Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 95: : Daydreamer

pps: I\'m sorry, something was delayed in the morning, and all updates will be put in the evening, with no less than 12,000 words guaranteed. Another point, don\'t waste your monthly pass, we all have red envelopes these days. Everyone can go to collect, 500 starting coins, you can watch for a few days! If this is not finished, the bear will be very embarrassed.


Sawamura, who had already reached the first base, did not look happy.

On the contrary, he looked at Narutomiya on the pitcher mound with a ghostly expression on his face. With his mental age, very few things can make him like this.

But now that\'s what happened.

Tokyo Prince Naomiya Naruto, the man who has been known as the No. 1 left pitcher in Kanto since he was a child.

Did you give yourself away?

No matter what Sawamura thought about this matter, it was strange.

Sawamura was very caught off guard.

After waiting for him to be escorted, he stood on the base, and it was Miyuki\'s turn to strike.

Sawamura still couldn\'t believe it all.

If it is said that before today\'s game, someone suddenly told Sawamura Eijun that Narimiya Ming might walk you during the game.

Nasawamura must have spit the man out with a mouthful of saliva.

If he said he didn\'t understand others, if he wanted to say Cheng Gongming, then he knew it very well.

Anyone else could recommend him, but Cheng Gongming would never do that.

But God just made such a joke with him, and Cheng Gongming just walked him away.

And not only did he walk him, he was still acting after the walk.

The superb acting skills can even win a golden statuette at the Oscars.

At this time, Sawamura Eijun even had to doubt himself.

Are you confused? Or was Cheng Gongming\'s core replaced by someone else?

No matter how you look at it, it\'s kind of weird.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Someone had told him in a previous life when he was chatting with Eijun Sawamura.

This world is very cruel and very realistic. The pie suddenly falls from the sky. Nine times out of ten, it is not a good thing.

Narimiya Ming chose to walk Sawamura, was he scared by his pitching? Or was it influenced by something else?

Can\'t say anything about this.

It\'s a little bit scratching my head when I can\'t figure out what abacus the other party is playing.

But no matter how you think about it, since the other party has paid such a huge price, there must be a bigger plan.

What are they plotting?

What else is there for the Qingdao High School baseball team to contemplate?

After such an analysis, the answer is very simple.

The reason why Nagiya Ming didn\'t even want face, he forced Sawamura Eijun to walk.

Its purpose should be only one, and that is to prevent the Qingdo High School baseball team from scoring.

No matter how they designed it or what their specific plans were, the ultimate goal must be this.

In this way, the selection of the Qingdao High School baseball team is actually very simple.

No matter what, they can\'t make the other party happy, no matter what dreams they have, they must be smashed to him.

Sawamura Eijun gave Miyuki a wink to the blow, and then the whole person put on a stance of actively stealing bases.

In the face of Sawamura Eijun\'s statement, Narnomiya on the pitcher\'s mound didn\'t care at all.

He knew too well the level of Sawamura Eijun. With his starting speed like a tortoise, he still wanted to steal the base in front of Narunomiya Naruto and Tadanoki?

It\'s just a fool\'s dream!

As long as Sawamura Eijun really dares to do this, they will definitely deal with him without hesitation and without hesitation.

And they also believed that Sawamura was definitely not such a reckless man.

It is not a day or two that we have been dealing with each other, who still doesn\'t know who?

The reason why Sawamura Eijun put on such a state is nothing more than to distract Narnomiya Ming.

How could they possibly please Sawamura Eijun.

With such a plan, when Naru Gongmin pitched the ball, he didn\'t even use his eyes to contain Sawamura.

He believed that Sawamura Eijun would not dare to move.

Although Tadanoki, who was in the position of the catcher, had the same idea, he did not relax his vigilance against Sawamura Eijun.

No way, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Those who are familiar with Sawamura Eijun\'s information will definitely know his past record, but this guy is famous for his unconventional play.

The more others think it\'s impossible, the more likely Sawamura will do it.

So even though he knew that Sawamura wouldn\'t really steal the base, he was still wary.

bring it on!

All preparations are made, and Tadano tree is ready to catch the ball.

Narutomiya on the pitcher mound, after walking Sawamura Eijun, the whole person seems to have opened some kind of shackles in his body and let go completely.

When facing Miyuki, he can also throw the ball calmly.

And when pitching, he didn\'t evade in the slightest, but chose a head-to-head matchup.


The white ball that flew out was like a sharp arrow, interspersed.

When Miyuki on the strike zone saw this ball, his eyes were slightly stunned.

A pitcher is forced to throw four bad shots. As long as there is no pit in his mind, the pitching will generally be affected.

This is the case with normal pitchers, not to mention the grumpy Naruto.

But his pitching has not only not been affected, but has become sharper?

This is clearly abnormal, and very abnormal.

At this time, Miyuki received another code from Sawamura Eijun.

Although he still can\'t figure out the players in the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team, what kind of fascination do they have? But Miyuki can be sure that Sawamura\'s strategy is correct. No matter what the players of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team plan, as long as the Qingdao High School baseball team can score when it\'s time to score, that\'s enough.

After careful consideration of the pros and cons, I thought that Sawamura Eijun\'s suggestion was very good Miyuki, and decided to act according to the plan.

Before the summer competition, Qingdo High School had prepared several secret weapons in consideration of the various difficulties that might be encountered, including Sawamura Eijun\'s grade 4 changing ball.

Not to mention that there is a good opportunity in front of you, a good opportunity to score points in one fell swoop.

Miyuki Kazuya\'s eyes narrowed, staring at Narimiya Naruto\'s pitch seriously.

Just the first ball, he chose to let go. Now Nagiya Ming and the others are leading with a strike, and they have the initiative on the court.

What will they do next?

Miyuki\'s brain was running wildly, and he soon came to the answer.

In the case of a strike lead, judging from the habits of Tadanoki and Narimiya, they will never give up.

Whenever possible, they will certainly expand their advantage.

Again and again, again and again, step by step.


Miyuki had just thought of something when the white ball flew over. Looking at the momentum and posture of the baseball coming, Miyuki felt a bit stronger than when the first ball came.

Even if the two sides have different positions, as opponents. Yuyuki also had to sigh with emotion, Naruto Ming\'s pitching was really good!

Clean, neat, and smart!

To be honest, if Yu Koichi also faced off against Nagiya Ming, he was actually not sure that he would be able to knock out Nagiya Ming\'s ball.

Strictly speaking, the two of them are only half a pound...

It\'s hard to say who wins and who loses head-on head-to-head.

It even felt that Miyuki was slightly inferior.

Don\'t look at the fact that the two people\'s names are half a catty and eight taels, and they are evenly matched.

But don\'t forget that Nagiya Ming is a very famous baseball star since his middle school days. At that time, Yu Xing was still a bit famous in the professional circle, and there was absolutely no way to compare with Cheng Gongming.

As the saying goes, people are better than people, and goods should be thrown away.

From this point of view, Miyuki is not as strong as Narutomiya.

If it was going to be a head-to-head confrontation, Miyuki also felt a little guilty.

Fortunately, he didn\'t have to make such a choice, and he didn\'t need to face off against Cheng Gongming.

He just needs to hit the ball where he wants to be.


Miyuki unceremoniously swung the bat.

The second ball that Naigong Ming threw over was drawn out.

The hit baseball rolled toward third base.

The third baseman of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team was very excited when he saw the ball.

Immediately rushed up, ready to catch the ball and pass first base.

The results should be pretty good.

Although he was not able to take the kill directly, it was not difficult to ban Miyuki out of the game.

The Daocheng third baseman thought so and did so.

But at the moment he caught the ball, he suddenly saw the catcher in front of him, hesitating to say anything.

What\'s wrong with Tada?

This thought flashed through Daocheng\'s third baseman\'s mind.

Because Tadanoki did not give any detailed instructions, he still passed the ball to first base according to his original plan.



All of this is taken for granted. With Miyuki Kazuya\'s speed, it is impossible for him to hit third base and hit the ground. Running on first base.

It\'s just that his exit doesn\'t mean the end, it\'s just the beginning.

The third baseman of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team turned around to prepare to return to third base, and then he saw a very incredible scene.

At second base, a man rushed to third base at a rapid pace.

He was very fast, and now he has left second base, at least more than ten meters.

Oh my god!

Seeing this, the eyes of the third baseman of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team almost popped out.

Why did Eijun Sawamura, who was originally at the first base, appear there?

How could he be so fast!

Because of Miyuki\'s everyone\'s eyes were focused on Miyuki.

Few people on the court really noticed how Sawamura Eijun crossed the 40-meter distance.


The third baseman desperately rushed in the direction of third base, but he was not optimistic.

By the time he returned to third base, the daylilies were probably cold.

Although he was able to get to third base, it was impossible for him to catch the ball and touch it.

Fortunately, someone moved faster than him, and that was Baihe.

Bai He went to the third base to fill up, and no matter what, he had to kill this daring guy here.
