The timing of his choice can be said to be just right.

At that time, although Danba hadn\'t stepped on his feet yet, if Miyuki opened his mouth, it would take time for Danba to react. And he, who is ready to pitch, may not be able to react.

After all, Miyuki responded and shouted, it also took time.

Even if Miyuki shouted, Danbo reacted, and Mima could jump back. After all, he was only accelerating slowly, not starting to run at full speed.

Judging this, Miyuki shuddered at the timing of Bailong\'s stealing.

But in the same way, Miyuki also knew that it was definitely too late to remind Danbo. Instead, Danbo will be more distracted to pay attention to the runners!

Not worth it!

It might as well be that after Danbo shot the ball, he tried to see if he could block Mei Ma. Or simply let the American horse go to third base, anyway, they are fighting to the death with four. Second base and third base are not much different.

Out of this consideration, although Miyuki saw Mima\'s stealing base, he did not remind Danbo that Danbo still pitched at his own pace.

This ball, Wu Yuan did not swing.


After Miyuki caught the ball, he passed the ball to third base like a laser beam.


Masuko catches the ball and prepares to touch Mei Ma. But Mima was one step ahead and went to base ahead of schedule.


After two outs, Mei was at third base right away.

At this time, Danbo realized that Mima had just stolen the base.

So fast!

His ball speed is not slow, coupled with Miyuki\'s restraint. The pass is at third base, which is also closer to second base.

Even so, it still failed to stop the United States from stealing bases.

This guy is too fast!

The presence of the beautiful horse after the base is too strong. Even if others want to ignore, it is difficult.

"Concentrate on the batter!"

Seeing Tanba frequently looking at Mima, Miyuki had a bad premonition in his heart. He directly reminded Danbo that now is not the time to pay attention to runners, the most important thing is to deal with batters.

As long as the batter is out, the U.S. horse\'s stealing base can be ignored.

Danbo also understands this truth, but how can you make him not pay attention to the beautiful horse.

Judging from the performance just now, it is not impossible for Meima to steal the home plate directly from the third base.

How can you deregulate the US and Malaysia?

And the U.S. horse is not close to the third base bag.

This is obviously ready to steal bases!



In the face of such a beautiful horse, Danbo directly threw a diversion ball.

It\'s just that Mei Ma\'s actions are not slow, and he was psychologically prepared for Danbo\'s containment. Seeing Danbo in action, he rushed back.

"Ignore the runners and focus on the batters!"

Miyuki himself didn\'t know how many times he reminded Danbo, but it seemed that Danbo didn\'t listen much.

In the strike zone, Wu Yuan sneered.

Fish, hooked!

Facing Danbo\'s pitch, Takehara swung the bat directly.


The white ball was hit and rolled towards the third baseman and shortstop.

Masuko threw a little but didn\'t make it, and the baseball landed.

At the same time as the ball was hit, Mei Ma also ran to the home plate at full speed. At the same time, Takehara threw away his bat and ran to first base.

Hit and plus double run!

After two outs, any one out can end the White Dragon\'s attack in this round.

But in the face of such a situation, Bai Long did not hesitate to steal both bases.

"To hit such a difficult place!"

While complaining, Kuramochi caught up with the ball and picked it up.

"Pass first base!"

At this time, it was too late to pass home base, and Miyuki called out first base directly.


Kuramochi swiftly sent the ball to first base and wrapped it into Tetsuya\'s glove.

It\'s just that he is fast, and someone is faster than him. The fourth stick, Wu Yuan, was an instant faster than the white ball and hit the base.

In the first half of the first game, Qing Dao was one point behind.